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Everything posted by Strider

  1. What? That he listened to the new Van Halen TWICE? Or that he has gastro-whatever? Give the lad a break...he's on an English diet.
  2. You're right about Boston being as bad as New York when it comes to the sports media. When I saw that Butterfinger stunt, I at first thought it was happening in New York; couldn't believe it was in Boston. But I still rank Philadelphia #1 as the worst...just for having to put up with Stephen A. Smith.
  3. Just finished disc 2 of 11.16.71 Ipswich. It's a shame the taper ran out of tape before the end of the Whole Lotta Love medley...and the audience is one of those typical lifeless, ultra polite-clapping English ones of the period. But, as usual, one of the highlights for me is Celebration Day. 1971 Celebration Days are a wonder to listen to. The combination of the hopped up rhythm Jones and Bonzo unleash and the trance-like effect Jimmy's playing the song on his doubleneck has makes the 1971 versions of CD devastating.
  4. November 16, 1971 @ St. Mathew's Baths, Ipswich, England; TDOLZ Vol. 57 A concert I've never heard in my life...just picked this one up over the weekend. "Since I've Been Loving You" is playing now. It's an audience tape with strange drop outs and tape stretches at times...sound quality is only fair. But so far the performance is typical 1971 high-quality standards.
  5. I realize Peyton is a gamble, but so was Drew Brees back in 2006. Miami took a pass because of doubts about his shoulder...ask Miami if they rue that decision now? Brees seems to have done alright in New Orleans. Saw the early odds for next season...San Francisco is 10-1; I like those odds and I might take $100 of the money I won on the Super Bowl and place a futures bet on the 49ers.
  6. Strider

    The nineties

    It would only be a problem if JP.com had a message board...since it doesn't, no worries. Ok, it's official...this thread has been JACKED!
  7. Haha, I'm not so sure about that, LZF77...with the draft and free agency, there is no off-season anymore it seems. Plus, there is the $28 MILLION QUESTION: Do the Colts pay Peyton Manning or cut him and draft Andrew Luck? If Peyton is released, which quarterback-deficient team steps up to the plate and gets him? Buffalo? Miami? Kansas City? Washington?
  8. Strider

    The nineties

    ^^^I have always been "Strider"...even going back to the daze of Sam's Electric Magic site, and shall remain Strider. I've noticed a new member here that has my JimmyPage.com member name...which was a little disconcerting at first.
  9. Strider

