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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. There was talk of turning the album Page is working on into a Zep album. If some kind of continuation of Zeppelin is going to happen I would surely hope new material would be involved. If not, it would make them no different than any other group that's out there touring on the strength of nostalgia alone.
  2. You'll love XM then. They do have some commercial channels that are Clear Channel controlled but they're the same stuff you get over the broadcast airwaves anyway. Not sure why anyone would subscribe to XM just to get them.
  3. I'm not sure what music you're listening to but I find nothing "stagnant and unexciting" about today's music. If you don't like the music that uses rap as an element, don't listen to it. Same for rap itself. Like I said, I'm not even a fan of rap myself, therefore I don't listen to it. I just don't see as some kind of instant moneymaker if someone uses rap in their music like you do. Sounds a bit paranoid to me. My mention of hippies had to do with fashion, not rap itself. As for the comparion of rap and the early days of rock n' roll there's lots of comparisons, very valid ones. Just look at how rock n' roll was initially received by the establishment. People wanted it banned, burned records, refused to allow Elvis shown from the waist up on TV, swore it was a detriment to society, people said it was only a passing fad, etc. Lots of the same criticisms have been leveled at rap and they're no more valid than the ones surrounding rock n' roll. How is rap about "following the crowd"? It is indeed an innovation rather you chose to acknowledge it or not. Lots of artists have incorporated rap into the sound of their music, some more successfully than others but it's been embraced by nearly every facet of the music community. Even Jimmy Page has collaborated with at least one rap artist. So have R.E.M. Rush have used rap in their music. There's tons of others, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
  4. I agree but we see examples of just the opposite of that on this site (and others) each and every day. Their loss.
  5. I'm the same way. There may be some artists out there who's music I don't particularly care but that doesn't mean I hate them. As I've mentioned, I'm also no fan of rap but if people think of ways to ingeniously work it into their music, I have no problem with that whatsoever. Am I supposed to hate Roll the Bones just because Rush makes a nod to rap during it? Hell nah.
  6. This is just a short clip of Al at Antone's in Austin doing Castanets but it's one of my faves:
  7. Me too. I'd like to get a copy of this but evidently all 500 copies are already gone. I understand it can still be downloaded at eMusic though.
  8. WAYLON, ARE YOU PISSED? By Chuck Prophet Why We Did What We Did To Waylon Jennings (God Rest His Soul). No Shit. On Friday, January 5th we were all at Closer Recording Studios on Howard Street in San Francisco. Mr. Chuck Prophet and Stephanie Finch were upstairs in their closet-sized office and Tim Mooney, Nate Cavalieri, David Manning and I (John Murry), were downstairs in the main studio control room. J.J. Wiesler was in his studio down the hall with Max Butler, Mark Pistel and Robbie on drums. Sean Coleman was there, too. He's got a room upstairs where he's constantly building strange electronic shit or tearing strange electronic shit apart. Figuring out which he's doing when is an impossibility. Sean and Tim own the studio. The studio, like every self-respecting establishment, has a high-falutin', fancy smancy alarm system to keep folks out. We didn't know it can keep people in, as well. Sean left, set the code, and went somewhere. We didn't know he'd left for some time. He's like that, all slinky and stuff; like a garden snake in tall grass. You can read the rest of the article here: http://dreamingwaylonsdreams.xbuild.com
  9. I love XM and have since I first subscribed to it a few years ago but I wouldn't sign up just for the Zep channel. I love Zep as much as the next person but XM has so much more to offer than just the Zep channel. In fact, I haven't even really listened to it that much. I know they do offer some rare stuff but most of the time it's songs I already own on CD and vinyl. Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour, now there's a reason for subscribing....
  10. He supposedly pulled his dick out at a show, I think that's what someone asking but I don't think the previous post makes that clear. I don't know for sure but I don't think it's ever actually be known whether he did or not. Even in the Doors movie they kinda skirted around it and never made it clear. Maybe because no one really knows for sure.
  11. Anyone seen the movie Once yet which is set in Dublin, Ireland? If not, there's a priceless scene that alludes to Thin Lizzy that takes place in front of the statue of Phil.
