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Everything posted by Strider

  1. ^^^I haven't forgotten. Darn, I was holding my breath the last 5 minutes...I needed Detroit to score to get the spread within 11 pounts. That interception killed any chance of the Lions covering. So, I'm 2-0 on one hand, and 0-2 on the other. Those oddsmakers have their jobs for a reason. Good luck against San Francisco!
  2. ...and Detroit can't tackle. Oooops...and now there's a Detroit turnover.
  3. Yes, we were. I put the Santa Barbara show above the LA show even though I had way better seats at the LA show.
  4. 14-10 Detroit at the half...not the score most people would expect.
  5. ^^^It's definitely not Cameron Crowe in the car with Jimmy. I'm thinking it looks more like Joe Walsh than Mick Ralphs. If it is on way to TSRTS premiere, then it must be New York, cause wasn't he wearing the tiger Hawaiian shirt and striped jacket at the LA premiere? As for the photo from 77 with Jimmy and Bonzo in the red robe, that is definitely a woman and NOT Elton John. Elton is a gnome...Jimmy and Bonzo would have towered over him. Also, look at the accessories on the woman's arm...the rings and bracelets. Elton didn't accessorize like that...nor is his face shaped like hers.
  6. Well, if I read Rick's post correctly, he bet New Orleans to cover the 1st QTR at -3, which means that's a loss.
  7. I liked the first part better than the second part. I've seen and read all I need to about the Beatlemania and solo years. It's the growing up years and the early days of the Beatles(pre-fame) that interest me the most now and that I find fascinating. All the George-Patti-Eric stuff I just find depressing.
  8. I said for Detroit to have a chance, they would have to get some turnovers...turnover #1.
  9. Thanks ProPlant! After the Santa Barbara Bowl show, I searched for months and months for an All My Love clip, to no avail. I finally gave up around Halloween. Is this YOUR clip, ProPlant? You had much better seats than me. Since my decision to even go to the SB show was last-minute spontaneous, I was in the back section.
  10. Actually, I bet two cards, so I'm already 1-1. I bet one card just picking straight up winners: Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, Pittsburgh. My second card picks use the point spread: Cincy +4, Detroit +11, Atlanta +3 1/2, Denver +9. It's all good no matter what, as I don't get too high or too low about my sports bets. Although the NFL playoffs and the Oscar pool come in handy when paying off post-Christmas bills. Geaux Saints!!!
  11. And aren't you quite the lovely lass.
  12. Dude, he was a kick-ass general...no need to get upset.
  13. BOO!!! Well, El Foldo is exactly what's happening. If only Cincy can get a couple cheap late scores to at least cover the spread. 20 minutes later... Yep...it's pretty much over...Houston up 31-10 with 5 minutes to go. Looks like I begin the playoff weekend 0-1.
  14. Am I the only one who thinks of former Nixon/Reagan henchman Gen. Alexander "I'm in charge!" Haig when seeing this photo?
  15. Welcome aboard Marco...and good luck with the band. Since you are from Switzerland, you should be the one member here nobody has a problem with.
  16. I hope you forgive the lateness, but I've only just recently gotten around to uploading some concert clips I shot to YouTube. Something about the format or size prevented me from uploading it directly from my phone or computer. Anyway, here now is a clip of Robert and the Band of Joy doing "Monkey" at the Greek Theatre in Hollywood on Sat. April 23, 2011. I had filmed another song, "Ramble On" but it came out terrible...the sound was awful. Even this clip isn't the best sound quality but it's listenable. As I posted in my review of the Santa Barbara show the following Monday, my phone battery died on the train trip up, so I had no juice to film anything from the Santa Barbara Bowl concert. Which is a shame, for it was at this show that Robert broke out the rarely, if ever, played "All My Love", with haunting steel guitar accompaniment. Apparently no one else thought to video this song, which is mystifying to me...I mean, who needs another YouTube clip of "Black Dog"?
  17. Yes, a great play. Would've preferred to go in tied at half, but what can you do? Need Cincy not to do an el foldo in 2nd half.
  18. This is not a slam against Page or anybody. It's just a song about the good ole daze in the 60s and going down to the Fillmores and seeing bands like Led Zeppelin and the Jimi Hendrix Experience. It's basically a love letter to the days before Bill Graham shut down the Fillmores and rock moved to the sports arenas.
  19. I like Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta and Pittsburgh in this weekend's games. But I don't like the Vegas spreads. I think I'd take the underdog in almost all of them. Let's start with Cincy @ Houston: Houston is at home, has the better record and Cincy won only 2 games the second half of the season and was 1-5 against team with a winning record. I like Houston to win, but I'm not giving up 4 points...with both teams being playoff virgins and having major QB issues, this has the feel of a field goal game. Say 20-17 or 13-10. Detroit @ New Orleans: Sure I like the Saints to win. I don't think they'll come in overconfident like they did last year in getting upset by Seattle in the first round. Plus, they're playing at home. But 11 points is a lot of points to give up...especially with that less than stout Saints defense. Unless the Saints D has been playing possum all season, Detroit should be able to score enough to stay within 11 points. This actually could be the best game of the weekend with both teams zipping up and down the field, last team with the ball wins. There's even a part of me that thinks Detroit can win...at least I did until hearing that Megatron didn't even practice until yesterday. Calvin Johnson has to be 100% for Detroit to have a shot. Plus, I can't root against a lovely city like New Orleans...Deborah would have my head, haha. Detroit is just L.A. without the weather, the beaches, the girls, the food, the clubs. Atlanta @ NY Giants: A tough game to pick, mainly because both teams are like Jekyll and Hyde; you never know which one will show up. The Giants are favoured by 3, which essentially means Las Vegas thinks both teams are even on a neutral field. I am sensing negative energy from New York, though...like fans want Coughlin gone and they realize the only way this can happen is if the Giants lose. Atlanta can be scary good sometimes...and other times seem lost. They're like Philadelphia in that respect. My hunch tells me Atlanta breaks through this time...or at worst, they'll keep it close enough to beat the spread. Pittsburgh @ Denver: Ominous signs all week for Pittsburgh...Big Ben, Troy Polamalu, and others are gimpy and barely practicing, which is not how you like to get ready for the playoffs. The big blow is losing Mendenhall for the rest of the season. Still, Pittsburgh's defense and Ben's veteran craftiness should be enough to get the Steelers a win. But no way am I giving 8 or 9 points away! This game could be 9-3 or something like that...especially if there is a freak blizzard. So, while I like the Steelers to win, I'm betting Denver plus the 9 points. Help me Jesus!
  20. Christmas 2011 continued...what I got in my Christmas Stocking...
  21. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are photos of my Christmas gifts this year.
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