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Everything posted by Strider

  1. WOW! All of the women here are so beautiful...there has to be more lovely lasses here than on any other band's message board! To all the women of the LZ board, this song's for you... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wRCWcQVSJI&feature=related
  2. I don't know...people might be getting tired of me hogging the bandwidth with my long, drawn-out posts. I was planning on doing a 40th anniversary post on LZ IV in November. We'll see...since you asked so kindly, I guess it would be churlish to refuse.
  3. Ahhhhhh, good old ORANGE SUNSHINE....
  4. I know I come off as a cinema-snob sometimes...well, that's because I AM a snob. But that doesn't mean I spend ALL my time watching silent movies about Mongolian Yak-herders. Oh no, like Alex, I like to viddy the ol' ultra-violence once in a while, too. Which brings me to tonight. The American Cinematheque is showing ALL THREE EVIL DEAD MOVIES tonight, starting at 7:30p.m., at the Egyptian Theatre. 1. "THE EVIL DEAD" 1981 2. "EVIL DEAD II" 1987 3. "ARMY OF DARKNESS" 1992 Read all about it HERE! Fuck Spidey and his tights...THIS is Sam Raimi's finest work. I am sooooooo there...along with my godson.
  5. The BIG Carnitas burrito with extra onions, salsa, cilantro and jalapeños I just had for lunch. Washed down with watermelon juice. SCRUMDILLYUMPTIOUS!!!
  6. Another new one? Where are they coming from? Usually when there's been a sudden influx of new members, it's been caused by a significant event...the double release of HTWWW and the DVD in 2003; the O2 reunion in 2007. So does this wave of newbies portend SOMETHING happening in Zepland? A release of the O2 DVD perhaps? Whatever, a jolly welcome to the board babeba67!
  7. The education mess in the U.S. is one of those problems that, like the Middle East, seems so exasperating and irretrievably broken that you end up wanting to throw your hands in the air and shout "FUCK IT! Let's nuke it and just start all over." And EVERYBODY shares in the blame: government, the educational bureaucracy, teachers, parents, students. I know a couple of teachers and they are good people, love their job, are hardworking and in it for the right reasons. And I hear the horror stories. But I also know there are quite a few bad apples out there, and trying to get rid of these teachers can prove almost impossible thanks to union and tenure rules. But to me, at least here in California, it all started to go wrong in the late-70's, when the twin events of Prop. 13 and Social-Engineering began to leave their mark on the school system. Prop. 13 caused a reduction in local revenues, which simultaneously meant less money for schools and more money and concentrated power in Sacramento. Then there were the social do-gooders...suddenly it wasn't enough to just teach the 3 R's(reading, 'riting, 'rithmatic). No, now little Johnny and Sally had to feel "good" about themselves. In fact, students self-esteem started to become more important than actual achievement. 2+2=5? That's okay, at least Johnny tried. World War II occurred in 1967? No problem Sally...at least she knew what side won, right? Don't know where Europe is? Who cares...they're just a bunch of America-hating commie fags anyway. Gold stars for everyone. Your team lost at baseball? Don't cry, everybody gets a trophy. Everybody wins. Cause god forbid someone's kid feels bad about losing or getting the answer wrong. But that wasn't enough. The baby-boomers, once they started having kids, decided they were the most special and perfect kids in the world. And why not, for the baby-boomers themselves thought they were the most special and perfect generation in the history of mankind! They had invented sex, drugs and rock n roll...and had even ended the Vietnam War and gotten rid of Tricky Dick. No teacher was going to say a BAD word about their precious child, let alone actually have the nerve to discipline said spoiled brat. So, over time, the power balance shifted in schools, as teachers lost authority and control over the classroom, as the students could pretty much get away with anything short of murder. This coincided with the rise in litigation, so schools began to fear doing anything to upset a student, lest the parents take the school to court. As the spoiled brats grew up to have spoiled brats of their own, it got worse and worse, until now, where you have in certain schools a complete breakdown in discipline. I go back to my old high school...it looks more like a prison than a school. Every week you read the same stories. Students raping students...teachers raping students...students raping teachers. Then there's the periodic decrees from the Federal and local do-gooders. Every 5 years somebody claims to have the answer to our educational woes. ESL. Bi-lingual education. Phonetics. Whole reading. New math. No Child Left Behind. It's like Stalin's Soviet Republic or Mao's Red China with their 5-year plans...that always failed. How can you hope to succeed this way? It's like a sports team that keeps changing GM's and coaches. There's no continuity...no momentum built for the future. Everybody is tugged this way and that every couple of years. I wish I knew what the answer was...other than dumping Standardized testing and No Child Left Behind and returning to the BASICS. This whole "teaching to the test" is a scourge. Kids don't have to read entire books anymore...the teacher just gives them the parts to read that they'll be tested on. They're memorizing, not learning. But I fear that the decay has been going on for so long...over 30 years now...and is so ingrained, that nothing short of total destruction and a brand new start will ever get us back on track.
