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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Agree. At this point, the guitarists I am interested in seeing on stage with Robert are Justin Adams and Liam Tyson.
  2. Great shots, Cookie...are they yours? If so, looks like you had great seats! I finally got to see the great Seasick Steve last year at the Troubadour...alas, no John Paul Jones drop-in. But I did get to see him pull a lass up from the audience and serenade her with a song. Lovely sight...even her boyfriend approved.
  3. It's all right, people, I don't mind kipper. Probably a returning former member just trying to stir shit up. I rest easy because I know my track record here is above board and secure...I don't harrass(sexually and otherwise) people with PMs, I don't pry into people's personal lives, I don't go on witchhunts, I don't spam or post bullshit, and while I may get in an argument or two, I'm usually the first to walk away and not let it disrupt the forum. If kipper doesn't like me, fine. No skin off my back...you can't be liked by everyone anyway. I still have people mad at me for saying Major Major had as much right to be given a second chance here as Jahfin. Or Big Dan. Kipper can scream "bully" all he/she wants. Doesn't bother me and it never will. Because I know the truth says otherwise and I know most people can see that truth for themselves. If kipper had read my post a little more closely, kipper would have seen how I actually sympathize and feel sorry for Carrie. She is a woman with some talent for writing and a biting, sassy sense of humour. She could be a Nora Ephron or Elaine May, writing screenplays...and even acting in them. If she needs the money, fine, do a Star Wars sequel. But she deserves better. That's the main point I was trying to make.
  4. ...and Ewoks. Like I said in my original answer, "The Godfather" is so superior in every way that "Star Wars" isn't even in the same galaxy. Yeah, it's great as a kid...all that razzle-dazzle...but like soda pop, it's empty calories. Someone mentioned liking "Star Wars" because he was obsessed with it at age 6, which is fine. But nostalgia has its limits. "The Godfather" still carries weight and impact today...no nostalgia-haze needed. It's become known to some that I see virtually all of my movies in an actual theatre, whether it is current fare, or old and restored classic movies at the various theatres and art institutions around town. Both "The Godfather" and "Star Wars" trilogies are very popular so they are scheduled quite frequently at the local theatres...at least once a year, sometimes two or three times. So I have had the experience of seeing both "The Godfather" and "Star Wars" in the past year or two with contemporary audiences and the post-screening conversations were striking in their difference. After "The Godfather", people talked about the story, the great acting, all the great characters big and small, the parallels between the Mafia, Big Business and the Government, the struggle for immigrant communities to play by the rules without being victimized, the editing, how great it was to see a film with no cgi. Younger viewers were usually struck by how long scenes would play out without the whiplash editing pandemic in so many of today's movies. After "Star Wars", the conversations tended towards the "that was fun, but the special effects look a little dated now". Frequently the discussion moved on from the film itself to how betrayed the fans felt by George Lucas and the later prequels...and also by some of the changes he made to the original(like having Greebo shoot first instead of Han Solo). Other than from a nostalgic perspective, very little from "Star Wars" resonates today the way it did in 1977. The passage of time has only made more glaring its faults. "The Godfather" suffers none of that....as an experiment, watch it back to back with any Best Picture winner from the last 10 years. It only gains in comparison. A secondary question to ask might be what other trilogies are better than "Star Wars"? Christopher Nolan's "Batman" trilogy certainly merits mention, as does Peter Jackson's LOTR. I know some hardcore sci-fi fans that consider both the "Aliens" movies and the "Matrix" trilogy above "Star Wars". There's Sam Raimi's "Spiderman" films, the Superman and Star Trek films. All sorts of possibilities.
  5. Very true. Which is why these type of threads usually devolve into silly spats...only in this case it's the OP himself who is responsible for most of it. But maybe he cannot help himself...maybe he's Psycho? Yes, but he made many of his films in England, including the two I listed: "2001" and "A Clockwork Orange". That was what kingzoso asked for...name a film made in England.
  6. Oh please...get over your victim-hood already. You know that isn't applicable in this case and you only paint yourself as an idiot by trying to allege otherwise. What...do you want me to provide you with all the names and numbers of my gay friends? Sorry...I'm not an informer. Besides, they'd string me up if I ever passed on their information to someone as heavy-handed as you. SR is right...you need to relax. You and your buddy, kingzoso, both need to take a chill pill.
  7. It's not rude, Charles...but perhaps a sweeping over-generalization? Like Steve says, I'm not taking the fall. I did pass on my love of music and the joys of foraging thru record bins and listening to vinyl...so much so that both of my little brothers work in record stores today and have amassed quite a record collection themselves. There are other kids I've bequeathed my record-loving spirit to...and some older folks who had forgotten. I did my part.
  8. Why does the alternative have to be some comic or superhero franchise? All those fanboy movies you listed...is that all you can see Carrie in? Personally, I like to remember how good she was in "Shampoo", and think she would be great in a nice smart, witty comedy ensemble piece.
  9. ^^^ Are you seriously saying that Sagittarius Rising meant that in an offensive way? I've got news for you...the word 'gay' was around and had its own meanings and uses LONG before homosexuals appropriated it for themselves. I've asked my gay friends about this very use of the word 'gay' in the manner that SR did, and they all gave him a pass. As I stated, even they will say of something or someone: That's so gay! Try watching the Oscars or the Tony Awards with a gay crowd and you won't believe the jokes that fly. So don't feel bad, SR...my peeps in WeHo say it's nothing to get hung about.
