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Everything posted by jayceeporter

  1. The nicest ass in rock and roll!
  2. There are many scholarships, but nothing this amazing. :/
  3. I'm in the part of the room across from my Zeppelin wall!
  4. It's alright. I just needed the money so much.
  5. I've been in the running for a scholarship fund and I got my rejection email. I made it past 3 interviews and rounds, but it's a big blow to me. Especially because they would've paid my full 4-year tuition to UCLA, my dream school. Can't stop crying.
  6. A messy photo of me in my music room. Some of the posters behind me: Pamela Des Barres (signed), Marley, Pink Floyd, Back to the Future, TSRTS, etc.
  7. He definitely looks like he's basking in the praise!
  8. Never mind; just got my answer: http://www.ledzeppelin.com/event/october-19-1976
  9. I have a question: Jimmy's outfit for the New York TSRTS premiere looks very similar to the 1976 People magazine cover - Do you think it was taken the same night?
  10. This is great!! Did they just upload this?
  11. I just looked him up; he does look like him in that picture!!
  12. Thanks aen27 for the interview!! I have that picture in just a little big larger of a size: Click on it to make it bigger
  13. Those are great!! Do we have any dates for the picture of Robert with BP and the pictures of him with those 4 men? I'm thinking the one with BP is from 1975.
  14. My mom had the same; had her gall bladder removed. Ledzepfvr: Our doctor friend said that it is usually caused by eating junk food, and it building up in the gall bladder. My mom was hospitalized for a week, and when she came home, she was ordered to stay in bed as much as possible for about 3 weeks. It can be very serious if you're not taking care of your internal organs! If this bile clogs up too much, that's when it forms the gallstones, which are even more painful than when the bladder has to be removed entirely. Some great things to keep your liver and gallbladder healthy are some detoxes, like milk thistle. Something to stay away from are cholesterol-lowering drugs, because they actually increase the risk of gallstones!! The best thing to do is have a diet rich in fiber and greens - lots of vegetables and fruits; also nuts which contain high levels of good fats!!
  15. Do you know if there's an interview or anything to go with the pictures taken? I'd love to know a backstory about them!
  16. I actually have a folder dedicated to those pictures, but you probably have them all :/ If not, I could post them!!
  17. For that one, I meant I've never been able to get a high-res version of it, which they have but won't respond to my inquiry about!! Ugh!
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