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Everything posted by choppa

  1. Thats me on the right with my new t shirt taken on the out skirts of Canberra at a little village called Tharwa
  2. Graham's certainly gone well all right.hope he gets to the end,best of luck to him
  3. for such a diverse range of weather,8 years of drought 2 years of floods
  4. rain,rain,rain,and rain and more rain and more rain coming
  5. hard to beat those one armed bandits eh,had a long weekend went camping,watersking down at Nelligen,had a mixed bag weather wise,good weekend all the same.
  6. I love a sunburnt country A land of sweeping plains Of ragged mountain ranges Of drought and flooding rains I love her far horizons I love her jewel sea Her beauty and her terror The wide brown land for me
  7. Thanks, hope you have a great day don't know whats happened to this global warming,hasn't been much of a summer.
  8. Which fella is he,we'll keep a eye ott for him
  9. Gotta be The ocean for me followed by Dancing Days,the rest are only a bees fart behind.
  10. What about The Castle,Troy Dann,Russell Coights Outback Adventures,Cath and Kim,The Sullivans
  11. Led Zep tattoo,4 symbols inside top of left arm,and a boring old fishing rod.
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