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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Understood. Someone still could have recorded it to cassette or 8-track though. Back then, that sort of thing wasn't really that frowned upon despite the warnings on the back of blank tapes. Not to mention neither would have sounded as good as if it were on vinyl.
  2. I'm talking about the big "what if" of what if How the West Was Won had been released back in the 70s. If it came out on vinyl today, of course there would also be the option to buy it on compact disc. Even it were a vinyl release only people could still rip the tracks to mp3's using a USB turntable.
  3. No way three CDs would fit on three vinyl records, it would have to be a box set.
  4. I'm positive that you are both paranoid and delusional, at least judging from the vast majority of your posts. You said it, I didn't. I never implied that everyone in the U.S. had taken to the streets in order to celebrate the death of Osama Bin Laden. I merely expressed my own feelings regarding the inappropriateness of celebrating anyone's death. Some see statements like that and instead of reading and comprehending what's actually there, they see "I hate the U.S.A.", especially the jingoistic types such as lzzoso who apparently bleeds red, white and blue.
  5. Jahfin


    Tara Nevins (of Donna the Buffalo fame) from her new album Wood & Stone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVlfvzSPp3U
  6. Jahfin


  7. Speaking of Mr. Lindley, here he is with Wally Ingram. Nice Jimmy Page reference here as well:
  8. Kaki King (who I saw open for David Lindley a few years ago) also uses her guitar more as a percussive instrument than as an actual guitar:
  9. It depends on what you're looking for. For new vinyl, I've had MusicDirect recommended to me on a number of occasions. Thing is, no matter where you shop for new vinyl, it's going to be expensive, particularly when it comes to the high grade 180 gram vinyl. For used and rare vinyl, there's Gemm. I have never ordered from them but they have one of the widest varieties of used and rare I've ever seen online. I still buy more CDs than I do vinyl but when I do buy vinyl I at least have several choices locally. There are two record stores (Schoolkids in Raleigh and CD Alley in Chapel Hill) that stock new and used vinyl and several more locations that stock nothing but used records. Yes, prices can sometimes be high but occasionally they have clearance sales where you can snag some pretty good deals.
  10. I was referring to zeplives66's remarks.
  11. What does my avatar even have to do with the discussion? Last I checked, absolutely nothing. If you're offended that easily, what are you doing here? When is it that I have ever said I thought I was an "authority" on music? And again, what does it even have to do with the discussion at hand? Hang on a second, let me answer that for you. Nothing. Just how ironic is this statement.
  12. The terrorists have won.
  13. You sure read a lot of things into the three sentences I posted that I didn't even say, nor even inferred.
  14. Seems you, amongst several others here haven't a fucking clue as to what being patriotic means.
  15. I don't really know of any performer that does, at least on the scale of someone like Plant. If they do, they make it known beforehand. I saw Jackson Browne doing his solo acoustic thing a couple of years ago and he took requests but that was the nature of that entire tour. While it was cool to see him do that it was also a bit disconcerting because most performers prefer to not have requests shouted at them.
  16. Shortly after Challenger crashed there were already people making jokes about it. Right after the earthquake that hit Japan, I saw a photo of Godzilla rising from the waves of the Tsunami with the caption "Too Soon?" I don't always subscribe to that sort of black humor but I think humor can always been found in nearly every situation, including the capture and assassination of Osama Bin Laden. Just because someone Photoshopped the Situation Room photo of Obama to make it look like he was playing a video game doesn't mean it was intended to be disrespectful to the victims of September 11, 2001. At least I didn't perceive it that way. As for those of us that don't agree with people partying in the streets following the shooting of Bin Laden, how does that translate into "you hate the U.S.A."? I'm certainly not mourning his death but I never expected that sort of reaction from the American public. So, if I find it inappropriate, that means I'm not patriotic? What a load of bullshit that is.
  17. Not a huge fan either but I'll probably be adding their first two albums to my collection sometime in the near future mainly because they were such an essential part of my soundtrack back then. Since I love compiling playlists via iTunes it would simply be remiss without them, especially the deeper cuts such as "Moving In Stereo" (not to even mention the infamous Phobe Cates scene from Fast Times At Ridgemont High). By the time we got to Heartbreak City in the mid 80s I was pretty much burnt out on them but that probably had just as much to do with MTV playing them too much as well as radio.
  18. Yeah it was a bit of an unusual movie (well, way more than a bit actually) but I did enjoy it.
  19. Gillian Welch and David Rawlings covering Neil Young's "Pocahontas". This song served as the inspiration behind "Me, Marlon Brando, Marlon Brando And I" from R.E.M.'s new album, Collapse Into Now. Both songs involve imagined conversations with Marlon Brando.
  20. Enjoyed this too. I don't think I've seen a movie like this since Runaway Train. Yes, it's predictable but that doesn't mean it's free of moments of genuine suspense.
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