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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. Sorry, I keep forgetting, still I'm far from perfect. Anyway I must bid you all farewell for a few hours. I know, you won't miss me
  2. Didn't gay used to mean happy and carefree? I can name a few names that they have called Homosexuals in my lifetime but I suppose that wouldn't be P.C.
  3. I agree I find it hard to read, Sorry I don't like lager Led Zeppelin accoustic or electric?
  4. Gone 20 years ago. Let us all keep having fun, that way there is nothing personal or offensive. I'm all for that. We don't agree on, or like the same things..... Afetr all we all love LED ZEPPELIN.
  5. Good, it means a bond, my parents were married for 64 years, only the second world war seperated them. They were partners since they were 16.
  6. Around the World - Gracie Fields.... My mothers favourite song of all time.
  7. Strider, as I said no offence meant,but I had my ego beaten out of me by a gorgeous Cornish woman, therefore I don't have one now.Then again my best friend calls me a "Self opinioted twat" so you have to bear with me , we all have our opinions after all.
  8. Sorry JTM. I take it you mean Gary Glitter, read your response again and it doesn't make sense, I also made a reply to Sisters of Mercy, but I guess they mentioned Marian a few times, and also to a few others........Please don't go trawling though them all. I do them all through memory. I'm not perfect. I first seen Zep (as you know) on 29 November 1971 at Liverpool Stadium, I was only 16, all I can remember about the set list is that they started with Immigrant Song, at the time they usually started with Heartbreaker, they did loads more but Fuck me it was 41 years ago. I try to guess the titles of the song from the words I see. I don't go onto the internet.By the way Hey Joe is the only name of a song that I know of, I don't remember it being used by Gary "The perv" Glitter.
  9. Just listening to "Reasons to be Cheerful" compilation CD from Ian Dury.
  10. It would take me a long time, still that is not the only one I've answered, or the only time I have been wrong....... I know, how about a thread were we just take the piss out of each other, that would be a laugh, as long as it is just for fun. No personal insults.
  11. Electric Marc Bolan accoustic or electric?
  12. You spin me right round - Dead or Alive
  13. Red Tops, apart from the Sun, Star and Sport. Quasi Modo or Frankensteins monster?
  14. Hey, no offence intended, we are all on the same level here. Apart from one thing Ever tried eating a porcupine?
  15. You obviously don't bother with the jovial things on this site. Or you would have noticed that I have already done what you suggest. What is your next thread Strider doesn't do game threads? Maybe........ Strider lost his girlfriend to Random Lyrics thread, who knows?
  16. I watched the B& W version first as it was the only one I have ever seen. Then I watched the colour version out of curiosity, I will stick to the B&W version.
  17. I will never be Gay either, but I sincerely hope that I will always have a partner, as I've found from experience that I can't really manage on my own. Therefore luckily for me I have always had support from someone, and no I'm not a psycopath or a nutter I just like lasting female company, sadly it doesn't always turn out that way.As I have mentioned in the past, a lot of my friends, male or female are Homosexual, isn't variety the spice of life....To each their own we all know which gender we prefer and Fuck what other people think. When I was younger I was seeing a half caste (now called mixed race) much older than me people disapproved, I thought Fuck them, we only have one life, why don't we do what we consider to be right and not what our "peers" tell us?
  18. To be honest I don't know enough Yardbirds tracks Ian Dury or The Clash?
  19. Hang on I may have made a cock up here it means we will have to switch between one thread and another, why not just to try and guess the songs from the Random Lyrics thread. Sorry it is one of my Homer days, and no I have not been drinking.
  20. It will probably fall on its arse, but worth a try. Please do not look on websites to find the answer. I'm sure you all can be trusted not to do this!!!!. But I like to figure out(if I can) which song the lyrics are from. I'm not very successful as the music taste on this Forum is absolutely phenominal. Please no cheating like looking on the internet for obscure songs. Make them preferably from tracks that you have, or know.
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