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Everything posted by brspled

  1. *sigh of relief* At least someone feels the same I do!!! No matter what, I love him too, Melanie. But really, I do prefer to see other pics of him....just like this one:
  2. So true, ledded1. Meeting you, Pilot, KB, WW, Aqua, and some other friends made it all even more special. To all those who shared that unforgetable experience....
  3. I really don't like those pics, I have seen them before and as I saw them I just couldn't help but think that he doesn't look good at all on them. He looks soooooooooo old, it was certainly a bad-hair day for him, and he looked to be fat there too..... Sorry, but no matter how much I love him, I just can't say those are flattering pics of him.... Sorry to disapoint you all, I hope it doesn't ruin my reputation!
  4. And I'm so happy you were there too! Meeting you was fantastic!
  5. OK, now I get it. And you're right, it's really difficult to get bootlegs from that concert, I tried hard to, but I never got any. And it's a pity because the concert was amazing, I'd love to have a boot of it. Besides it was also filmed, a DVD of it would be also great. Maybe someday, who knows? And Mangani....sorry, again!
  6. I have already posted it long ago on this board and now I'll post it again for those who have the will and time to read it. How I got my ticket for the O2 concert On November 12th, I got a PM from a friend from the board telling me that only one ticket was avaiable, only one. I had to decide immediately if I wanted it, because it would be offered to someone else. The gilr who was selling it was from NY, a 23 year old gilr who loved LZ and wanted to sell her spare ticket to another true real fan. The person who was making it with her could no longer go to the concert, because of the change of dates (from November to December, due to Jimmy's accident). I can't be thankful enough to those people who suggested my name, because I had given up all my hopes by that time. I was so taken aback, I just didn't know what to do. I was going to leave for a pizza with my husband that evening and just before we left I decided to check my PM box. My husband looked at my face and asked if there was something wrong with me, because I went pale at once, I showed him my PM and he said: of course you're making it, no matter if alone, you'll be there. No need to say we ordered the pizza home. And so he picked up the phone and called Varig (Brazilian airline) to see if we could find a ticket to London using my mile reward programm. At the same time I sent the girl from NY an email telling her that I wanted the ticket (I had no idea how much she would want for her spare ticket, I was just trying to convince myself that it wouldn't be that much). My husband managed to book my air ticket to London, but I'd have to spend 9 days in the city, because there were no places in any flights back to São Paulo. I went to bed that day with no answer back from the girl and with a flight ticket booked for the 6th December, back flight 15 th December. I just didn't sleep anything that night. The first thing I did on the following morning was to check my emails...still no answer from the girl. I just couldn't concentrate at work that day, I was too anxious! Finally in that afternoon the gilr sent me an email saying it would be a pleasure to sell it to me and that she'd get 290 Dollars for the ticket (that's what she paid, the official price plus taxes). No cent of profit, she just wanted to share this unique experience with another real fan. I still can't believe how lucky I was. It is amazing and I'll be forever thankful that there are so many wonderful people among LZ fans. So I booked a hotel next to the O2, and got in contact with some lovely friends I made here, some of them are the best people I have ever met in my whole life. This concert will be in my memory as the best concert I have ever been to for two reasons: it was LZ (even if Bonzo wasn't there, it was the closest I'd ever come to being to a LZ concert - saw P&P twice back in 1996 - still this one was like the "real" Zeppelin was flying high again) and because of this concert I met my dear friends, people I wanted to meet for so long. I can't tell how I spent those three weeks before my flight to London, it all looked like a dream, I couldn't (and I still can't) believe how lucky I was. One day before I got my plane, Varig cancelled the back flight from London. I just panicked. My husband managed to book me another back flight to São Paulo on the 18th December, I'd have to spend three days more in London. God, I was already going alone leaving husband and kids at home, feeling soooo guilty my husband wouldn't be there with me - he is also a big LZ fan....and I'd spend even more time and money away form home because of a concert! I felt so bad about it all. But my family was just wonderful, they gave me all the support I needed, they were truly happy for me, and so I went, alone to London, to see my favorite band, the band I love since 1971, as I first heard their music. No need to say that the concert was simply wonderful, that I was moved to tears as I realised I was really there, that this one concert will live in my memory till the last days of my life. No need to tell that I met some wonderful people there. They are real friends, people I met on the old board and that are now part of my life, people I love and care for, friends for life. No need to tell that the girl from NY lives also in my heart. God bless her beautiful soul. *edited because of bad grammar. I hate prepositions.
