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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. Being brought up a Roman Catholic taught me many things; On a Monday morning, first thing we would be asked if we attended mass on the Sunday, if we said no we were given the cane if we said yes we were quizzed unmercilessly on the contents of the mass, originally they would just ask what colour the preists robes were, so I would just peek in through the back door and on Monday morning I would duly tell them. Unfortunately they got wise to this, they then started asking questions on the text, when myself (and many others) were unable to tell them. Then they decided to punish us twice, they caned us and then they stopped us from going swimming with the rest of the class, or prevented us from doing our sports lessons. This was over religion for fucks sake....... and who were "they", Nuns, and how old were we? between 5 and 11 years old. We had to learn the catechism, and if we got a question wrong we were caned. The Catechism started off with "Who made you?, to which the answer was god made me, then the second one was "Why did god make you?....and it went on. I was actually given the cane one day just as I was about to leave the school and go to Grammar School (Non denomination), because I had the audacity to ask a priest (they used to take lessons every Friday afternoon), how this "god" was born on the same day every year i.e. 25 December, yet he died on a different day EVERY year, he went on to spout some bullshit about times of that period, but I wasn't having any of it so I was caned for my trouble. So when bible bashers knock at my door I ask them the same question, if they try and tell me the same as the priest I ask them if they were so specific about the date of his alleged birth why can't they do the same about his death. Also if jehovas witnesse come calling I show them my blood donors card, and ask them why? if their religion is so good and true, do they have to canvass door to door. For me you can stick your religion and when yopu die you are either burnt to a crisp or are buried six foot underground and eaten by the worms.
  2. Leaving on a Jet Plane - Peter,Paul & Mary
  3. OOPS!!!! See threads about people who mis-spell Led Zeppelin
  4. My wife got a dodgy £10 note from the cash machine at Tower Hill Post Office and they refused all liability, so I asked them to put a disclaimer notice on the machine stating that any fawlty notes given out by the machine will not be replaced.......They refused, as I was still talking to the staff someone overheard and said that it had occured a few times in the past two weeks from the same machine. They are looking into it...Hmmmmmm.
  5. Something I never say, when people have serious problems or illness I will say my thoughts are with you, as I'm a non believer and I do not pray. But I do mean it when I say it, I don't like people suffering unnecassarily. (Apart from paedophiles, murderers etc)......In response to #160
  6. It's all over now Baby Blue - Bob Dylan
  7. Twelfth of Never - Billy J Kramer and The Dakotas
  8. A speedy and full recovery is wished for your brother.
  9. You can buy headphone adaptor jacks in any Hi Fi store.
  10. Taking Some Time On - Barclay James Harvest
  11. That looks impressive Jahfin, do you still play any of them?
  12. MM seems to know a lot in my opinion, and no, I am not a sycophant . I'm just making an observation, he is one of the few people on this forum that seems to make a speedy response rather than a lot of people who trawl the internet for their "knowledge"
  13. Same here in Liverpool, Shite. Looks like rain now.
  14. Why? You can still buy brand new VHS machines. I bought 2 six head Philips ones for £90 about 2 years ago, I must be sad.. I still have audio cassette, reel to reel,and everything else. I also have 2 turntables, my Technics I purchased in 1979 and my wife can get rid of it when I snuff it, as I still use it regularly the other turntable is a Kenwood which has never been used. My wife and daughters want me to get rid of the lot as they take up one whole wall in the living room but they can swivel.
  15. Eagles - The Long Road Out of Eden, I've had it for years and never heard it all yet
  16. Since I first heard "Good Times, Bad Times", I got my sister to buy me LZ1, I was only 14 so I had no money. I've been a fan ever since, so 43 years and counting. Also NO I don't have a favourite track OR album, nor do I have a least favourite either!!
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