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Everything posted by Strider

  1. I don't remember Creem being any worse than Rolling Stone or other mags at the time...and Rolling Stone is STILL pretty sexist. Sure, Creem had the Tart of the month(Blondie, Nancy Wilson, Bebe Buell), although occasionally it would be a guy, but you can't fault them for knowing their audience: mainly teen-age boys like me, who liked a little sex with my rock and roll. What I remember most, though, is that Creem had more female writers than any other music mag of the time. Susan Whitall, Lisa Robinson, Patti Smith, Jaan Ulheski. And who doesn't remember Lynn Goldsmith's photographs? Meanwhile, I can't recall a single prominent woman writer for Rolling Stone. Ben Fong-Torres, Jann Wenner, John Mendelsohn, Hunter S. Thompson, Cameron Crowe, Jim Marshall, David Fricke...those are the writers I remember from Rolling Stone. Not a woman among them. So Creem may have been sexist with the pinups and all, but at least they allowed women to write for them, and they gave more attention to women in rock than any other magazine. It was in Creem that I first read about the Cowsills, Patti Smith, Runaways, Blondie, Pretenders, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Girlschool, Go Gos and more.
  2. Really? I had you pegged as a John Taylor lass. Okay Virginia! I see you removed the 2 vids you had up yesterday: Macy Gray and the Association. Which is just as well, as those aren't really guilty pleasures, since you shouldn't feel guilty about liking either one. Both Macy Gray and the Association have critical respect. Which is something you cannot say about another guilty pleasure of mine: Falco. Rock Me Amadeus Der Kommissar(this is the original...After the Fire later covered it)
  3. This is not entirely correct. There are plenty of Led Zeppelin concerts for which we don't have audio or visual tape. Does this mean they didn't occur? Of course not. Press acounts, reviews, etc. can also help establish certain events. I believe the above poster is correct, as I have that same Robert Godwin book...just not handy at the moment. If I recall correctly, the review for the RAH gig mentions a new song, "Working From Seven", which obviously is a reference to SIBLY. So I don't care if there is or isn't audio or video "proof"...I feel confident in saying SIBLY was performed at the RAH 1970 concert.
  4. Whether it was the 12th or the 20th or some date inbetween, I cannot say for certain, as I don't have my newspaper database handy. What I can say for certain is that the Super Bowl played no part in any of the decision making process about the release date. The Super Bowl back then hadn't attained the overwhelming event status in American(note I said American...despite ESPN and NFL propaganda, aside from GI's stationed around the globe, the rest of the world couldn't care less) life that it occupies today. Yes, Joe Namath talked and played a pretty good game, and the Jets upset of the Colts certainly helped the Super Bowl gain popularity. But if a record company had a record scheduled to come out on a Sunday, the Super Bowl wasn't enough of a deterrent back in 1969 to make a record company switch release dates. For one thing, back then, the counterculture and sports, especially the NFL, did not mix. For most hippies and stoners, the NFL was too militaristic, and with the Vietnam war raging, anything suggesting the military was discouraged. If a rock record happened to be released on a Super Bowl Sunday, well, most rock fans back then weren't going to allow some stupid football game keep them from heading to the record store. Another thing to consider is that unlike today, where release dates have been standardized, with Tuesday being the almost universally recognized release day for records, back in the 60s and early 70s, albums could be released on a Sunday, a Friday, or a Monday, whatever...it didn't have to be a Tuesday.
  5. ^^^ That was British director Tony Palmer, famous for the nearly hundred films he's made over the years, many involving rock and roll bands. He directed the classic documentaries of the pop scene: "All My Loving" and "All You Need Is Love". He also did "Cream: The Farewell Concert", "Ginger Baker in Africa", "Rory Gallagher - Irish Tour", Frank Zappa's "200 Motels"...and too many more to list; rock/pop/classical/opera. He also did an amazing documentary for NASA on the 10th anniversary of the moon landing, with music by Mike Oldfield. The American Cinematheque showed it in 2009 on its 30th anniversary as part of a huge Tony Palmer retrospective, which I was lucky enough to attend. Of course, as with a lot of survivors of the 60's, his memory about dates and things is a little hazy...regarding his claim in the Zep bio last night, I've gotta figure it was an early tour he was talking about.
