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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Alison may indeed be on some of the tracks...Robert doesn't say in the article. What we do know is that these were songs that Robert recorded with Buddy Miller, so it may be something more along the lines of Band of Joy 2, rather than Raising Sand 2. Same bunch of stellar Nashville musicians. Not quite accurate...you make it sound as if Alison left Robert standing at the altar. It was more a case of things not jelling the way Robert wanted on the second go-around and both parties mutually agreeing to shelve it at that time. Plant moved on to form Band of Joy, and Alison was free to rejoin her Union Station mates. I'm not buying Robert being dismissive of Alison Krauss. He has more tact and class than that. I don't care what some fly-by-night Aussie interviewer claims. We've all seen Robert's quirky sense of humour misinterpreted before. I wouldn't be surprised to see Robert and Alison record something in the future...their voices are a match made in heaven. Not that Patty Griffin is chopped liver...hell, get all three of them together in a studio!!!
  2. From what he said in yesterday's article, it looks like we'll get both in due time...if you count the 20 Buddy Miller tracks as Raising Sand II.
  3. Way to get my hopes up, OP...here I thought Jimmy's solo album "No Progress" was imminent. Come to think of it, "No Progress" would make a good title for a record.
  4. Well, Jimmy did pinch a loaf this morning. That's doing something. That's because he's got plenty of time as he ain't doing anything. Steady, man...steady.
  5. The answer is in the interview I posted earlier today in the Sensational Space Shifters North America Dates thread.
  6. Did the Orioles decide to start their all-star break early? Damn, I was hoping the O's would sweep Texas...or at least take 2 of 3.
  7. Thanks for posting that list, Glyn. I meant to mark the original post for reference, but forgot. Now I don't have to slog backwards thru time. But what about the gear used to record shows pre-1973? It's astonishing to hear some of those poor 1973 or 1971 soundboards and then hear some amazing soundboard from 1969. I'm sure Bill Graham/Wolfgang had his own setup at the Fillmore/Winterland venues. But did Led Zeppelin use their own setup to record the shows or just use Bill's machines? Note to chillumpuffer: Led Zeppelin did release a live album before the 1977 tour: The Song Remains the Same, which came out in 1976.
  8. Been immersing myself in a bunch of 1969 shows, thanks to some recent acquisitions...some upgrades, some I got just to have extra copies just in case. Been listening in chronological order: February 14, 1969 Thee Image Club, Miami March 14, 1969 Koncerthuset, Stockholm, Sweden April 26, 1969 Winterland, San Francisco April 27, 1969 Fillmore West, San Francisco December 6, 1969 Ecole Centrale, Chatenay-Malabry, France Wild and raw. This was when Jimmy Page could really shred; before the drugs took its toll. In fact, whenever I run into some doubter who says Jimmy couldn't shred, I put on "Killing Floor" from Thee Image Club. Case closed. I might be back with thoughts about each individual show...if I remember. Jimmy + Dragon Tele + Rickenbacker amps = SCORCHING HOT TONE!!!
  9. In anticipation of the impending shows in Colorado, Kentucky, Atlanta and elsewhere, there was this article in Billboard yesterday(and syndicated across the land). Robert Plant Rearranges Led Zeppelin Songs for the Road http://m.billboard.com/articles/news/1569389/robert-plant-rearranges-led-zeppelin-songs-for-the-road As for the Los Angeles producer Robert Plant coyly refuses to name, I can only hope that it is musician/producer extraordinaire, Jon Brion. Alas, from the thread below it appears it's Daniel Lanois.
  10. The key will be making RR happy. If Stevens can get Rondo's trust and develop a good relationship with him, that'll help Stevens during the inevitable losing streak. As for Brooklyn, they're really going for broke. But it's a big "if" to think KG and PP can stay healthy at this point in their careers. I foresee a Laker-type scenario unfolding in Brooklyn. I don't care how much cap space the Lakers clear, they aren't going anywhere with Jim Buss and D'Antoni still around and in charge.
  11. Strider


    I must try to find their commentary on YouTube. Arm broken by a swan? Given the many times Our Tim folded under pressure, Tim Henman strikes me as the kind of man who would get his arm broken by a swan.
  12. The opening shot in "Star Wars"(1977) will always be one of the great moments in cinematic history. Everyone knows Han Solo shot first. No amount of George Lucas tomfoolery will change that. Boba Fett is overrated.
  13. People in Houston listen to vinyl. While in Houston, my friend took me to three record shops...there would have been a fourth, but it was closed on the day we went. The three we shopped at were Cactus Music, Vinyl Edge, and Black Dog Records. Black Dog was the best, and not just because they had, by far, the best Led Zeppelin section, including some rare goodies. The owners Cliff and Brent are nice guys and fun to talk with. Unfortunately I was so enraptured looking through their selection and conversing, that I forgot to take any photos. All I got was one exterior shot. These others are from Vinyl Edge in "The Heights" part of Houston.
  14. Sorting through my Houston road trip photos, and thought I'd post the last meal I had in Texas. Everywhere you go in Texas, you see these Whataburger places. Before crossing the state line into New Mexico, I finally decided to take the plunge and try it out. Turns out...nothing special. Just another fast-food joint.
  15. What a touching story. Mouthwatering, too. I'm ready for some fresh New England seafood.
  16. ^^^ Exactly. Superman has won diddly-squat. #12 should change his nickname to Big Pussy. Houston shouldn't print those NBA Finals tickets yet.
  17. You nust have had your head so deep in celebratory champagne that you didn't hear. Of course, everyone is racing to anoint the Houston Rockets before the season even starts, but let's not forget that they did the same to the Lakers last year. How did that work out? As for the Lakers, they'll be hard-pressed to win 35-40 games. Playoffs are not in their future. What is in their future is MAJOR CAP SPACE for the 2014 free agent market and a high first-round draft pick for a change. So I am perfectly fine with the Lakers tanking this season and getting set up for the following year. In fact, I hope Kobe takes the entire season off, like Derrick Rose, and get 100% healthy for 2014. What about this new Boston Celtic coach from Butler, Brad Stevens? The track record for college coaches making the jump to the NBA ain't too hot.
  18. It's "blow". You're deaf if you hear otherwise.
  19. My waitress the other day had a Zeppelin tattoo. By the way, there were seven or eight different tattoo threads that I had to navigate and decide which one to post on. This is what the search function is for, people...there's no need for seven tattoo threads.
  20. Now that the draft is over and the Heat have repeated as champions, it's time to focus on the coming season and who really has a shot at knocking off the Miami Heat. How will Oklahoma City and the LA Clippers shoot themselves in the foot this year? Oh, and Dwight? Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Perhaps now we can get rid of all these silly signs that sprung up around L.A. This Wednesday is the day...on your marks...
  21. No problem Virginia...I certainly understand your dilemma and therefore don't begrudge the fact you fell asleep. It's not that great a movie, with only Daniel Day Lewis and Sally Fields performances to recommend it. It'll drift off into the murky depths of time like other heavily-praised bio-pics with a short shelf-life: Gandhi, The Aviator, Nixon, etc.
  22. Strider


    Well, all things considered, a lackluster Wimbledon this year....unless you were one of those English manaically cheering on Andy to end the male drought. Virginia Wade did her part in 1977, although to hear most of the media you wouldn't know it. At least now with Andy Murray's victory, the UK media can get back to less hyperventilating and more even-handed Wimbledon coverage next year. Yeah, right.
  23. A great haul at the record swap meet today. I cannot show all of what I got, as some are presents for friends here. Here is the Zeppelin-related part of my purchases...
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