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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Strider

    Rock Music

    Sounds like someone has a term paper due and wants others to do the hard work for them, haha. In musical terms: In sociological terms:
  2. There is a Harvest Moon tonight! http://earthsky.org/space/harvest-moon-2 "Who named the Harvest Moon? That name probably sprang to the lips of farmers throughout the Northern Hemisphere, on autumn evenings, as the Harvest Moon aided in bringing in the crops. The name was popularized in the early 20th century by the song below. Shine On Harvest Moon By Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth (1903) Shine on, shine on harvest moon Up in the sky, I ain’t had no lovin’ Since January, February, June or July Snow time ain’t no time to stay Outdoors and spoon, So shine on, shine on harvest moon, For me and my gal."
  3. ^^^ He's asking for the "best version"...YouTube does not provide the best audio quality. Go with Sue's answer, godzilla777.
  4. ^^^ It's not that slippery a slope. I mean, as early as 1972 they were already composing stuff like Rain Song, No Quarter, and The Song Remains the Same. So I'm not buying the line that the drugs and turmoil were needed to come up with Kashmir or In the Light. Page and Plant had already been to Bombay and travelled afar, so their interest in North African and Middle Eastern music was known. Plant's accident in Greece was nearly fatal. No song or album is worth death. For all we know, Presence might have been a better album had there been NO accident. All I was saying in the first place was imagine the 1977 tour with the fast-and-fluid Jimmy of March 1973...picture how amazing Achilles Last Stand would sound. Back on the subject of the European Tour of 1973, is Hamburg the consensus favourite? I, myself, prefer Offenburg a tad more, even though it's lacking Dancing Days. Jimmy's guitar sounds razor sharp, and I like the atmosphere you get with the audience tape, which is a little rough at the start but clears up once Over the Hills and Far Away begins. I have always felt there has to be a Soundboard of Offenburg out there...if not the whole show, then the same Dazed, Stairway, WLL, and Heartbreaker segment that showed up on the Soundboard Platter release. I mean, if Essen and Hamburg Soundboards exist, why not Offenburg? My top 3 European '73 shows: 1. Offenburg 2. Hamburg 3. Vienna
  5. Missed this thread the first time around, which is just as well for I was spared the idiocy of some former members. Much debate over the issue of Robert's voice and the way he changed the vocal melody line. To me, if the band was blazing it more than made up for the lack of Robert singing the high notes. 1973 and the first leg of 1975 is the worst of Robert's vocal struggles. 1972 has Robert singing the original melody line and lyrics, but the band doesn't play it with the full force and confidence it would later on. Jimmy especially takes a while to figure out what to do with the solo and the end. That's why I am partial to many of the 1977 performances. By this time, Robert's voice had recovered most of its power and the band was kicking ass during the jam. With the effect Jimmy used on the '77 tour, his solos were truly over the hills and far away...far away into outer space. What is interesting in reading the earlier posts about Robert's voice or lack of voice, is that among all the bitching about changing the melody line, NOT ONE PERSON mentions what I find even more puzzling: Robert completely dropping the first line of the song "Many have I loved..."! What was up with that? It sounds silly when he essentially sings the second verse twice. The allowances he made for the vocal cord surgery and the flu he had I could understand. But his utter disregard for his own lyrics was sometimes appalling. Of the 111 listed here, I only have 60, and of those 60, the one from June 22, 1977 is my favourite. Followed closely by the other LA Forum ones, 6.14.77 MSG, 3.24.73 Offenburg, 3.4.75 Dallas, 2.12.75 MSG, 3.12.75, 6.28.72 Tuscon...and a few others that I cannot recall at the moment. This statement makes no sense at all.
  6. ^^^ I hate ESPN's NFL pre-game show...too much bullshit. I took Pittsburgh but I've yet to really get a look at either team, so I'll be watching the first half at least.
  7. I picked the Steelers mainly because I cannot bring myself to trust the Bungles yet. But maybe, like KC this year, they really can turn it around.
  8. That's pretty much how I read the situation. The heart can be a fickle little muscle...it wants what it wants and often there is no rhyme or reason to it. Oh, and the sell-by date may be very short. Just have to lick your wounds and move on.
  9. Strider

