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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Highly recommended but be sure to have some hankies handy as it's a sad one.
  2. I'm not even a White Stripes fan but I am familiar enough with their music to know there's nothing "wimpy" about it. Kinda makes me wonder if spidersandsnakes has ever even heard them.
  3. Not what I'm suggesting. It's probably a topic that could have been started elsewhere on the board since a poll regarding lyrics obviously wouldn't be practical. Unless, of course you picked a handful and had people vote on them. More direct and to the point, why start a thread in the Polls section when you never had any intention of creating a poll for the topic to start with? You're not the only one, there's others that have started threads in this section of the board that didn't create Polls for them either. No telling what they were thinking. Maybe they need to figure how to create a Poll before starting a thread.
  4. I'm meant the thread announcing the split up of the White Stripes was posted two days ago.
  5. Old news. Then again, as is pointed out in the thread below, The White Stripes haven't been active for quite some time now so their dissolution doesn't really come as that big of a surprise. http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/15223-the-white-stripes-are-no-more/
  6. I've always enjoyed In Through The Out Door. It wasn't until I went online and found this site that I found that so many people hated it. Interesting to read the various opinions of it but I still love it.
  7. This thread is in reference to the current Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. With a few exceptions I think they've done a pretty good job so far. Even if you came up with your own list of artists you felt worthy of induction someone else isn't going to agree with it. You're never going to please everyone, nor will the current Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. They've gotten far more things right than wrong, at least in my opinion.
  8. I love Tinariwen. Do you have a list of those other songs?
  9. Thanks, can't say I've ever paid much attention to those. Now I know, goes to show you can learn something new around here everyday. This probably isn't the answer but it may be worth adding that those symbols on the cover slightly resemble registration marks which are used in graphic design:
  10. Apparently he hung around town (Raleigh) last night and is headed to Nashville soon to work with Jack White. That's the word around town anyway. We'll have to see if it plays out. Makes sense though, especially given Plant's love for Wanda Jackson and that White has recently worked with her (to great effect I might add).
  11. Just a hint, if you're going to start a topic in the Polls forum it really helps if you create a Poll to go along with it. Just sayin'...
  12. The only footage from Oakland in Freebird The Movie is "Freebird".
  13. A new copy of this on CD is going for no less than $212 on Amazon. Think I'll stick to the used copy I found in a pawnshop back in the 80s, thank you. For those that may not have heard it, this record stands head and shoulders beside The Harder They Come Original Motion Picture Soundtrack as one of the best reggae/rock steady era compilations I've ever heard. It even shares a song in common via The Melodians' "By The Rivers of Babylon" (and Desmond Dekker's "The Israelites" if you count the deluxe edition of The Harder They Come). One of my favorite live albums, ever. By today's standards it would probably be considered an EP but it still packs more wallop in it's all too brief 40 minutes than some double length platters. After reading all of the revisionist history regarding live albums in the 70s I wonder just how much of that this one was subjected to? Hopefully, very little as it already sounds pretty raw and unvarnished to these ears.
  14. Robert Plant and Patty Griffin at Schoolkids Records in Raleigh (courtesy of Schoolkids' Facebook page) Raleigh, NC News & Observer music writer David Menconi's review of the show at Memorial Auditorium in Raleigh last night from his On the Beat blog. First Look: Band of Joy (News & Observer Photo Gallery) Links to some more photos, these from local photographer Jim McKelvey: http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=12536068&size=lg http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=12538012&size=lg http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=12536066&size=lg
  15. No, he's not. I know of lots of people that are exceptionably knowledgeable music fans yet they're not fans of Led Zeppelin. That said, they may respect their contributions to rock n' roll and music as a whole but they may not think of them as "pioneers".
  16. Stop making sense, it has absolutely no place at this board.
  17. If you haven't done so already, be sure to check out Jack's playing during this recent appearance with the legendary Wanda Jackson on the The Late Show with David Letterman:
  18. Here's the trailer to The Secret To A Happy Ending: A Documentary About The Drive-By Truckers. It's still being shown at various screenings around the U.S. and will be available on DVD on February 15th (the same day Go-Go Boots comes out). I attended the premiere of the film at the National theatre in Richmond, VA last year but what I saw there was still a work in progress, I look forward to seeing the finished film on the 15th. It's highly recommended to not only fans of the Truckers but to fans of rock n' roll in general.
  19. From RollingStone.com: R.E.M.'s new video for "Discoverer" from their forthcoming LP Collapse Into Now is as straightforward and traditional as their recent video for "Mine Smell Like Honey" was bizarre. In "Discoverer" the band plays a powerful, seemingly live version of the song in a large rehearsal space. This may be as close as R.E.M. fans will get to seeing the group live this year because of their surprising decision not to tour. Collapse Into Now hits shelves on March 8th. It features guest appearances by Eddie Vedder, Patti Smith, Lenny Kaye and Joel Gibb. To watch the video click here.
  20. I'm pretty sure Reggie was being facetious, especially considering Sam created both sites (if I'm not mistaken).
  21. I'm not sure if this show is syndicated just here in North Carolina or nationwide but either way, these bloopers are side-splittingly funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POdOBXOXQts
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