  8. HOORAY! Welcome back...missed ya!

  9. Oi! Welcome to the board Cammie! Always nice to have another Aussie about. Hope you enjoy your time here. And thanks for your kind words regarding my post. Hope you like the other parts just as much. Ta. :)

  10. Haha, that's what I was implying...you were one of the "carry" girls, so nobody threw you in the pool, as Roy Harper said.
  11. Well, I don't know if you are referring to my post, but in 2009 I did write a 40th anniversary post of Led Zeppelin I. Here's the link to the post page: Strider's Led Zeppelin I post If that's not the one, I'll try to search more for what you're looking for.
  12. Pussy-whipped is the more common, and direct, term.
  13. Do you think Atlantic would have told Led Zeppelin to go back in the studio if they didn't think a record sounded "Zeppelin" enough? And what do you think Peter and Jimmy would have said to them in reply? I've sometimes wondered what if Jimmy hadn't been so smacked out, and he developed his idea of a guitar-army further and Led Zeppelin came up with something like My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless" album...or he worked more on his idea of using a bow on the guitar and created a Sigur Rós-type sound...how would the record label and public have reacted to that? I know, speaking for myself, I would have LOVED it if Led Zeppelin had gone in those directions!
  14. Yeah, that June 3 show was AMAZING...and probably was the "best of the bunch", as you say. I have to say, though, my ears and body took a while to recover from the onslaught of 3 Zeppelin concerts in 4 days...maybe a whole week passed before I felt completely refreshed and the ringing was gone. Anyway, due to the technical limitations of my cellphone that I used to post my reviews, I was leery of trying to post photos with my posts. You know, something to break up all that grey...and kudos to those of you who managed to read all that in one-sitting. So now I thought I would post some pertinent photos to help illustrate the review. The first photo is one of Kezar Stadium, as it appeared then, and shows how close it was to other buildings in the neighborhood. So you can just imagine in your mind how those buildings were lined with people on the roofs, or listening through their windows, the day of the show. My uncle's place was just to the right, out-of-frame of the photo. Now, here's a group of photos that illustrate the late, great PSA...Pacific Southwest Airlines...and their "Smiling" airplanes and their groovy stewerdesses. The motto of PSA was "Catch Our Smile".
  15. The best thing about the Stanley Cup being over with...and the NBA Finals, as well...is that I can give sports a rest until the fall, when college football and (hopefully barring a lockout) the NFL and NBA start up again. Baseball is dead to me, and I couldn't care less about golf, NASCAR, and soccer, especially American soccer. And while I am glad women have the chance to make money playing professional sports just like the men, it's still not enough to get me to watch the WNBA. Maybe if I had a daughter, but I don't, and none of my nieces like sports. The only sporting events that take place during the summer that I look forward to watching are Wimbledon and the US Open tennis tournaments, and the Supercross series. Besides, summer is for being in the great outdoors and engaging in physical activity...not sitting around like a slug watching others. And few things are worse than wasting 4 hours of a glorious summer day watching baseball or golf or NASCAR on tv.