    The nineties

    Zemun, are you the former "spidersandsnakes" back in disguise? Probably not, as your post displays a shocking lack of EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!! I always find it inexplicable and too soon for "Nineties nostalgia"...until I realize the decade began over 20 years ago. Good grief, I'm getting old. The best thing about Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris" is the film's theme of how every generation pines for a time before they were born. Owen Wilson thinks Paris of the 20s-30s was the greatest; Marion Cotillard thinks it was the Paris of La Belle Époque, and when they both go back to that era, the artists they meet pine for the Renaissance.
  10. Well ledzepfilm, it appears AA didn't like what you posted as he had your post REMOVED. I hope this isn't a 'Freezer'-type situation.
  11. Not only have I never seen or heard this record, I didn't even know it existed. But then, I never was interested or put much stock in all those rumours about Led Zeppelin singing to "my sweet satan" and the backwards masking baloney. I'm old and decrepit enough to remember the "Paul is Dead" craze that flourished in the late-60s and all I got out of that was ruined copies of my Beatles records from playing them backwards and fucking up the groove and my needle. When I first started hearing whispers of supposed hidden messages in "Stairway to Heaven" around 1976 or 1977, my bullshit detector immediately went off, and I refused to fall for this latest ruse. I wasn't going to ruin my Led Zeppelin IV album playing it backwards. That's why when this thread first surfaced, I read the original post and took a pass. For one thing, anyone who puts the slightest credence in the backwards masking is immediately suspect to me. There's an idiot on YouTube who goes by the name of WorldWideZep or WorldWideKillers and he posts some pretty good Zeppelin clips on his account. But he has this annoying and infantile habit of always titling "STH" "Stairway to Hell". For another, I knew there was no need to respond as there would be plenty of other members here that would reply and set this Thread-starter straight. But this morning, thanks to Turn the Page's bump, this thread caught my eye, and for the first time I decided to read thru the entire thread...and I am glad I did. For no other reason than Evster's Thelemic posts...thanks, dude! I was having flashbacks to being in the Bodhi Tree bookshop(where I got to meet and shake hands with Robert and Jimmy several times over the years)...my friends Flash and Roxanne worked there and you could always count on a discussion of Crowley, Thelemic thought and the Occult taking place there on a regular basis. Man, I miss Ev.
  12. Post #7: Party Bus to San Diego! Date: Sunday, February 6, 1977 As it was a Sunday, I did my weekly ritual of reading the Sunday Calendar section of the Los Angeles Times and came across this most intriguing ad: Now, unlike the 1975 tour, where Led Zeppelin played two dates at the San Diego Sports Arena, in 1977 they only scheduled one show. I guess with the multiple LA Forum dates, they figured anybody that couldn't see the San Diego show could drive up for the Forum gigs. What I am curious about is if ANYONE here took this Party Bus to the San Diego show, or knows someone who did? You don't hear much about the 1977 San Diego gig, other than John Bonham was off his game. Anyway, this sounds like it would have been fun...an entire bus-full of Zeppelin freaks! FYI, Troy Ticket Service was one of those Ticket Brokers that dotted the Southern California landscape. Basically a legal ticket scalper, you paid a deposit and that would guarantee you a ticket without you having to wait in line on the day tickets went on sale. Depending on the popularity of the band, and the desirability of the concert and the ticket location, a ticket with a face value of $9 could cost you anywhere from $12, $15, on up to $25, or even as much as $30 sometimes. Also in the February 6, 1977 Calendar section was this ad for auditions for the show that would eventually become the "Beatlemania" Broadway sensation: And if you look at the top, you will note that Lee Michaels was playing a club in Huntington Beach that night. The same Lee Michaels that opened for Led Zeppelin at the 1973 Kezar Stadium show in San Francisco...and who played on the bill with Led Zeppelin and Grand Funk Railroad in Detroit in 1969. Lastly, there was an ad for a Foghat show that because it was scheduled for a Saturday, I could probably make:
  13. ^^^Cream was way before the Allman Brothers. Grateful Dead were more in the same time period as Cream, although it should be noted Cream's first LP came out in 1966, while the Dead's first album was released in 1967.
  14. Sad story, yes, but you got the wrong Josh Powell. This story is about a Joshua Powell, a Caucasian in Utah who is now dead. Josh Powell, the basketball player, is considerably taller...and blacker(he's African-American)...and definitely alive.
  15. More random thoughts about the game... I had my doubts about Gronkowski's status, and felt a less than 100% Gronk would affect the Patriots offense somewhat...BUT to THAT extent?!? The Patriots seemed crippled without Gronk. And Gronk's absence seemed to affect Welker and Hernandez...did you see all those dropped passes? 2. Even if Brady and the Patriots had won, I was not ready to anoint Brady the best quarterback ever...he is no Joe Montana. Now with this loss, he no longer deserves to be in the discussion. Best QB of the 21st century, maybe. Greatest all-time? No way. 3. I believe in Eli more than Peyton...Eli Manning has beaten Brady more than Peyton Manning has. Step aside big brother, little brother is coming thru. 4. Whither Chad Ochocinco now?
  16. I've said it before and I'll say it again...Indianapolis is no place to hold a Super Bowl. It's not a party town. That's another reason why the game had the atmosphere of an International Aluminum Siding convention at the Ramada Inn. People want to party on Bourbon Street!
