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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. Everybody wants to rule the world - Tears for Fears
  2. James Stewart - It's a Wonderful Life David Niven - A Matter of Life or Death
  3. No it's Association Football, not soccer
  4. The only thing is they want crazy money for him, according to the papers at least £100 million, only City can afford that, and I'm not sure he's worth it.
  5. I think (from what I heard on the news) that there is some damning evidence against the police.
  6. James Stewart, John Wayne and Clint Eastwood, also Frank Sinatra was a good actor, I don't really have any favourite actresses
  7. Hear Hear. At least we are all agreed on that, but I bet that no police officer will be charged in relation to the deaths.
  8. Well said...... this is about police blaming Liverpool supporters for an incident which is now proved to be the British police's fault
  9. Sorry I didn't realise "this website" was a country, at least I use my name and where I live. So american police don't shoot anybody then?
  10. Well said, especially gun toting america, their police would have shot more people than sadly died
  11. At last the Liverpool supporters have been exonerated in the deaths of 96 of them. As everybody already knew it was police negligence. I haven't bought a certain newspaper since that day, and it still amazes me that people still buy it. I hope they print a grovelling apology for their comments, my sympathies to the families, from an Evertonian to all Liverpool supporters.
  12. Kevin "Bloody" Wilson is touring the UK, he's not coming to Liverpool but he is going to Southport which is not too far away, I hope I can get a ticket.
  13. Now M*A*S*H, is about to start, the comedy channel has some really good old programmes
  14. I'm watching "The Detectives", it's hilarious, Robert Powell makes a good comedy actor.
  15. Welcome to the show - Barclay James Harvest
  16. I like to think of them as Rock Gods, four men that shook the world to its foundations for 12 years, and even now their music continues to draw more fans daily
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