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Everything posted by Strider

  1. 11-2. Second place...but I'll take it. Keeps me in the running for the season.
  2. Rick, I want the Tigers! I only was rooting for the Giants because I'm tired of the Cardinals being in the Series, just like the Yankees. Get some new blood in there. And while I am an Angel fan more than a Dodger fan, I still have lived in L.A. for the past 27 years and it's hard not to have the Dodgers-Giants rivalry rub off on you. Once you see it, you never forget the Juan Marichal incident. So yes, GO DETROIT!!! That city has suffered the tortures of the damned and they deserve to get a little happiness. Besides, Detroit had better music...I'll take Motown and the Stooges over all those hippy San Francisco bands anyday. "Raw Power" pulverizes the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Starship and Santana.
  3. ROCK-tober is heading into its final week...next concert up is: Tuesday October 23: Beth Orton @ El Rey Theatre.
  4. Hey, 1971 or 1973...either one is a good show to have been at, ledded1.
  5. ^^^ My first instinct is to say "The Warriors". But I'm too distracted by the baseball and football games to verify.
  6. 7-0...that's a GIANT hole to climb out of for St. Louis. But it is still relatively early...that's the only positive if you're a Cardinal fan. It'll be interesting to see how the TV ratings compare for this game and MNF. I'm sure the football game will beat the baseball game, but being a Game 7, it might be closer than usual. Well, at least the ratings would have been closer if the Giants hadn't taken this 7-0 lead. Now I think the MNF game ratings will be sizably bigger as more people switch from the blowout baseball game to the Bears-Lions. One thing in baseball's favour...the game is on regular broadcast TV(Fox), while the MNF game is on cable(ESPN)...less households get ESPN than Fox, ABC, CBS, and NBC.
  7. ^^^ Then I will...shame on you, Kiwi's mum! Making your daughter suffer thru such tired slop. This half-baked trend of "found footage" movies has overstayed its welcome....it deserved to die after "Blair Witch" came out.
  8. The house used in "House on Haunted Hill" is the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Ennis House in the Los Feliz area of Hollywood. Only the exterior matches the real house...the interior shots were a Hollywood creation. Movie and architecture buffs will recognize the house in "Blade Runner", too. Sue...you forgot to provide the next quote to guess, so I'll leave one: "She might have fooled me, but she didn't fool my mother."
  9. Cardinals are having a meltdown in this 3rd inning. It's 5-0 with bases loaded, nobody out. Ooops make that 6-0! Go Giants!
  10. I wonder what she knows? But yeah, the way he dumped her was cold.
  11. Game 7 of the National League Championship Series: St. Louis Cardinals @ San Francisco Giants on Fox 11. During the inning breaks, I switch over to the Monday Night Football game on ESPN: Detroit Lions @ Chicago Bears. Go Giants! Go Bears!
  12. ^^^ Haha, what a coincidence...I'm having a meatloaf sandwich and a salad. The meatloaf is leftovers from last night.
  13. It made me unhappy that so many people who wanted to go see "Celebration Day" couldn't. Either because it wasn't playing in their town or because their parents or older siblings or friends didn't care enough to help them out with a ride to where it was playing.
  14. You should just LOVE the 1975 tour then! It'll leave you howling in laughter...plenty of on-mic coughs and clearing of throat and other noises. Plant was very phlegmy in 75.
  15. Rude? How so? I didn't call him any names. I didn't insult him. I didn't use vulgarity. He made a statement that was untrue. No big deal and I probably would have left it alone, figuring someone else would eventually come along and correct him. But then he added that last bit about how only drummers would know the whole "Purdie shuffle" thing...thereby implying that he was a drummer. Which meant that he should know better...he ought to know Bonham didn't do it first; and he ought to know how to spell Purdie's name...it's not Perdie. I operate on several levels when posting here. When chatting with regular folk, I am more forgiving of factual errors or other mistakes...we all make them. But if someone is a musician, and makes it a point to suggest that being a musician makes them aware of certain things the mass public isn't, then when he makes a statement that is false, I'm a little more inclined to say so. I don't consider that being rude...just honest and to the point.
  16. Whoa, hold on a minute, Reggie...why drag me into this? I think you got the wrong guy...I hadn't even read this thread until now, let alone post in it. I fucking hate Kiss, abhor them. Just reading your original post now, I could tell you were being rhetorical. I feel the same way...Gene who? Hey BIGGERFAN, are you enjoying that conversation with yourself? Your reasons actually prove how mercenary and cynical Kiss are to their fans.
  17. What backlash and against whom? Bonham? Purdie? I don't see any backlash. As for there being an earlier thread...yes, I know that and you know that, but I have given up trying to suggest people use the search function. It's a losing battle.
  18. Led Zeppelin has many songs that one could describe as 'deceptively complex'...songs that outwardly and at first listen sound simple and easy to play, but actually are more complex than people realize. Songs like "Out on the Tiles" and "Black Dog" and "Four Sticks". "The Wanton Song" is another great example of this. It has always been a favourite of mine, and it is especially well-placed on the PG album. After the hard-hitting Sides 1 & 2, Side 3 is more experimental and tranquil. By Side 4 you're ready to rock some more and "Night Flight" and "Wanton Song" provide a nice 1-2 punch of hardrock crunch. It has a nice stomping groove, and a jazzy slinky feel at times...and the mix of different tones Jimmy uses gives it colour. And the final wail at the end by Plant is out of this world.
  19. Not even close. Why do you think it's called the "Perdie Shuffle"? If Bonham had done it first, it would have been called the "Bonzo Shuffle", wouldn't it? Bernard Purdie was around for years before Bonham came on the scene. And who knows...maybe Purdie got the idea from some drummer before him?
  20. ^^^ It's okay...it was only a glass of water, not a tall glass. Eeeaaahhh, what's up, Doc?
  21. Are you kidding me? How could this hurt Detroit? They get to set their pitching rotation exactly how they want, get their bullpen rested, as well as any players that had any lingering or nagging aches and pains. Meanwhile, whatever team wins tonight won't have the luxury of having fresh arms for the World Series. If San Francisco wins, they won't be able to use their ace Cain until Game 3...unless there is a rainout or two. I'd rather see a Tigers-Giants World Series, so I want San Francisco to win tonight. But whither Tim Lincecum? A couple years ago he was on top of the world...now he's toast. What a difference a year makes. Trying to remember a young pitcher that lost it so quickly like Lincecum seems to have.
  22. A perfect album for a Sunday evening: "Nina Simone at Town Hall". 1959 vinyl. Simply a MUST for your music collection. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcCrOf-rjA0&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  23. RAIDERS WIN!!! 10-1 so far...and I was having a hard time making my picks this week.
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