  12. When would that have been? It still means something to me even if they are inducting Madonna.
  13. I'm pretty sure folks felt the same way about the hippies and any radical change in fashion but none of that is my point. I'm referring to the way diverse musical styles (including rap) have been fused over the years. If there were no such innovations or pioneering in music it would remain stagnant and pretty unexciting to listen to. I never thought I would ever care for scratching but the way the North Mississippi All-Stars do it, it doesn't bother me at all. Plant has also used elements of trance and trip hop in his work with The Strange Sensation (influenced by Portishead, no doubt). It's that sort of thing that keeps me coming back and forever interested in music. Having a closed mind about rap (or any other type of music) would get me nowhere.
  14. “I saw the writing on the wall, with the Americana movement…I started to see country-western reproduction shirts at the Gap, and once something gets that big, it’s over.” - Darin Wald, Big Ditch Road. “Do you mean Gram Parsons is dead?” - Larry Oster-Burg (Michael Shannon), Grand Theft Parsons Historical periods, art movements, ice ages; you’re never really sure when one begins or ends. Art especially, with its constant action/reaction sequences, is vaguely defined from one movement to the next. We do tend to agree, however, that there is a start and there is an end, even if they are ill-defined. No Depression magazine announced earlier this month that their next issue would be their last and it’s hard not to see this as a bellwether for the movement it championed: alt-country. You can read the rest of the article here: http://www.aquariumdrunkard.com/2008/03/03...d-to-altcountry
  15. For the record, I don't have a problem with Joel. He's a very knowledgable member of the board and his contributions are most welcome. However, if he's up to his same ol' tricks again he definitely needs to not only be banned from the board, he needs to seek professional help. Sunshine Baby, I thought I recognized your posts but got you confused with Heaven Knows. I also thought you were Victoria for a while. If indeed you're the same person, why the multiple usernames?
  16. So, what if it does? All genres of music eventually cross paths, it's only natural. Should country and blues have never merged? If not, we wouldn't have rock n' roll. I don't think the Stones (or any artist for that matter) incorporating rap or hip hop into their sound is nearly as sinister as you make it out to be. Sure, some may be better at than others but that doesn't mean it's purely about sales. As I mentioned, incorporating other styles of music into their sound is something the Stones have done all along.
  17. I am not a "board bully", not in the least. I was merely pointing out that there are already two threads devoted to the Black Crowes. Several members pointed out the same thing to eagle87 when he started creating totally new threads for previously existing topics yet no one accused them of being "board bullies" (well, except for maybe Jethro Troll). It's simply a matter of courtesy, it's not "bullying" at all. When each of us signed up here we agreed to follow the forum guidelines. It just so happens rule #1 under the guidelines is to use the Search feature to avoid having so many duplicate threads. There's nothinig "bullying" about being courteous to your fellow members of the board. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that. Interpret it as "bullying" if you like but that was not my (or the other members') intent at all. I never said I didn't appreciate the post but there were already setlists and reviews in the other threads.
  18. How is incorparating bits of rap and hip hop in one's music considered "low"? Lots of artists outside of rap and hip hop have done it, oftentimes to great effect. By the same token, when rap and hip hop artists incorporate bits of rock (as well other styles) into their music, is that also considered "low"?
  19. Can't say I ever noticed that. If they indeed did do something like that to "cash in on that audience" did they also do the same thing when they made forays into country, disco, reggae, r & b and other styles they've explored over the years? If so, would Led Zeppelin (or any artist for that matter) also be guilty of the same ting?
  20. I've never seen Led Zeppelin but having grown up in the 70s I can honestly say you didn't miss much. I'd say it's much more important to live in the now.
  21. You can find a list of inductees here: http://www.rockhall.com/inductees/inductee-list As for Chicago, I seriously doubt the jazz thing would keep them from being inducted. Just look at the broad range of inductees at the link above.
  22. I suggested you use Google to find out who the original members of the Black Crowes were. I never said you should listen to Live at the Greek on your PC.
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