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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Yeah, didn't Lawrence Welk cover this?
  2. Hmmm, I thought I had already responded to this but I don't see my post anywhere, so maybe I goofed and was thinking of the old board before everything changed. Yes, ledbagelz, I saw Led Zeppelin pre-1980...here's the list of shows that forever seared their way into my mind and soul: 1972 1. June 25, 1972 Los Angeles(Inglewood) Forum, California...just shy of my 10th birthday...MY HEAD EXPLODES FROM THE THRILL AND EXCITEMENT! 2. June 27, 1972 Long Beach Arena, California...so great on the 25th I just had to see them again! 1973 3. May 31, 1973 LA Forum, California...Happy Birthday Bonzo! 4. June 2, 1973 Kezar Stadium, San Francisco, California...thank goodness for relatives in the Bay area! 5. June 3, 1973 LA Forum...the last Thank You! 1975 6. March 12, 1975 Long Beach Arena...still my favourite 75 show...release the soundboard NOW! 7. March 24, 1975 LA Forum...ran away from home for these Forum shows...not as good as Long Beach but still plenty heavy! 8. March 25, 1975 LA Forum...my first time taking quaaludes...also drunk on southern comfort and oj. 9. March 27, 1975 LA Forum...who let that skank Linda Lovelace on stage? The first appearance of the BLACK DRAGON PANTS! 4 straight days of partying were taking their toll on me by now...but while by 75 cracks were beginning to show, who can ever forget the impact of hearing Kashmir for the first time or the smoke curling up Jimmy's legs during the bow segment? 1977 10. June 21, 1977 LA Forum...a fucking week full of Zeppelin and NO WORRIES about school nights! Kashmir! Do you hear me? FUCKING HELL KASHMIR EXPLODES ON THIS TOUR! Forget Stairway...Kashmir is now the song everyone most wants to hear! 11. June 23, 1977 LA Forum...yep, the famous BADGEHOLDER night...Moonie the Loon in the house...sadly the last time most of us would see him. 12. June 25, 1977 LA Forum...3 shows in...so far everything is EPIC! 13. June 26, 1977 LA Forum...right about now I was wishing their setlist was more varied from night-to-night...at least we get a cool encore: It'll Be Me! 14. June 27, 1977 LA Forum...maybe not the best of the LA run but it would prove to be the last ever show LZ would perform in LA, so at least I can say I was there...turned 15 a month later. So there you have it...14 LZ concerts in 5 years.
  3. I totally understand what you are saying MSG, and I give a pass to the younger fans. My comments were directed at those who should know better...I can't tell you how many times I've picked up a Zeppelin book only to see photo after photo mis-dated. And when one book has an error, the error reverberates because the next book picks it up and passes it along as fact. So now we have a whole bunch of Zeppelin books out there with screwed up facts...there are even people out there who claim to have seen Zeppelin in concert in 1974 and/or 1976.
  4. All well and good, I suppose...but I don't even have a cellphone. Funny, I clicked on the link you provided, and reading the comments left by people who rated the app, I was struck by one guy who said he didn't realize Sandy Denny sang on Battle of Evermore. Really?!? it's written right there in the song credits...doesn't anybody read anymore?
  5. Hmmmm....Alison and Percy both on the bill. Think we might get a special "hookup" that weekend. Imagine, both Alison AND Patty harmonizing with the Golden God?!?
  6. Did Robert Plant learn NOTHING from the 1975 tour? If you're going to tour the States in Jan-Feb, at least start on the West Coast and then by the time you arrive to the midwest and eastern dates, it's closer to spring time and everyone's not trudging through snow. Looking at recent setlists, I am saddened to note that Silver Rider has gone missing. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add Silver Rider to the setlist when you play the Greek in L.A., Mr. Plant!!!! This longtime fan begs you on bended knee!
  7. Yes...but since this thread specifically addressed Scientology, I wanted to just keep my response to the topic at hand. Funny, looking at the Scientology building is like looking at the Towers of Mordor.
