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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. I agree CP I have a Canon SLR I have had for about 15 years and it still works perfectly. (It makes me look like a good photographer)
  2. After watching the DVD a number of times I was, to be honest disappointed, and I only listened to about ten minutes of the Shepperton Studios DVD before I swirched it off. Overall I'll stick with the Led Zeppelin 2 DVD set.
  3. My 13 year old daughter (after I had knocked her I-pod on the floor - causing no damage whatsoever) screamed at me "Why don't you just die"
  4. It's 1.16am I take it it's clear visibilty as the Police helicopter is hovering not far from my house.
  5. I received a phone call from Asda last night, asking me if I would be interested in a permanent job. I'm fucking thrilled to bits, it's stacking shelves but it pays a reasonable wage. The lady said she would let me know .
  6. What is whitish and slides across the sky? - The coming of jesus!
  7. A friend of mine a few years ago copied all The Beatles films on to DVD for me. I started watching them on Saturday. Let It Be really is an eye opener.
  8. I always tell my wife to eat when I do, unfortunately she doesn't. Yet she keeps on complaining about losing weight, she's the only person I know who can eat whilst cooking the evening meal.
  9. I still have the free concert poster from the Liverpool concert. It had to be sent away for enclosing ticket stubs, so I took my sisters so I could keep mine, I still have that as well.
  10. Going to California - Led Zeppelin
  11. Grey ,cold and miserable, but no snow as yet.
  12. No I'm afraid I didn't, when my wife tried to get tickets for me online, they were sold out,never mind
  13. Cant stand losing you - The Police
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