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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. Why does everybody have to shout?I'm sure the person on the other end can hear them perfectly well.
  2. Let the pervert go back and face the consequences. If it is all untrue he would have gone of his own free will.....
  3. Maybe one day some of these responses will be funny, NOT TODAY
  4. Since you've been gone - Rainbow
  5. What is a puffer.......isn't that a type of fish?
  6. I know and me being a realist know that we have two chances.... A snowballs chance in hell.......Or no chance. I am an Evertonian don't forget, therefore we are all of the same breed, WE ARE CREATED!!!!!!!!
  7. I went in to the second hand record store in Liverpool today, it has been taken over by new owners, fuck, he was so rude it was untrue, I asked him if he had any Roger Waters albums....... No he said, must have a photographic memory, I spotted Amused To Death on the shelf. I walked out.......His loss not mine, I will find another shop in which to buy albums. By the way if you are in the Liverpool area, it used to be called Hairy Records, and it is in Bold Street, no longer.........avoid it like the plague. I have bought loads of albums from there in the past.I just couldn't believe how rude he was!!
  8. Pity their music is shit.
  9. Over the rainbow - Judy Garland
  10. I haven't been 5 years sober. I still drink but I used to imbibe 500 units of alcohol per week, now I am down to approximately 14 units. I just don't touch spirits any more, and I haven't been drunk for a long time. The reason I said that I had only found two notes is because I didn't want my wife to think that I would keep two notes and only give her one of them......it's clear to me anyway.The £40 I had was spent on food , I don't know what my wife did with her £20. I still feel bad about it though, even though I didn't spend the money on myself.
  11. I'd have a job my wife has made it perfectly clear what she and my daughters think of me, I can live with it. If I get an interview from any of the job applications, I will get my hair cut, if not there's no need, it's always clean and brushed.
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