  7. Aqua, you saw some GREAT concerts, I'm soooooo jealous. And I'm the one to blame about this thread being off-topic. Sorry!
  8. Sorry, I'm lost in translation here, I really don't get what you mean.
  9. I'm not into Rush either. But their DVD in Rio is really good. Iron Maiden has got LOTS of fans here, don't ask me why. Robert and Page/Plant didn't play Rock in Rio, it was another Festival, called Hollywood Rock (nothing to do with Hollywood, LA, Hollywood is a very popular cigarette here). Hollywood Rock took place both in Sao Paulo and Rio, and I went to all their concerts, here and in Rio too.
  10. I believe you! Rush played at Maracana stadium, some years ago. I wasn't there, but the DVD of this concert is amazing, even for people who aren't great fans, like me. I saw iron Maiden in Rock in Rio, back in 1985, I believe it was the first concert they ever made here. After that Iron Maiden has been countless times to Brazil, it looks like whenever they don't have better to do they come here. Really, they might love it here.
  11. Well, I saw Rod back in 1985, at Rock in Rio. It was raining, he was still in good shape, it was his b-day, he was really happy and the audience was great. Not a bad concert, I tell you. Rock in Rio was really amazing, it was a great experience and I'm happy I was there.
  12. You're welcome. And maybe I should add that one of the biggest rock festivals was held here in Brazil too, back in 1985. 1.5 million people attended the 9 day festival. It was the first edition of Rock in Rio and the concerts weren't free, they were expensive, I can tell. I was there. And I was pregnant. But I didn't give birth to my baby there.
  13. No, I didn't. I have been to some reveillons at Copacabana beach, but not to that one. But I have been to The Rolling Stones concert at Copacabana Beach, it was great. And it wasn't reveillon, so I can say that most people that have been there were there because of the band. I wouldn't say the same about Rod, though.
  14. Steve, I know that Rod Stewart's concert in Copacabana is on The Guiness Book of Records and I am not trying to say that you're wrong, on the other hand, Rod's concert is known as the biggest ever, but I still think that most people were there at Copacabana beach that night to celebrate reveillon, one of the biggest parties of Brazil. Every year, around 2,5 million people join together on Copacabana beach, on Dec the 31st to see the fireworks and celebrate the New Year. Rod Stewart's concert was just a bonus that year.
  15. It's been busy here lately! Great pics!!
  16. It does, doesn't it? Robert has always been very coherent about the end of Led Zeppelin and his work with Jimmy in the 90's. Robert has my upmost respect too. Oh, yes, I love his hair ... I'm glad you enjoyed the interview!
  17. You're welcome. A good friend of mine has taken the time and posted some great stuff on youtube, some clips of Jimmy in Lençóis, BA (Brazil) and also a great TV interview Jimmy gave back in 2005 for a Brazilian channel, but unfortunately these are in Portuguese. But this one is in English, so I thought some of you might like it. Glad you did. Yes, Aqua, Robert looks too good there...actually he was very, very good looking at both times he came here to Brazil. Glicine, I'm also glad you liked it!
  18. Here's a bit of the interview Robert and Jimmy gave here in Sao Paulo, back in 1996, as they played at Pacaembu Satdium (amazing concert, I can tell ) It's in English, with Portuguese subtitles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMAOCdgo3U8
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