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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Part of "the buck stops here" ethos is taking responsibility and owning up to your fuckups and yes, apologizing when your screwups hurt another. Bush did not do that. This entire 'Obama apologizing to other countries' is overexaggerated anyway...it's an issue for the tin-foil hat crowd. Like flag pins and death panels, it bears no relation to reality and how the world works. After 8 years of Bush, our relations with the rest of the world were at an all-time low. The world had gotten tired of our 'blundering cowboy gone-rogue act'. Obama has repaired our relations with our allies. And he still got Osama bin Laden! America can no longer act like the big bully on the block and not suffer consequences. The Neo-Cons and GOP-Fox TV crowd don't like this, and so skew any sign of Obama being polite to foreign leaders as being a wimp and 'hating America'. Nothing could be further from the truth. Obama is not perfect and whether Romney is or isn't better qualified is impossible to know for certain. What is certain is that Obama does NOT hate the U.S. and he is not a Socialist/Communist/Muslim.
  2. Taking my godson to the American Cinematheque's annual Halloween Horror-thon! From Dusk to Dawn! http://www.americancinemathequecalendar.com/content/7th-annual-dusk-to-dawn-horrorthon
  3. I tend to avoid this thread on the weekend...who wants to read unhappy news on a weekend?...but a mis-click brought me here and so... LZG, I will write you later but I think I know the friend you're talking about. You'll think I'm nuts, but whenever I go thru times like your friend, I often get solace and comfort in this song.
  4. I'm pretty sure he was joking...I believe he even owns a turntable himself.
  5. Are you sure the guys weren't just joking about your shirt? There's a difference between good-natured teasing and being rude. I'm glad your theatre was loud, too. I had no complaints the two times I saw it...no complaints about the sound or the crowd. It was loud, lively and like a concert. No rudeness or loud talkers or any bullshit that I saw.
  6. Since you used such emphatic declarative words, you must have some documentation, some proof of fact?
  7. There are plenty of examples in baseball history of teams coming back from 0-2 deficits to win a series. In fact, Detroit can just look at the example of the team in the opposite dugout...the San Francisco Giants wouldn't even be in this World Series if they hadn't overcome 0-2 holes in both of their previous playoff rounds. The Tigers just need to wake up their bats...I don't know, call a witch-doctor, sacrifice a chicken...something. Their bullpen is a mess, so it would behoove Detroit that their starters be able to last until the late innings. Justin V needs to pitch like theACE he is...I can't believe he has lost all his WS starts. Best thing Detroit has going for them is three games at home...a chance for some momentum. Giants have won 5 in a row...they're due to lose sometime.
  8. Interesting...so it's the opposite of the see food diet. Just finished a hike around the Bronson Caves in Griffith Park.
  9. But you did say something so you are obviously looking for drama. Unfortunately what you are doing is childish. I would suggest you back off or risk having the whole truth revealed. The other party took the high road and didn't say anything but I am not going to stand idly by and let you slander someone with no cause.
  10. Dude, that's one of my favourite parts of the song! The longer they do that bit, the better...it ratchets up the tension so that when they finally come out of it it's an ecstatic release. One of the Earl's Court shows has a nice long one...and there's a couple on the 75 US tour where they extend it almost to the breaking point. I'll have to do some investigating.
  11. First turntable I had was a little portable Mickey Mouse player for kids. My dad had a killer system: Dual phonograph hooked up to a McIntosh preamp and 500w per channel McIntosh power amp and speakers. Also a Teac Reel-to-Reel tape player. Later, around 72 or so, he got a cassette player/recorder...a Pioneer I think or a Marantz.
  12. Trading deadline is next Tuesday. I hear a lot of talk of Tebow on the trading block. WTF? Oakland at Kansas City Sunday. Oh joy...the game of the weak. Another week with only 2 afternoon games...Dallas at Giants is the better of the two.
  13. Anybody going to see "Cloud Atlas"? I hadn't even heard about this movie until a couple of weeks ago, when I saw the trailer three times before the movies "Argo", "Taken 2" and "Seven Psychopaths". Then there was this article in the Sunday L.A. Times that same weekend. http://touch.latimes.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-72834995/ A bit crowded having three directors on one film. I was beginning to wonder what happened to the "Run Lola Run!" dude...and I had no idea that one of the Matrix guys had a sex change! Seeing the trailer, it definitely looks like it could either be a wild trip or an utter train wreck. It's adapted from a popular British novel that I never read...anybody here read it? It opens today.
  14. Bellissima, actually, since you're addressing a girl.
  15. Ady, this is one of the very very few "found-footage" type movies I liked. You should check it out. "[REC]" It's a Spanish film from 2007.
  16. "Frankensteins Monster Jagen Godzilla's Sohn": German poster for "Frankenstein's Monster Hunts Godzilla's Son":
  17. After a long long day working two jobs, finally heading home to sleep. It is 2:38am as I write.
  18. Yes Rick, one of your longshots finally came thru...congrats. Go ahead and do your victory dance. But did you have the nerve to actually bet money on Tampa Bay?
  19. Sheesh, did I say Tigers in 6? Good news is that with the 2-3-2 format, it's still doable for Detroit, if they can sweep their home games. But man, Paul, somebody needs to wake these Tigers UP! Their focus is atrocious...too many base-running mistakes. I certainly did not foresee Verlander getting rocked like he did in Game 1...TWO HRs?!? Unthinkable.
  20. I have a friend who recently became certified as a Bikram Yoga instructor...after going through a hellacious training program. A yoga boot camp, so-to-speak. "Hot Yoga" is far more than 92°F....try 105-110° F. with humidity of 40-50%, so it feels even hotter. Maybe your doctor snears at yoga, and maybe it doesn't provide good cardio, but all I know is that everyone I know that does yoga is in fantastic shape. So it must have some benefits.
  21. Just in the nick of time again... Week 8 picks: Minnesota Chicago San Diego...yes, I'm going against my "Norv Turner bias"...call it a hunch. Seattle Green Bay Tennessee New England NY Jets Philadelphia...still don't trust Atlanta on the road outdoors on grass. Atlanta...but then I don't trust Andy Reid either. Pittsburgh Oakland NY Giants Denver San Francisco Crosses fingers.
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