  8. Everyone always talks about Seven Nation Army...it's not even close to being my favourite WS song. I much prefer Ball & Biscuit, Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground, and Hotel Yorba just to name a few. Why do I get the feeling that in a few years, Jack and Meg will get the itch to play together again? So, no, I am not quite taking this "White Stripes calling it quits" thing seriously. But in the interim, I'll bide my time with Dead Weather or whatever the latest project Jack White busies himself with...whatever you might think about him, the man sure knows how to apply himself industriously! Not one, not two, but THREE bands(White Stripes; Raconteurs; Dead Weather) and still had time to resuscitate the careers of two legendary singers: Loretta Lynn and Wanda Jackson. Plus, build a home studio, start a label, and collaborate with multiple artists and do soundtrack work and appear in the It Might Get loud documentary. Jimmy Page could learn a thing or two from Mr. White about focusing your energies. I mean, it's been at least since 2003 that Jimmy's been talking about doing a solo record. If this is really it for the White Stripes, I feel for the kids who got into the band too late to see them live, which was where they truly shined. I had the good fortune to see the White Stripes many times, starting way back when they played Spaceland in 2000. There are many words you could use to describe their shows...and "wimpy' is not one of them. Actually, "garage rock" has been with us since almost the beginning of rock n roll. Bands like the Sonics and the Seeds were part of the garage rock scene in the 60's. I'm not picking on you...I just didn't want you to get the notion that garage rock was some sort of post-grunge thing.
  9. In time-honoured internet fashion, I was gonna reply "FAIL" to your remark, but even "EPIC FAIL" doesn't do justice to your incredibly lame-brained viewpoint. "Not big in the UK...WE never fell for the hype"? Are you nutters? It was precisely in the UK that Beatlemania began before crossing the Atlantic to the US. Yours is an early contender for the "stupidest post of the year". And enough with the revisionism...the Beatles WERE a rock'n'roll band, case closed!
  10. Has anyone heard from this person? I sent her an e-mail stating I saw the band and would be willing to offer my perspective and never heard back.
  11. Strider

    Joan Bonham

    Damn...this is sad news. I always wanted to meet her...never got the chance. Rest in Peace Joan Bonham. Thanks for giving us a talented family, headed by your inimitable son, John Henry.
  12. :blink: These lists are usually a waste of time no matter who does them...Rolling Stone, NME, Q, Uncut, Time, etc...but THIS list is SPECTACULARLY INEPT!!! The Cars?!? Journey!?!? What kind of crack are they snorting over there at Parade?
  13. I'm not an Arcade Fire fan...they're a little too much Dexy's Midnight Runners crossed with Up With People for my taste...but if you haven't heard of them then you can't really call yourself a serious music fan. They draw massive and passionate audiences whenever they play. Their last two albums, Neon Bible and The Suburbs have received tons of attention and reviews around the globe. Like I said, they are not to my liking...but to say"Arcade who?" is rather like admitting you've been living under a rock the last few years. It's the equivalant of claiming ignorance of Radiohead when Kid A was nominated in 2000. So those people in Jahfin's clip are pretty much like the idiot Bieber fans who defaced Esperanza Spalding's wikipedia page...clueless. TOP PERFORMANCE OF THE NIGHT: Cee Lo Green by a mile!!! With his Elton John inspired costume and the muppet band and even Gwyneth Paltrow slinking around the piano like Michelle Pfieffer in The Fabulous Baker Brothers, this was easily the highlight of the night! It's a great song, too...both versions, "Fuck You" and "Forget You". I had a smile on my face the whole time...loved the way the back-up muppet singers would sing "Shhhhhh!" Watch the awesomeness here: Cee Lo Green 2011 Grammys Also of note was the Eminem/Dr. Dre/Rihanna