    Rock Music

    Like pornography/obscenity...hard to define but you know it when you see it.
  10. So Rick, when are you getting a Manuel jersey?
  11. To be fair, Marino had way more yards, TDs, and overall wins than Kelly. I saw both QBs in person against the Raiders and Kelly was great, indeed. But Marino was off-the-charts amazing!!! Just incredible to watch. If only they had had a halfway decent running back and defense, who knows how many Super Bowls Marino could have won.
  12. ^^^ I don't know Rick. At first glance, that sounds good. Last year, Seattle won their home games by an average of 18 points. But Carroll doesn't have a grudge against Jacksonville like he does against Harbough. I'm worried Seattle will ease off the pedal once they get up two touchdowns and allow Jacksonville a couple late cheap scores to blow the spread. Plus, there's the possibility of a Seattle emotional letdown after last night's huge win.
  13. Larry Csonka vs. OJ Simpson. That's the Dolphins-Bills rivalry I remember. The great Dolphins O-line and the trio of Csonka, Kiick, and Morris against The Juice and the Electric Company. That's what I first think of when I hear Dolphins-Bills. Then comes the Marino vs. Kelly matchups.
  14. Hey, it happens. I picked SF too...although I didn't think the 49ers would blow them out. If nothing else, I think we all have December 8 circled on our calendar now.
  15. I know football season has begun in earnest when Paul posts Dolphin cheerleader photos.
  16. Paul, just to clarify...if you 'lay' the points, that means you're taking the favourite. If you 'take' the points, you're going with the underdog. Ummm...what happened?
  17. Strider

    NFLZ Sportbook

    Thanks Rick...your Bills came thru for me! Hope you had a good time at the game. I'm waiting until after MNF to make my bet, too.
  18. Like No Quarter and SIBLY, Thank You was one of those songs that always sounded great in concert. Plus, each one would always be just a little different than the one before. So to pick a favourite version is always tough, as there are so many to choose from, each with their own strong points to recommend them...whether it's Jimmy's solo, or the way Bonzo plays during the solo(like the way he goes berzerk on 6/25/72) or the sublime way the band handles the outro. Giving it some thought, here is my Top 10. 1. 6.25.72 LA Forum. For obvious reasons. 2. 4.1.71 Paris Theatre, London. BBC Sessions. 3. 6.3.73 LA Forum. For obvious reasons. 4. 9.19.70 MSG evening show. 5. 8.31.71 Orlando. 6. 9.4.70 LA Forum. 7. 9.29.71 Osaka. 8. 1.22.73 Southampton, UK. Love the different feel the mellotron adds. 9. 3.7.70 Montreux. 10. 3.21.70 Vancouver. Favourite post-Zeppelin Thank You: 5.16.95 LA Forum. Page & Plant Un-ledded Tour. The way the band was cooking in March 1973, I always felt it was a shame the band didn't add Thank You to the set as an encore during those German shows.
  19. Amstel pretty much nailed it...that 1973 Hamburg show is Hotter than a Hindenburg! The '73 Offenburg show is another scorcher...the best audience tape of the tour. To put it another way, imagine the Led Zeppelin of Germany 1973...or 1971...playing a 1975 or 1977 setlist?
  20. Well, the EVSD set I have contains both the afternoon and evening shows on four discs and it's called Silently Praying for Jimi.
  21. So last year we had 11 participants. Who are the missing people from last season? Arcane29 Beckenbauer Black Dawg in_the_evening Rick, wasn't Arcane29 a Buffalo fan too? Maybe you can track him down? Nervous about many games tomorrow: Denver @ Giants San Francisco @ Seattle Dallas @ Kansas City New Orleans @ Tampa Bay Pittsburgh @ Cincinnati Detroit @ Arizona Minnesota @ Chicago
  22. I have three versions of the 9/19/70 evening show and they all sound pretty smilar in quality. There is only so much you can do to the tape in the state it was in after sitting in a closet for 30 years. 1. "Requiem" 2. "One More For the Road" 3. "Silently Praying for Jimi"
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