  6. Which makes you the perfect height for dancing! As for the trouble I have buying clothes...(in my best Jeremy Irons voice), You have no idea.
  7. ABSOLUTE UTTER GARBAGE!!! That's 2 hours of my life that I'll never get back. Both docs were an embarrassment. I had never watched anything on the Bio channel before and I shall never return again after tonight's debacle. Having never seen the 2004 bio, I watched that first and immediately I sensed danger when the fake music kicked in. Never trust a music documentary that doesn't even use the real music. Anyway, the same old footage, the same old interviews, the same old half-truths and misinformation. I'd say it was amateurish but it wasn't even up to amateur standards. Okay, I thought, maybe the new one would be better, and actually have some Zeppelin music. Well, it had maybe a snippet of Robert Plant introducing the band from the Danish TV show that's on the DVD, but mostly it was the same bad fake music. Oh, and the "rare footage" promised? Nothing even close...it's the same footage that's been on bootleg video tapes and dvds and YouTube for years. What was especially bad was when they were discussing John Paul Jones contributions, the music in the background was a fake version of Pink Floyd's "Run Like Hell"...WTF!?!? Oh, and once again, too many factual errors and misepresentatipns to count. For instance, during the segment discussing Led Zeppelin's "borrowing" the blues, this guy goes on about how Led Zeppelin claimed writing credit for "You Shook Me". Now, certainly the band took liberties with "How Many More Times", "Lemon Song", and "Whole Lotta Love"...but I have the first pressings of Led Zeppelin I, and both "You Shook Me" and "I Can't Quit You, Babe" are clearly credited to Willie Dixon. A fucking joke and a waste of time. If you tivo'd or dvr'd them last night and haven't yet watched them, don't bother. Delete them immediately and save yourself the frustration and agony. Bollocks to you, Bio channel!
  8. ^^^ What can I say...I'm just a Dancing Queen! Congrats Preetha on your 2000 post! I don't know how many I have but I'm sure it's nowhere near your total...okay, I just had a look: I've just past 1000 posts myself. But I've been here since 2007, so that's not even a post a day. I'm such a slacker...
  9. Isn't there already a height thread here?
  10. Excellent! Thanks Sam! I've been digging supersilent for a while, so to see them hook up with Jones is extra special! So far this is the only clip on youtube...hopefully more pop up.
  11. Well, I just checked the schedule, and out here in L.A., on the Direct TV satellite system, the Bio channel is 266. The schedule is as follows(all times PST): 5:00PM Pink Floyd biography 6:00PM Led Zeppelin biography from 2004 7:00PM Dazed and Confused: Led Zeppelin bio from 2011 8:00PM repeat of Dazed and Confused I set the tivo up to record so I can fast forward thru the commercials later when I watch them.
  12. I started watching Breaking Bad as soon as it aired, having seen the ads while watching Mad Men, of which I am a huge fan. I liked the show the first couple of seasons, but by the third season, it just got loopier and too far-fetched to my liking. Which, when I think about it, is EXACTLY what happened to "Weeds", another show about a nice ordinary personn that, due to circumstances, turns to dealing drugs to support the family. Both those shows "jumped the shark", however, when the drug-story lines got more outlandish and over-the-top and overwhelmed the family aspect. By now, my interest in Breaking Bad and Weeds is nil. I've stopped watching both, and it really annoys me when Showtime only seems to care about promoting Mary Louise Parker's milf-ness, than bringing any quality back to the show. And to hell with "The Sopranos", too...while good, and sometimes great(in the early days), it wasn't the greatest show of the last 10 years. That would be "The Wire". Cannot wait for Mad Men to come back next year. At least Curb Your Enthusiasm is back this summer.
  13. Umm...less than I wanted, more than I care to admit. Brad, BigDan is just winding you up...think about it: Live at Leeds came out THREE YEARS after Zeppelin's formation, so how could that have figured into the band's name? Peter Grant dropping the "A" in Led was one of the greatest decisions in music history.
  14. Well, I'll give them both a look...but reading the blurb for the new bio, I don't know how DEFINITIVE it could be if it's only one hour. Actually, that's misleading...with all the commercial breaks the Bio channel has, the real length of the doc will be more like 40 minutes.
  15. That's the great Merry Clayton haunting you, TypeO...they mis-spelled her name on the original "Let It Bleed" album release. An absolutely crackin' tune..."Gimmie Shelter" is easily in my Top 5 Stones songs of all time. Oh, and I don't think you have to worry about GZ. I haven't seen her around since her boyfriend spidersandsnakes got the boot.
  16. Strider