performance of "Love the Way You Lie". That was pretty intense and the people here who knee-jerk respond with "rap sucks" any time rap is mentioned need to get over themselves. Yes, there is some bad rap out there; just as there is bad pop, bad rock and bad country. But, when it is done right, rap can be an amazing musical almagam. It is no accident that rappers frequently look to Led Zeppelin, another musical entity misunderstood in its time, for its beats. And Rihanna certainly faired better during this performance than she did on her own later in the show...that was ghastly. The third performance I liked, and was most surprised by, was the trio of Norah Jones, John Mayer and Keith Urban doing a nice job on "Jolene" as a tribute to Dolly Parton. I usually can't stand either of these three, especially John and Norah, who to me epitomise the very essence of the dreaded "Adult Contemporary" genre. Another surprise was that I actually enjoyed Mick Jagger's tribute to Solomon Burke more than I did Bob Dylan's tribute to William "Froggy" Laughlin. The rest of the performances were the usual dreck...and who let Michael Bay in the house? Seriously, does EVERY performance need fire and explosions and 1000 dancers dancing nonsensically? Please kill me before I ever have to hear another Katy Perry or Train song again. But my biggest disgust of the night was directed at the ignoramuses who, during the In Memoriam segment, when they paid tribute to the music figures who passed away the past year, left out both Mark Linkous of Sparklehorse AND Trish Keenan from Broadcast! FOR SHAME!!!
  14. The Grammy Awards, like Rolling Stone magazine, have loooong ceased to have anything to do with good music, and the fact that they hardly give out any awards on the air(I think only 10 were given out in 3 hours on last night's telecast) means that the only reason to watch is for the possibility of train-wreck performances. Since the Grammy's were on the same time as the BAFTA's on BBC America, I tivod the Grammys and watched them later after the BAFTA's(hooray for Sir Christopher Lee for getting a Fellowship award...King's Speech won Best Picture and Best Actor while Social Network garnered the Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay). Bob Dylan was horrible...sounded like a sick frog and off all the songs he's written, we get yet ANOTHER "Maggie's Farm"?!? Yawn. I have more to say...but I gotta Valentine's date to make. Ciao!
  15. It still boggles my mind how many people fall for this Scientology mumbo-jumbo...not just the celebrities that you find out are involved, but regular people that I know and think/hope would know better. I can see the Scientology Celebrity Center on Franklin and Bronson in Hollywood from my place...what a waste of prime real estate.
  16. CONGRATULATIONS PACKERS and Packer fans! Like I said before , I was leaning Green Bay's way yet I was still surprised that the Packers were favoured. Guess experience doesn't count for much in Las Vegas' eyes. So I am happy for Clay Mathews(USC alum) and Aaron Rodgers(Brett WHO?) and that Ben Roethlisberger got a little Karmic retribution. Steelers missed field goal screwed up the spread and likely caused much anguish among bettors. Oh, and this Super Bowl proved yet again why the NFL is SO FAR AHEAD of the NBA and baseball in popularity in the U.S. Think about it...Green Bay vs. Pittsburgh this year; last year it was Indy vs. New Orleans. Care to imagine if we'll ever see the Milwaukee Brewers vs. Pittsburgh Pirates in a World Series in our lifetime? Didn't think so. Buffalo has a better shot at getting back to a Super Bowl than Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Milwaukee and other small-market clubs do at getting to the World Series.
  17. Only just now saw this thread...so pardon my lateness, but my condolences to your family. 51 is way too young to shuffle off this mortal coil. Can't pretend that I knew him well but to hear from others, he seemed like a righteous dude. Was Dennis Leary his avatar? Here's hoping they're playing Led Zeppelin wherever he's at now. Rest in Peace fellow Zephead.
