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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Black Dawg, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it looks like more turmoil and trouble in Ravens-land: http://m.espn.go.com/nfl/story?storyId=9278165 I cannot remember a Super Bowl Champion having such a turbulent off-season. Can you?
  2. The ski season in Southern California was ABYSMAL this year! I'm heading to New England in July...any chance the slopes will still be open?
  3. Quite a stunner to read about Angelina Jolie's decision to have a preemptive double-mastectomy. I would think there is many differing points of view and emotions among the women here. I know several women who have gone through breast cancer and mainly their reaction has been positive and supportive. For those who haven't seen it yet, here is Jolie's original op-ed piece in yesterday's New York Times: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/05/14/opinion/my-medical-choice.html Here is a reaction piece from this morning's NPR: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/05/15/184166941/angelina-jolies-mastectomy-decision-and-weighing-cancer-risks
  4. No, I sleep in the bed. Is it my imagination or is our esteemed Mr. White on a quest to rescue every thread from the dead?
  5. ^^^ Looks like Arsenal put an end to your hopes.
  6. KF, is it me or does that photo you posted seem photoshopped? Something about her head doesn't jibe with the rest of her body...it looks too large. Good grief Walter, I've heard of planning ahead but Halloween is still five months away and you're already preparing your costume? You must have been an Eagle Scout. In life, as in pizza, one should always hold the anchovies. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to wash my dirty shorts. I had no idea Rick had immersed himself in my dirty laundry.
  7. "Goodfellas" was a bit more than just a great cast...great script, editing, score, etc. Pacino is a great actor, but to me, "Scarface" is his Tempe 1977.
  8. Since it's already the 15th where slave to zep is, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Jules! I'm sure your hubby has a wonderful day planned for you. Best wishes. Cheers!
  9. So that's what's been causing the trail of broken hearts in your wake.
  10. Who gets whacked first: Don Mattingly or Mike Scioscia?
  11. Washington 6, Dodgers 2...see ebk, told you there was nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, the Yankees swept Kansas City over the weekend, so of course the Royals come in and humiliate the Angels 11-4.
  12. Now that was stellar, man, just stellar!
  13. The on-stage amp setup was the same for all the 1977 shows but the PA system was definitely bigger for the big dome(Pontiac, Seattle) and outdoor stadium(Tampa, Oakland) concerts.
  14. This is the LIVE section of the Forum...hence, we can dispense with the studio version right off the bat. There's also a helluva lot more "Rock and Roll" performances than the four you listed above. This will take some time, although I think I can dispense with all the 1975 performances as most of the R & R drum solos from that tour seemed slow and leaden compared to the best of 1971-73 and 1977. Maybe the fact that "Sick Again" was linked with "Rock and Roll" for the 1975 tour caused the drum solo to suffer. It's a slower song(especially the opening) than "Celebration Day", which was the link for the 1973 U.S. tour, and also, partly because of Plant's vocal problems in 1975, the 1975 R & Rs tended to be played more lethargically anyway. Check the 1975 timings against the 1972 or even 1977 timings and you'll see what I mean. Talk about a trainspotter's delight...
  15. For those Zeppelin fans living in the Los Angeles area(especially the Westside), the American Cinematheque is having another screening of Led Zeppelin's "Celebration Day" at their Aero Theatre in Santa Monica on Saturday, May 25, 2013. It is being shown with Jimi Hendrix's complete Woodstock performance. Here's the scoop, complete with trailers: http://www.americancinemathequecalendar.com/content/hendrix-70-live-at-woodstock-led-zeppelin-celebration-day The previous day, Friday May 24, they are showing the restored and unedited Paul McCartney's "Rockshow", shot on the 1976 Wings Over America tour, which was my first Paul McCartney concert. http://www.americancinemathequecalendar.com/content/rockshow-0 See you all there!
  16. The current issue of Mojo has a review of the album, a brief interview with Bobby Gillespie and also a bit with Plant about how the whole collaboration came about. I haven't bought the album yet but soon, very soon.
  17. Amen to that, Rick. That's one of the reasons I've been away from the forum lately...most of my spare time is focused on the Kings and the Stanley Cup playoffs. Given how difficult it has been for any team in all four major sports to repeat as champions, I know this year will be harder than last season. But at least the Kings didn't flame out in the first round. Now if the Ducks can only win Game 7 against Detroit, we'll have the first playoff meeting between the Kings and the Ducks. And I like our chances against the Ducks. GO KINGS GO!!!
  18. Strider


    I didn't say it wasn't...I wasn't criticizing you.
  19. Ha! 19 other teams in the Premier League would have killed to have him as their manager. Sounds like sour grapes.
  20. Since the other thread was misleading and indifferently titled, it made sense to me to create an actual Mother's Day thread for today, Sunday May 12 (in the U.S., Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May). For all you Mom's out there that loved and raised your children, thank you and Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy your day with your family...or away from the family in peace and solitude if that be your preference.
  21. Umm, yeah...that is why I wrote "coming too soon after "Goodfellas" and other movies where he played similar loud-mouthed, short-tempered characters". I blow hot-and cold on "Casino". There are parts that I think are better than anything in "Goodfellas" and the period design and look of the film is often astounding. But "Goodfellas" as a whole still resonates more with me than "Casino". There are flaws in "Goodfellas", but they aren't as numerous or as detrimental to the enjoyment of the film as the ones in "Casino". As always, in my opinion.
  22. Since that HMV box came out in 1988, then it probably sounds like shit, as that was before Page and Marino went in and cleaned up the dodgy cd releases that were originally issued by Atlantic in the 80s. Doesn't appear all that essential...even that Chris Welch article can be found elsewhere.
  23. Interesting how the AL East standings look the same as it ever was: Yankees, Red Sox and Orioles at the top. All that talk about Toronto and Tampa Bay looks to be hogwash so far. Freaking Angels are killing me...first the Lakers, now these clowns are a fucking disgrace. Scioscia has to be on the verge of being fired...this is too many seasons in a row now where it's the same slow, sluggish, underwhelming start to a season and getting down double-digit games in the division. I don't want to hear about injuries and slumps...all teams have those and the well-managed ones fight through those things. Look at the Yankees. The biggest indictment against the Angels so far is that they even have trouble beating the Astros, the worst team in the League. If they cannot even muster the spirit and effort to beat the dregs of the league, why should I put forth the money and effort to follow them this season. The way things are going, the Angels might be mathematically eliminated from the postseason by June.
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