    A theme...

    What...no bickering Bickersons allowed? Gotta add my hosannas to Steve and Melanie's: NICE JOB Nicey! Keep up the good work...you got me looking forward to what each day's theme will be.
  17. "Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you" Yep...corny as it is, it's still more interesting than talking 'bout Howard Stern these days.
  18. You want to laugh? Okay, I'll post some of my favourite bits from the late Mitch Hedberg, who along with Monty Python, Bill Hicks, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Patton Oswalt, Larry David and Lewis Black, are my comedy gods. All the following quotes are from Mitch Hedberg...but you should get his cds, or see his clips on youtube, because his delivery is half the fun. My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana, I said "No, but I want a regular banana later, so, Yeah." The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall. I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that. I got my hair highlighted, because I felt some strands were more important than others. ...and then at the end of the letter I like to write "P.S. - this is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated. I think pickles are cucumbers that sold out. They sold their soul to the devil, and the devil is dill... I use the word totally too much. I need to change it up and use a word that is different but has the same meaning. Mitch do you like submarine sandwhiches? All-encompassingly... I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. There's a large out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. On a traffic light yellow means yield, and green means go. On a banana, it's just the opposite, yellow means go ahead, green means stop, and red means, where'd you get that banana? I like buying snacks from a vending machine because food is better when it falls. Sometimes at the grocery, I'll drop a candy bar so that it will achieve its maximum flavor potential. You know they call corn-on-the-cob, "corn-on-the-cob", but that's how it comes out of the ground. They should just call it corn, and every other type of corn, corn-off-the-cob. It's not like if someone cut off my arm they would call it "Mitch", and then re-attached it, and call it "Mitch-all-together". A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap. My lucky number is 4 billion, that doesn't come in real handy when your gambling. I'm gonna need some more dice, 4 billion divided by 6, at least. The next time I move I hope I get a real easy phone number, something like 2222222. People will ask, "Mitch, how do I get a hold of you?" I'll say, "Just press two for a while, when I answer, you'll know that you've pressed two enough." I opened-up a yogurt, underneath the lid it said, "Please try again." because they were having a contest that I was unaware of. I thought maybe I opened the yogurt wrong. ...Or maybe Yoplait was trying to inspire me... "Come on Mitchell, don't give up!" An inspirational message from your friends at Yoplait, fruit on the bottom, hope on top. I had a bag of fritos, they were texas grilled fritos. These fritos had grill marks on them. They remind me of something, when we used to fire up the barbeque and throw down some fritos. I can still see my dad with the apron on, better flip that frito, dad, you know how I like mine. Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something. Mr. Pibb is bullshit. Dude didn't even get his degree. A lot of people want to be on the front of a Wheaties box, but I want to be on a Rice Crispies box. Snap, Crackle, Mitch, and Pop. In Hollywood, it's all about who you know, and I know Crackle. ~ Mitch Hedberg
  19. "The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall." ~ Mitch Hedberg

    1. Texas Melanie

      Texas Melanie

      You can be as thick as one...I guess that is not a life ambition though.

    2. Strider


      No, but it IS easily attainable. :)

    3. Texas Melanie

      Texas Melanie

      As seen and proven by a few here. ;-)

  20. Hi Debs...I've been trying to pm you all afternoon, but it won't send the message thru...it keeps saying "Array error", whatever that is. Sorry...hope you've been well and had a good weekend.

  21. Haha...no it's charging.

  22. GG Allin is the Beatles compared to the Mentors. Or Radio Werewolf.
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