  18. I've gotta go with 1971: everything...the US tour, the Japanese tour and the UK tour...they just seemed intent on kicking ass and taking names that year. No mucking about and worrying about smoke machines and mirrors and lasers...they just strode on stage and unleashed the supreme 1-2 punch that was Immigrant Song and Heartbreaker and kept petal-to-metal for 2 and 1/2 hours every night. Everybody was in top form...Plant's voice, Jimmy's guitar shredding, Jonesey's groovy bass(his bass lines on Celebration Day during 1971 are EPIC), and Bonzo bringing the thunder on his green sparkle kit. Close behind the 1971 tour are the 1970 and 1972 US tours. Now don't get me wrong...I loved the tours that I saw them on(1972 thru 1977), especially 1972 and 1973. But whereas you can definitely find off nights by the band on the later tours, I have yet to find a 1971 show that was not earth-shattering.
  19. I have two versions of the 2-12-75 MSG show: Godfather's "That's Alright New York" and Red Devil's "Madison Square Graffiti", both of which I think sound better than "Flying Circus". Comparing the 2-12 to the 2-14 "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" show is tough...both have excellent sound and some songs are better on one than the other...I think Rock n Roll and OTHAFA are better on St. Valentine's Day while Kashmir and Heartbreaker get the nod at the 2-12 show. No Quarter is great both nights, but you can start to hear the change in the arrangement at the 2-14 show. I also prefer the 2-14 Whole Lotta Love as the funky Crunge interlude and theramin battle makes its 1975 debut...the 2-12 WLL feels naked without it. And yes, the addition of SIBLY to the setlist on 2-14 helps as well. Maybe because I haven't heard the "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" show as much, I give it a slight nod above "That's Alright New York"...because the show is new to me it still sounds fresh, whereas I have had a boot of the 2-12 MSG show in one form or another for years.
  20. What a great story and what a keepsake you now have! But I gotta ask...what beer was he drinking? English Ale? Irish Stout? Hope it wasn't some crap american bud light or coors.
  21. I've only seen photos of Jimmy wearing the SS outfit from the Chicago 77 show and on the Starship. There's also photos of Jimmy on the Starship wearing lighter-brown jodphurs and a bomber jacket but no SS cap. And, sorry, but I've got to clarify something. People talk about the 73 cosmic pants or the 75 black dragon suit as if that was his standard outfit for those tours. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Let's start with the 1973 US tour. For most of the tour, Jimmy's outfit rotated among these choices: 1) plain white suit with dress shirt or t-shirt underneath; 2) brocaded jacket with blue jeans(he wore the exact same thing in 1972 at the LA Forum...only difference was that in 1972 he wore white sneakers and in 1973 he had changed to his iconic slip on dress shoes); and 3) some type of zippered windbreaker jacket with the white suit pants or blue jeans. From all the evidence, it appears that he wore the "cosmic outfit"(not to be confused with the black dragon suit) only at the end of the tour in New York. And while he wore the pants at all three shows, it seems that he wore two different tops during the 3 nights in NY...the brocaded top and the spangly jacket with the silver lapels. This suggests that Jimmy, knowing that they were going to film the NY shows, wanted something a little more visually spectacular to wear, and whether it was his lady friend Coco in LA or some other person handy with needle and thread, the outfit apparently wasn't ready until New York. Oh, and the 1973 Euro tour seems to either feature the white suit or top with blue jeans combo mentioned above...definitely no cosmic outfit in Europe that year. Now as to the 1975 US tour, let me just cut to the chase right off the bat: the iconic black dragon suit did not make its appearance at all on this tour! For one night in LA, Jimmy wore the black dragon pants, and THAT WAS IT! For the top he wore the same brocaded top he wore in 1973(as seen in the movie TSRTS). All the other dates of the 1975 US tour primarily featured jeans and t-shirt combos; the 1973 cosmic outfit; the white suit pants with any manner of various colourful button-down shirts; a new black brocaded jacket that he paired with either the white pants or the cosmic pants. The ONLY 1975 shows that Jimmy wore the complete black dragon outfit were the Earl's Court gigs...which coincidentally were being multi-tracked and were being filmed(or at least video-taped), which again suggests that Jimmy felt something visually striking was needed for these homecoming shows. And when you compare how cool he looked at Earl's Court with the somewhat pedestrian look of the early 1975 shows, Chicago i.e., it seems Jimmy didn't really put a lot of forethought into what he was going to wear on tour. Even in 1977, where he mostly alternated between the white poppy suit and the black dragon suit, if you look carefully, the white suit started out pretty unadorned...especially the pants. It wasn't until about the midway point of the tour that the suit was completely embroidered. As for the black dragon suit, all you need to know about Jimmy's dramatic weight loss between the 1975 and 77 tours is the fact that he now needed to wear a belt with the pants to keep them from sliding off his hips...and he also now wore a black t-shirt underneath. Oh, and one last thing...that suit in the Victoria and Albert Museum? I have yet to see ANY photo where Jimmy is wearing that outfit. I am not saying it wasn't made for him, just that I doubt it was worn on stage.
