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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. To Walter, (don't worry this is nothing abusive), many congratulations to your son, and I mean that, swimming was the one thing that I was really good at, but I didn't realise it until I was older, I got my qualifictions to become a lifeguard at the age of 15, but I never used it . Now that I am older I can appreciate the work that people have to do in swimming, to reach their goals. Good luck to him and make sure he continues to achieve better things. I still swim a bit now but when I was younger I loved it, I won 2 years free membership to any swimming pool in 1970 & 1971, and I went as many times as I could. I wasn't the fastest by any means but I was a strong swimmer and it gave me a sense of purpose. I still remember my parents being so proud of me when I was asked to be a lifeguard at a "Help The Aged" marathon in Liverpool. Tell your son to strive for more. My best wishes to him and I hope he is successful.
  2. ^^^^^ and people have said that "The final Cut" was their worst album, Bollocks!!!!!!! In my opinion it is one of the best.
  3. Let's hope so.I wish he would come to the UK and do some concerts
  4. Pity the GB football team cant emulate them
  5. To electrophile.......What kind of a comment was that, I asked if anyone you knew said something stupid about Led Zeppelin, none of my family like them except myself. You didn't even offer a statement that someone you knew said about Zep, No you just stated something stupid, MORON.
  6. Excellent photos, What was the concert like????????
  7. I had to miss Leonard Cohen in Liverpool in 1974, as my sister was getting married on that day.
  8. I remember when I was in the 5th year at school (1970), one of my classmates and I were talking about Led Zeppelin and he said that they were too commercial !! (he had heard Livin Lovin Maid for the first time), and told me that they only did it to get on Top Of The Pops. What a fuckwit, I told that they had never released a single in the UK and that they weren't going to release any in the future either. Anyway the next time I seen him was on our schools cross country run (every Monday during summer months), and he was being thrown into Aintree canal by a group of his "mates". Anybody else heard some half witted attempts to belittle Zep? Apart from Keith Moons - They will go down like a lead balloon. P.S. The header shold have been "SAID" not siad !!
  9. Hit me with your rhythm stick - Ian Dury
  10. If you were planning a trip to London.....DON'T, you will be ripped off for every single thing that you buy. If you have an American accent be prepared to be robbed blind.
  11. Thing called love - Johnny Cash
  12. Feel like making love- Bad Company
  13. Hit me with your rhythm stick - Ian Dury
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