  16. Maybe they had an off-night, although truth be told, Best Coast go down better in a small club than a large-venue show. But even at their best they are nowhere as good as the Decemberists. But you are right about the hype...they got massive hype. And it boils down to two words: Cute chick. If a band has a cute chick, it's almost a given the band will be hyped-to-death. Best Coast has Bethany Cosentino. It's the same with Vivian Girls, Giant Drag, She & Him, and anything Jenny Lewis is involved with. Not that some of these bands don't live up to the hype...but if the band's not ready, it can be crippling. And it can be annoying if you're one of those bands that DOESN'T have a cute girl...that's what made that joke in "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" so funny; for a time it did seem like EVERY new indie band had a chick drummer. And poor Jenny Lewis...everywhere she goes, she leaves a trail of drool and broken hearts among the male members of the indie-rock media. And probably quite a few females as well.
  17. Well, I think you're confusing these movies with slasher-type movies like "Friday the 13th" and "Saw". "Nosferatu" has nothing to do with those films...it is not filled with gratuitous violence and the horror, such as it is, is more psychological than visceral. The films achieve a feeling of dread, or unsettle you rather than out-and-out terrify the viewer. "Nosferatu", both the silent version and the 1979 colour remake aspire to something close to art. They are not just mere product, cynically made and marketed to a blood-thirsty public. The same goes for some of the other films mentioned here by redrum, reswati and I: "Vampyr", "Nadja", "Let the Right One In". I implore you slave, to give "Nosferatu" a shot, either version. One reason I emphasized the Herzog remake from '79 over the Murnau original, is that one of the points of this thread was to get parents to try to get their Twilight-loving kids to watch these films to see what an honest-to-goodness vampire movie is like. And as it is near impossible to get kids today to watch an old black & white silent movie, I figured parents would have an easier time getting the kids to watch the colour version. Here is another scene I like from the Herzog "Nosferatu", that really shows the pain and loneliness of being a vampire...that it isn't "cool" to be a vampire. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1KO55JBuFE
  18. Not that this will sway the loon, as he seems to have made up his mind regarding Lady GaGa, damn any evidence contrary to his opinion...but here's a couple clips that show LGG can do a lot more than dance or dress up. Singing for the Queen:
  19. Strider


    This is the only thing I have to say on the matter and then I shan't return to this thread. HE DIDN'T EVEN GET LAID!!! Seriously, how screwed up has this country( the U.S. ) become when our huge sex-scandal of the day involves a guy who didn't even get any sex? All he got was his right hand. Oh, HE LIED you say. So what, EVERYBODY lies about their sex life. And everybody masturbates at one time or another. Or they become like Glenn Beck. Christ, along with cars, televisions and soccer, Americans can't even do sex-scandals right anymore. Here's how the quality has sunk over the years: John F. Kennedy = Marilyn Monroe Bill Clinton = Monica Lewinsky Anthony Weiner = his hand No wonder the rest of the world laughs at us. For THIS we make him resign?
  20. Okay, this is a CALL-OUT, a plea to Silver Rider, Hotplant, MadScreamingGallery, or ANYONE that was at the June 3, 1973 LA Forum concert. It may have got lost in the shuffle in all that grey, but there was a question buried in my review post. As my attention was focused elsewhere at the time, what happened during Thank You that caused that second huge roar? Anybody who was there have any idea? Did Silver Rider streak across the stage?
  21. LA TIMES article about Neil Young's latest release, "A Treasure". LISTEN TO WHAT GOT HIM SUED Neil Young releases what Geffen Records didn't consider 'A Treasure' By Randy Lewis The recent news that country singer Tim McGraw's record company is suing him over his latest album is just the latest of many stranger-than-fiction examples of artist-label relations going south. In 1993, the head of John Fogerty's record label sued him for sounding too much like...John Fogerty, arguing that his single "The Old Man Down the Road" was merely a remake of Fogerty's old Creedence Clearwater Revival hit "Run Through the Jungle". (Fogerty won.) That had followed an equally surreal case from 1984, when Neil Young was sued by his label at the time, Geffen Records, for not sounding enough like himself. That's the backdrop for the release of a collection out of the Canadian rocker's archive, 'A Treasure', a batch of live performances circa 1984-85 when he'd assembled a country-rock band that toured as the International Harvesters. Read the rest here...
  22. It's a well-known human condition AND the first rule of comedy, i.e. comedy is when somebody falls, tragedy is when you fall.
  23. You got that right. Saw him many times with various bands...most memorably with Elton John many, many moons ago.
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