  22. Okay...I was hoping for a Packers-Jets Super Bowl...but Packers-Steelers will do fine, and probably make for an even better game. And you can't match the HISTORY both teams bring to the game; sorry Jets and Bears, you're just not in their league. With the exception of 1985, most of the Bears history is pre-Super Bowl era.. Confession...I am a Raider fan. Yes, it has been a dreary time since 2002, but things seem to be looking up finally. Anyway, I am also a USC Trojan, so with Troy Polamalu already having two rings, I wanted Clay Mathews and Mark Sanchez to have a chance to get one. Plus, the Steelers have 6 Super Bowls to the Raiders 3, and I can't have them getting too far out in front of everyone else...I think Dallas and the 49'ers are tied for 2nd with 5 each. So, now that it is Green Bay vs. Pittsburgh, I am gonna go against my usual "cheer for the AFL/AFC" rule and pull for Clay Mathews(can you believe this guy was a WALK-ON at USC?!?) and the Packers. But if Pittsburgh wins...well, I've met Troy Polamalu and you couldn't imagine a more down-to-earth, soft-spoken guy; completely the opposite of his on-field play...so I will be happy for a fellow Trojan if he gets a third Super Bowl title. The TV ratings for this game should be astronomical...and that's not even counting all the people that will be packing bars across the country to watch this game.
  23. Thanks Knebby While I am a rationalist, and I realize death comes to us all, and it seems so arbitrary that one death should move us more than others...well, that's just the way it goes, particularly with artists. Yes, I suppose the shootings in Arizona should have upset me more. But.... And while Don Kirschner and Captian Beefheart were legends in the musical world, the fact remains that they were both getting up there in years and for the most part had left their musical interests behind. But Trish was only 42, and Broadcast was a still-functioning band...so the sadness comes from not only losing her, but also all the music we will never hear that she would have created in the future. That is why the deaths of Jimi Hendrix, Duane Allman, John Bonham and Ian Curtis crushed me more than the passing of Elvis Presley, John Lennon, George Harrison and Don Van Vliet. Anyway, life rolls on...and right now I am concerned with a musician friend of mine who just had a heart attack...so no time to dwell on things you can't control. But I am bummed that so few people seem to have heard about Broadcast. Seriously, they made some pretty nifty records. If you, in any way, like bands such as Stereolab, Portishead, or The United States of America, Broadcast is right up your alley. I suggest starting with the cd's "The Noise Made by People" and "HaHa Sound".
  24. One of the ALL-TIME GREATS! along with Mahalia Jackson, Bessie Smith, Billie and Ella. If you saw the great French movie "Amelie", they used part of this clip in the film. There is an absolutely ESSENTIAL UK label Proper 4-disc box set of Sister Rosetta Tharpe that you must get if you don't have one already ....it's called "Original Soul Sister". Love the Proper Box sets...4 discs, a separate booklet with cool photos and liner notes and recording information...and all for around $20-$25. Some of my favourite Proper Boxes: Stan Kenton...Anita O'Day...Sons of the Pioneers...Hank Williams...Les Paul & Mary Ford...John Coltrane...Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys. And, of course, the Sister Rosetta Tharpe one.
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