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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. Walk on the wild side - Lou Reed
  2. Parisienne walkways - Phil Lynott
  3. Roll away the stone - Mott The Hoople
  4. I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!!LV insurance have finally caved in to my constant e-mails and paid me every penny back(including interest)So I am a happy chappy, and this morning I will be off to the guitar shops in Liverpool town centre to purchse a new accoustic guitar, to replca my broken old EKO one.
  5. I appreciate your comments but unfortunately up until 5 years ago I had a drinking problem, which took me 4 years of counselling to get me over this, so I don't think buying alcohol would achieve anything. I spent the money on groceries, and my family still despises me. I am not looking for any kind of understanding here, I had a bad drink problem, and I have been over it for 5 years. It doesn't stop my family disliking me, as for TOM (our labrador) well if it wasn't for me he would get no exercise if he didn't take me for a walk every day. I don't claim to be the injured party.....far from it ,I brought it all on myself.
  6. Bring it on home - Led Zeppelin
  7. Can anyone start with lyrics that they know, and not quote from the internet? I have a vast knowledge of music as does everyone else on this forum, so why don't we all quote from memory, instead of resorting to the internet.......Or is that too difficult??
  8. So what made you unhappy?: This is the thread
  9. I am considering having my hair cut.....much to the delight of my wife and daughters..........I still haven't decided. What do you think, am I a sad bastard keeping it long?
  10. I suppose it was because I spent the all of the money (except for £20 on groceries) As for your your last question I am not welcome in the marital bed anymore, and no I haven't been unfaithful, my wife decided she didn't like me any more. Therefore I sleep downstairs on the couch. (By the way, the first 12 months are the worst). Still I have a friend in our labrador.
  11. Does this mean we can just pick any line fom any film? It can become difficult to find specific answers, as many words are spoken in the same text in many films.
  12. Put it this way Pink Floyd used in on "Meddle" on Fearless, nevertheless they are a shit football team and their so called supporters are even worse, and I used to watch Everton when they were at home and the following week I would watch the red shite, so I know what I am talking about, as far as Liverpool and Everton are concerned.
  13. Home thoughts from abroad - Clifford T Ward
  14. This may seem petty to some of you, but to me it has become a catastrophe...Let me explain, this morning I was just awaking from my slumber on the couch (where I have been sleeping for five years). Anyway an old card holder I used to use was on the floor.Please bear in mind this is about 4.00 am, anyway I just rummaged through it and found three £20. notes. I haven't used this wallet for at least two years.Thinking I could do some good I told my wife(who was in work) and my 13 year old daughter, that I had found two £20 notes and that I would give £20 to her mother and I would have £20 for myself. Feeling happy with the situation I went out and bought some groceries, (as many tins that you can shake a stick at).Anyway I spent the best part of £40 on items that we needed, I gave my wife a £20 note and explained that I had spent my share on groceries. This was all true, unfortunately, my daughter had already rummaged through the aforesaid wallet and called me a liar. She said that she had found the notes before I did, and that there was £60 not £40.How do I explain that I was doing good, I received nothing from the find, yet I am made to feel like a criminal. I understand that I will eat the essentials that I purchased, but to even consider that I was a liar and most of all dishonest, absolutely fucks me up. Did I do wrong? I spent the money I had found on my family, yet I am made to feel like a crook.My wife still has her £20....I have spent my share on shopping. My daughter says that I am a liar, I am at my wits end, how can I explain that I did it for the best. I could have kept it secret and spent it on myself (not my style at all). Now I just think that my wife and two daughters don't trust me, has anybody else experienced such a problem?
  15. The Gold is in them thar hills - Pink Floyd
  16. Personally for me (being an Evertonian) last season was good, as we managed four points more than the red-shite across the park, needless to say once again we have no money to improve the squad so a top 10 position is the best that we can hope for this season. By the way the Charity Shield is live on ITV1 at 1.30
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