  10. ^^^ No she is not...and I actually enjoyed her books, especially "Postcards from the Edge". Her mom, Debbie Reynolds' books are a blast, too. That's the thing...I think Carrie could do so much better...she deserves better than to whore herself out in another brainless Star Wars sequel.
  11. It's definitely on 'life-support' on this forum.
  12. ^^^ Oh relax...this is PC run amok. Christ, most of my gay friends use the word 'gay' just as Sagittarius Rising did, no harm no foul.
  13. ^^^ Dude, take a lude. I don't even know who you are so I certainly am not going to waste time holding a grudge. Did I say anything ill towards you in my first response in this thread? No, I did not. You asked for our responses as to which trilogy we thought was better: "The Godfather" or "Star Wars"? If I was nursing some grudge, as you imply, I wouldn't have bothered to read your thread, let alone reply. Another thing, for someone who claims(repetitively to the point of nausea) not to care what other people think, you sure do seem to have a thin skin, not to mention your radar constantly out for any word, good or bad, said about you. Methinks you doth protest too much. If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't have gone after Ady like that. You would have let it slide off you like water off a duck's back. Hell, Ady was only responding to someone else correctly pointing out that you were one of the people discussing "Psycho". But apparently your kingly ego can't handle the truth. David Lean...Stanley Kubrick...Alfred Hitchcock...Carol Reed...Tony Richardson...Michael Powell...Ken Loach...Mike Leigh...Danny Boyle...Nicolas Roeg...Lindsay Anderson...Stephen Frears. Just a few great directors from across the pond. Don't bother watching any of their films...your xenophobic Yahoo American mind wouldn't understand them. What's really laughable is your inclusion of George Lucas in your list of great directors. Not by any stretch is he even in the same league as Scorsese, Spielberg, Coppola and Eastwood. He was great at brand merchandising, I'll give him that. I don't care how old you are or how young, a boor is a boor, and you show all the signs of being a Grade A American boor. You're probably also a former banned member returning to troll again. Just a hunch.
  14. Hahaha, where have you been? They've done at least three different Hulk movies by now, I think. The Andrew Garfield Spiderman wasn't great, but to be honest with you, I was never much impressed with the Tobey Maguire ones either. Much more interested in the new Star Trek film, which continues on from JJ Abrams' successful reboot of a few years ago starring Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto as Kirk and Spock, respectively, during their Starfleet Academy days.
  15. Depends on the kid. When my godson was 10, we took him to see all three original Star Wars movies when they were screened at a local theatre. He liked Star Wars okay, thought Empire was better and his reaction at the end of Return of the Jedi was: What was with those gay Ewoks?
  16. WTF? How does Ady's post warrant such an attack? How ironic that you, the OP, seem to be doing as much thread-jacking and diverging as anyone else. Ady, I know he addressed his questions to you, but I hope you don't mind if I answer them, too. Since kingzoso asked, here are a few great British films that have impacted culture and are better than "Star Wars", and if not 'greater' than "The Godfather", they are at least usually among the discussion of great films. 1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 2. Lawrence of Arabia 3. Withnail & I 4. A Hard Day's Night 5. The Red Shoes 6. A Clockwork Orange 7. The Third Man 8. Bridge Over the River Kwai 9. The Long Good Friday 10. Get Carter 11. Monty Python and the Holy Grail 12. Dr. No 13. The Up films 14. The 39 Steps Those are just a few...
  17. Cannot wait to hear Rick's bitching about the refs in tonight's Clipper loss. Same old Clippers. Chris Paul is the only one with heart...the rest are playing like pussies. It's like Charles Barkley said: CP is Michael Jackson and he's playing with a bunch of Titos. So far Clips have no answer for the tandem of Gasol and Randolph. Meanwhile, while all the other teams are still flailing away, the 'old' San Antonio Spurs will have at least a week's rest before the start of the next series, be it against Golden State or Denver. Those wiley old Spurs, hehe.
  18. For a time, there was also a Bleeker Bob's out here in Los Angeles...it was on Melrose Ave. almost directly across from Vinyl Fetish. When I moved to L.A. in the 80s, Bleeker Bob's was where I first found a source for buying bootlegs...they had 'em on vinyl, cassette, and that new-fangled cd. Later, as the rents went up on Melrose, and because of the competition from Renee's, Arons, Vinyl Fetish, and countless other record stores, Bleeker Bob's closed its Melrose store in the 90s.
  19. There are quite a few people on this forum who have nightmarish memories of Chas & Dave at Knebworth, so I doubt you'll find much support for their inclusion to the Hall of Fame.
  20. I'll answer another time, Paul. I'm still in mourning. WORST. LAKERS. SEASON. EVER.
  21. At least that's an improvement. Jar Jar Binks was...no, it's still too painful to think about.
  22. Good news? For who? In what bizarro alternate universe would this be considered good news by reasonably sane people? Will this be Princess Leia: The Rehab Years? Maybe Princess Leia is now Queen Leia...and they could cast Debbie Reynolds as the Queen Mum. Oh yeah, get ready for Disney to start cranking shit out to recoup their investment.
  23. Maybe it's a generational thing, but to me stuff like this comes too close to stalker-type behaviour. But I know I'm in the minority when it comes to this.
  24. ^^^ Unfortunately so is Marc Gasol.
  25. No dice. Line was huge and tix sold out before I was even close to the box office. That's what I get for not being an internet junkie and connected to Facebook and twitter...otherwise I would have found out in time to be in line early this morning. Trying to work my connections but even the owner of the Echoplex is having a hard time getting tix.
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