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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. Who knows maybe REM was right.
  2. Heartache Tonight - The Eagles
  3. MM, what was Zappa like?, I have a couple of live videos, but it's not quite the same.
  4. Distilled by Southern Comfort, somehow it doesn't sound as good as I used to think it was.Oh well back in the rack.
  5. Nice one JTM, You're right it started as, and sill is Association Football. If an american club had FC after their name any guesses what it would stand for?? I have one but I wont print it.
  6. Monster Mash - Someone???? and the Crypt Kickers
  7. I know I was fortunate enough to watch it live on television.
  8. I'm just about to watch Led Zeppelin and the music that influenced them, it was on Sky Arts 1 yesterday afternoon.
  9. Must have taken you hours to dig that up.
  10. At last....... a joke. I like silly jokes, sometimes they are not funny but they are clever. # E.G. Man goes to a circus and the clowns arrive, one clown spots him and decides to take the piss out of him, he asks "are you the front end of an ass? the man answers "no". Well the clown asks "are you the rear end of an ass?" No he replies, then the clown says "Then you are no end of an ass". The man goes home and tells his brother about his belittling experience, so his brother goes along with him to the same circus the next day. Anyway once again the clowns appear in the ring, and the clown who ridiculed him the day before notices that he is with someone. So the clown decides to take the piss out of him as well. Hello! he shouts to the brother I see you are sitting alongside the cretin that was here yesterday, then the other brother stands up and says this is my brother and he is a mastyer of repartee and sarcasm. Good said the clown, let me ask you a few questions, "Are you the front end of an ass", no he replied, "well then are you the rear end of an ass". The brother stands up and says "Fuck off red nose"
  11. No !!!! there isn't a bad track on it........maybe Waers went on a bit about his life without a father, but it 's still a fine record.
  12. America???????.We only took them there we can't take responsibility for how they turned out.
  13. I decided to listen to my vinyl copy of Live On Blueberry Hill, I can't believe the noises on it, you can hear people talking, the bass is inaudible, and on side three, it sounds like a speaker crashed to the ground. Is it just my copy, as it sounds as if it was recorded in a bathtub.
  14. Can anybody amongst us tell a joke without having to resort to the internet, for fucks sake doesn't anyone know any jokes of their own.Making me laugh means just that, make me laugh. Why should I have to click on to a website to find something that has been on TV or The pictures many times........Just tell a joke, not everybody will find it funny, but it's better than surfing through the internet and finding some clip or other.
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