  17. KA-CHING!!! ALL my bets were winners! Which is a good thing cause I went crazy at the record swap meet yesterday morning before the game. That's down to several factors, RH... 1. An anti-septic dome stadium with artificial turf never has the atmosphere of a classic football stadium outdoors with grass. 2. The crowd is split between Giants fans and Patriots fans...so you never get a full throated roar with the entire crowd yelling for "Defense" that you get when a game is at a team's stadium. 3. The amount of actual fans that are in attendance is small...most of the people that get access and can afford the tickets are corporate, league and sponsor drones. They're there to network and schmooze and party...the game is the least thing they are interested in. There are other reasons, but those are the main ones. Back to the game, I was SHOCKED they called Intentional Grounding and a safety on the Patriots first play! Right from the start, that tilted the momentum in the Giants favour...and the field position, too! Did you notice that the Patriots were constantly having to start their drives deep in their own end of the field? So much for the conspiracy that the Refs favour New England. For most of the game, I was thinking the Giants punter and Justin Tuck were the co-MVPs of the game. Why do rappers have to be so puerile and silly sometimes? I enjoyed Madonna's halftime show more than most of the recent halftime shows, and I thought the production and stage design was amazing! I loved the effect of the light panels on the stadium field. Much better than the usual throng of clueless wristbanded douchebags they let run amok on the field. I thought her setlist could have been better, but still, Madonna's halftime show entertained me better than most of the others. BUT then M.I.A. had to do the stock rapper move of flipping the bird and utter a vulgarity, even though she knew it would have to be bleeped and blurred, which just makes you look like a bigger idiot. Lame...and coupled with her spiteful and childish bratty behavior at both concerts I have seen her at(her Coachella appearance was beyond lame), I am rapidly losing interest in M.I.A. She really needs to go MIA.
  18. Not bad...liked her costume. Was surprised she ended with "Like A Prayer"...was expecting a more uptempo closing number. Kept waiting for Tim Tebow to rise up on a cross.
  19. ^^^Wow, I had no idea...you fooled me.
  20. You doubt me? Check the facts... 1982: Super Bowl XVI SF-26 Cincy-21 1989: Super Bowl XXIII SF-20 Cincy-16
  21. Whew! Just finished all the food...made the guacamole, mac n cheese, zucchini, mozzarella and tomatoes, and chocolate chip cookies(actually more like chocolate chunk). Other people are bringing other things...time to fire up the grill for the steaks and veggie skewers. Hope all of you enjoy YOUR Super Bowl Sunday! Factoid #306: In 4 Super Bowl rematches(San Francisco vs. Cincinnati; Pittsburgh vs. Dallas; Dallas vs. Buffalo), the winner of the first Super Bowl matchup is 3-1 in the rematch.
  22. Ok, but you may not like it. So I've tossed and turned this game around and around thru my admittedly damaged mind, and the time is at hand to finally decide which of the New's to put my money on...New England or New York? And for all the talk about Belichick and Brady and Eli and Cruz and the Giants D and Gronk's ankle and X's and O's and all that rigamarole, I am about to do the last thing you're supposed to do when gambling...bet with my heart not my head. For one thing, I like to cheer for the underdog...it's the romantic in me. The Patriots are the favourites, so my inner underdog tells me to pull for the Giants. Now, being a Raider fan and an AFL loyalist, when the Raiders are not in it, I tend to cheer for the AFC team, as most of the old AFL teams became AFC teams when the AFL-NFL merger went through. However, being that same said Raider fan, there are certain teams that are anathema, persona non grata...a Raider fan's bête noire. Teams that I cannot bring myself to cheer for, NO MATTER WHAT. The New England Patriots are one of those teams. Why, you ask? It's simple...and it comes down to a date: January 19, 2002. That, my friends, was the date of the AFC Divisional playoff game between the Oakland Raiders and the New England Patriots at Foxboro. Or as the game is colloquially known, the "Tuck Rule" game...or more accurately, the "Snow Job" game. Every fan of any team of any sport has those moments where your gut was punched, your heart ripped out of you by some dastardly deed, some fall-out-of-the-sky freak occurance that snatches sure victory away at the last second. Raider fans have two such "what the fuck just happened?!?" moments. One is Franco Harris' "Immaculate Reception" in a playoff game between the Raiders and Pittsburgh Steelers in December 1972. The other and more recent is the "Snow Job" game 10 years ago. Part of me believes that that game played a significant part in Jon Gruden leaving the Raiders after that season. It was like he realized with that game that as coach of the Raiders, he would have to defeat not just the other team on any given Sunday...but also the League's and the ref's bias against the Raiders. He saw the writing on the wall and bailed. I CURSED the name of Brady and New England that snowy night in Foxborough, Massachusetts. The pain is still there, still lingers a decade later. I may respect Brady's game, but I'll be damned if I am going to cheer for him in a Super Bowl. I'm putting my money on the New York Football Giants. My pick is NYG - 27 NE - 23
  23. Well, the wee lad can't speak so who knows if he's really "enjoying" the snow and cold, hehe. Just kidding around. He looks adorable as always.
  24. Hello Olga(from the Volga?)!
  25. ^^^Looks mighty tasty, Ledzepfvr! Normally, I would be at my brother's Super Bowl gathering in Riverside this weekend...and I might've invited myself over to your place for a piece of that cake! Alas, work and other things prevented me from being able to go, so I'll be watching the Super Bowl with a small group of friends in Hollywood.
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