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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. I always thought they were so stylistically diverse naturally, not as a reaction to criticism.
  2. One of our local Borders stores is going belly up so I was able to get a pretty good deal on these:
  3. Maybe I missed something here but what does Broadcast have to do with the demise of the White Stripes?
  4. I'm not trying to start a fight at all. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I'm just trying understand what it is you feel Mumford & Sons and the Avett Brothers were "faking". And, if you read my post above (the one you quoted) you will see where I say I'm not even a fan of the Avetts.
  5. Caught this on the Easy Listening station right between Perry Como and Ray Conniff:
  6. Jahfin


    New Cars: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpJQWGA1O8s
  7. Exactly what? If the Avetts and Mumford were "faking" I've yet to figure out what it is they were faking. While I like Mumford and Sons and Dylan, I've never really gotten into the Avetts so all I'm trying to do is understand your point. As for increased sales, they've definitely gone up for Mumford and Sons and the Avetts since the Grammys last Sunday. It was a great night for NC artists such as the Avetts and the Carolina Chocolate Drops, Merge Records (based out of Chapel Hill) also did remarkably well since that's the label Arcade Fire records for.
  8. The Beatles and Pink Floyd were both rock bands no matter which side of the ocean you're on. What's next? Zeppelin aren't rock?
  9. I haven't forgotten it at all, that's what I meant by the "better part of his solo career". In other words, I don't think everything in his solo career has sucked. I love all of the early solo stuff as well as The Faces, Jeff Beck Group, etc. but there was a tremendous downfall in quality by the time we got to "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?".
  10. When it comes to such lists there is no "right", it's all a matter of opinion, not fact.
  11. Reviews aren't always a true arbiter. From the YouTube clips I've seen of this abomination, Hucknall fronting The Faces is a fucking joke. Rod was holding out for more money, like the guy doesn't have enough already? He's going to have to do a lot of rockin' to make up for the sheer amount of dreck he's been churning out for the better part of his solo career.
  12. Dylan was also mugging for the camera and was attired similarly to his bandmates in Mumford and Sons and the Avett Brothers. I still don't get what was inauthentic about it. For the record, I've seen someone else make the same observation but they've yet to be able to explain themselves either.
  13. By now I think I've seen most, if not all of the Judd Apatow films. With that in mind, I figured this one would be pretty much in line with those I've already seen but I was way off. Sure it has lot of sophomoric but that's counter-balanced by the forced coming of age story of the Joe character. Definitely a movie with a lot of heart, which isn't at all what I expected going in. When I first saw this at the Byrd Theatre in Richmond last year it was still a work in progress so I was intrigued to see what changes had been made. There were very few as far as I could tell after the first viewing. I also love the bonus features which include some full length live performances, in depth interviews with the band and an entire piece on the "Muscle Shoals Sound". Now, I also finally have something to show friends that will hopefully do a much better job than I ever have at explaining why I love the Truckers so much. By the way, this isn't a complete history of the Drive-By Truckers, it touches on their early years but the main focus is the time frame leading up to the recording and release of A Blessing And A Curse.
  14. Led Zeppelin gets played to death on FM radio. The only problem being that, aside from programs like Get the Led Out (which are a part of every "classic rock" station out there), they don't play the deep album cuts. FM radio has suffered from this problem ever since the Classic Rock style of programming took hold and isn't likely to change any time soon. The only alternatives are progressive stations, college radio and satellite radio.
  15. I saw, well more like "heard", this lineup during Woodstock '94:
  16. Their rendition of "Ramble On" was one of many highlights of their recent show in Raleigh. Darrell Scott really knows how to bring it. The haters have no idea what they're missing.
  17. You replied directly to one of his posts after going on a ramble about ignoring him. That was my point.
  18. For those, like myself that missed it, here's Jagger's salute to Solomon Burke. Watch it now before the Grammy folks pull it from YouTube again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdJ_MLdVreY
  19. Can't say I really consider Zep and solo tunes to be "covers". That aside, as much as I've enjoyed Plant's reinterpretations of others' material, I'm much more excited about the prospect of the original material he said is on the way.
  20. Did you completely blank on this thread or is this just an attempt at spamming the board? Steve A. Jones answered your questions (or at least did his best to) in your orignal thread below: I'm new here, but I joined on a mission!
  21. You did. I was under the impression your comment was in reference to Band of Joy being nominated in the Americana category despite the presence of Darrell Scott in the band therefore creating a conflict regarding what type of music he actually plays. If that's not what you meant, chalk it up to a misunderstanding on my part.
  22. Yep, that's setting an example on how to ignore him alright. You resisted what, all of four minutes? First of all, Led Zeppelin is not my favorite band. Second of all, they announced the end of the group in 1980. What they've been so kind to give us in the years since, I consider icing on the cake. The 02 was a blessing and a way of honoring their dear friend Ahmet Ertegun. They don't owe me or anyone else anything beyond that. Hell, they didn't even "owe" us anything to start with. That's why I consider everything they've done since 1980 as going above and beyond anything that was ever expected of them following the untimely passing of John Bonham. Meanwhile, there's some fans that are only too eager to try to continue to draw blood from the corpse.
  23. As a huge fan of Surf and Rockabilly that would have been wonderful. Just imagine the uproar if Page were to release such a record now.
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