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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. It doesn't get much "cheerier" than this but then again R.E.M. haven't exactly staked their reputation on making "cheery" music. In fact, they've done all but totally disown this song. They wouldn't even allow it to be included on their best of collection from the Warner Brothers era, In Time:
  2. Page has ruled out the chance of anything like this ever happening. Not to mention, from what I've been reading lately, Guitar Hero (and Rock Band) have slipped drastically in popularity. On the other hand, I heard something on the radio recently about a version of Guitar Hero and/or Rock Band that would require the user to have to place their fingers on the frets exactly as they would on a real guitar. That's was perhaps Page's biggest criticism of those games, that there is no talent required to play them. With these new developments there's no telling if he will have a change of heart or not when allowing Zeppelin's music to be licensed for use.
  3. I really don't think there's any such thing as "retirement age" when it comes to music in general or rock n' roll specifically. Plus, there's this part of the interview where Hagar comes clean on the "90 percent chance" thing: You really think there's a 90 percent chance? There's no rumor. There’s no reason to say, "Yes, I’ve got this vibe going on." Right now, zero chance. When my book comes out, zero for a while. But someday, before we all die, fuck yeah. We might be in our nineties though.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okeDRaGC05M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJMYBl0qyds
  5. I love Up but it was made during a very difficult point in their career when Bill Berry had left the band so it was their first record without him. That's one reason why it was so hard to digest at first. Not only was it their first album without Bill but due to his absence they were trying their hand at various new styles and approaches to the music that they hadn't before. There's a great documentary about this period called This Way Up that you can watch on YouTube. There was also a Behind the Music on VH1 that documented this time period which can also be found on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noHD6diOlLU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCOa46ZYN7Y
  6. I must've missed the part where someone said he didn't sound like himself.
  7. I've gotten the distinct impression that he would like to continue with some form of Led Zeppelin.
  8. Not to mention that the latest VH news has them back in the studio with Roth.
  9. Since Stipe is bisexual/queer/gay (his words not mine) some people (not me) would assume he could possibly contract AIDS because of his lifestyle. Since he doesn't have a history with needles that is what prompted my "homophobe" comment. So, if you weren't harping on his sexuality, what was it you and lzzoso were harping on since his sexual preferences don't have a thing to do with R.E.M.'s music?
  10. Sammy Hagar: 'I Would Love to Make Another Record With Van Halen'Discussing his new memoir, he says there's a '90 percent chance' the band will reunite – 'if Eddie was totally cool' Sammy Hagar performing on September 11, 2010 in Stateline, Nevada. By Andy Greene Sammy Hagar's new autobiography Red: My Uncensored Life In Rock (in stores on March 15th) traces the singer's long career from his days in the 1970s hard rock band Montrose to his insane ride in Van Halen through the formation of his supergroup Chickenfoot. The new issue of Rolling Stone (on sale and in the online archive Friday) has an exclusive excerpt focusing on Van Halen's disastrous 2004 reunion tour that was nearly derailed due to Eddie Van Halen's alcoholism. We chatted with Hagar about why he decided to write the book - and whether or not he'd ever return to Van Halen. (For more on the book check out Hagar's website.) To read the rest of the article click here.
  11. There's fates a whole lot worse than sounding like Slash. I was never a huge fan of G n' R but they were about as far removed from "hair metal" as one could get. Still, I get the point. Perhaps Page was clueless as to what else was going on in music at the time. I mean at one time he was championing the likes of The Damned yet this same guy went on to work with P. Diddley and Fred Durst. I admire his open mindedness but perhaps he was living under a rock musically.
  12. It was an unofficial website for much longer than it's been an official one, neither one guarantees Page (or any of the other surviving members) or their friends read either one or that they'll pass the info on to him. Careful patting yourself on the back there, you may end up with a hernia just like your good friend Mr. Charlie Sheen.
  13. Jahfin

    Charlie Sheen

    Thanks for telling me what my own thread is about. You know, I wouldn't have been able to ever figure it out otherwise.
  14. I'm curious as to why his sexuality is even a concern at all.
  15. Believe it or not I still don't own that one or the one they did with Booker T., Potato Hole. I pretty much like all of their records but prefer the early stuff. I like the new one much more than anything they've done in a long time. As much as they tout the "Muscle Shoals Sound" I think this one comes to closest to really showcasing that influence. If you haven't seen The Secret To A Happy Ending documentary I highly recommend it. It gives a pretty well rounded view of the Truckers, their background and their community of fans. Click on the "media" icon and paste the URL between the media tags.
  16. Which automatically means he has AIDS?
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKeo5apwiZ8
  18. You have every right to express an opinion (which you've done numerous times before on this very topic) but what's with the outright vitriol and homophobia? Stipe will be dead in the next couple of years from AIDS? Does that just go for him or does it go for everyone that is gay/queer/bisexual?
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