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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. OK I didn't mention them all, I would have been here for ages. I'm not disputing that what he did with the Beatles was good, but his solo stuff overall was poor. Before anyone jumps down my throat that excludes The Travelling Wilburys and his work on the Anthology videos.No disrespect to him but I prefer Ringo albums to Georges. Savoy truffle is a bowel movement, and that is from a beatles fan since 1962.
  2. Warburtons toastie (sorry) Pink Floyd with or without Roger Waters?
  3. Sorry I started rambling a bit then. Thanks I will keep the Eko, I'll have to wait until I can get it fixed.
  4. How much do you reckon it would be worth, or should I keep it? My parents got me an Audition guitar (they didn't have much money), and as soon as I started working in 1974, I went beserk bought the EKO (£95) a seperates hi fi system (£700) and a Fantic Chopper motorcycle (£325). All with a loan which took me 3 years to pay. At least I still have the EKOalbeit broken. I read somewhere that sometimes when you bought EKOs you either got a dud or a good one , but it lasted a long time before it was broken. I also (in 1975) bought a Zenta electric with a Bird valve amplifier and I still have both, the amp doesn't work anymore. But when I went on a website about Zentas it really slagged them off saying that they must have been made of balsa wood, it showed pictures of them, but none of them are like the one I bought, it's in a Strat shape, it has 3 pick-ups, no tremelo arm, and instead of a slider control for the pick ups it has 3 seperate switches, it is also a lot heavier than the Squire Strat that I have. I wonder if you are familiar with it. I hope this doesn't bore you, me rambling on.
  5. I wish I could find someone who collected them......Where would I begin to look?
  6. The last two films I purchased on DVD were; A Matter Of Life and Death (David Niven) and It's A Wonderful Life in black and white and colour (James Stewart)
  7. LED ZEPPELIN as a group ceased to be in 1980. Live off what we have available and memories, in my opinion, although Jason is Bonzo's son he's not Bonzo, therefore it would NOT be Led Zeppelin.
  8. I have no idea which copy I have, but it is on black vinyl, on side 1 it has on the run off S 2321 side 4 S 2324, side 2 S2322, side 3 S2323. I can't be sure whether I bought it in 70 or 71 (memory lapse) I remember getting it from Probe records in Liverpool and it cost £4.00. Unfortunately when one of the music papers printed a centre pages picture of Jimmy Page with his double neck, I meticulously, cut the figure out and stuck it on the back cover. It remains there to this day. But there is definitely a sound which is like a speaker falling over.
  9. I'm just about to put on Roger Waters in the Flesh DVD, wife and daughters have gone to Warwick Castle so I can play it loud through my system, not too loud to annoy the neighbours. I have some respect for them. Mind you it is 11.20 am here so everybody should be put of bed.
  10. Out of the four, I only have one Harrison album: All Things Must Pass, and in my opiinion it was a huge disappointment, I only liked Isn't it a pity, My Sweet Lord was a complete rip off of The Chiffons He's so fine.So overall I think it was wise for his contributions to be limited on Beatles albums, apart from Something and While my Guitar Gently Weeps and even then Clapton played guitar.
  11. LV insurance trying to do me out of £2000, then yesterday they put £647 in my WIFES account, they havent replied to my e-mails yet but I am extremely annoyed, this has been going on for 5 months.Bastards
  12. Well according to the specialist in Fazalerley Hospital it was cotton buds that caused a pin sized hole in my left ear drum. Leaving me deaf in that ear, and seeings as cotton buds (and water) were the only things I put in my ear, I put it down to the cotton buds. Apparently they compress any wax in the ear canal and cause unnecessary pressure on the ear drum causing perforation.So maybe it was my fault, or maybe they should state not for ears.
  13. Love is all around - the Troggs
  14. In the 80s I was given a mint copy of Live at Budokhan, which had not for resale promo only stamped on it. I gave it to my mate as he was a huge Dylan fan, he was impressed. So much so that when I lent him my Ummagumma, he never reurned it.
  15. I remember seeing Framptons Camel once, I can't remember much about it.
  16. As my youngest daughter is on school holidays I am enduring some inane american programme on Disney channel
  17. Streets of London - Ralph Mctell
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