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Everything posted by brspled

  1. Saint Agnes and The Burning Train - Sting
  2. Blues Anthem - Jimmy Page
  3. Killing The Blues - AK & RP
  4. I'm also sorry for both of you and your loss. I have alsready lost one pet, a beloved parrot, and I know how hard it is. Now I have two parrots (I used to have three) and I really love them. This is a pic of one of them:
  5. Maybe he wants to say that if Jimmy records in Nashville he can also rejuvenate his career. To be completely honest, I'd take ANY new work from Jimmy, even a bluegrass/americana album.
  6. If I had to share a stage with Robert, I'd also be worried about my hair. No one can beat him on that.
  7. Well, though some peole might disagree with me, I think Robert is a sick guitarplayer. On a bad sense. And I prefer Robert's solo.
  8. :banana: KB, you're the reason I still come here. Well, Robert too.
  9. Aqua...this is the lamest excuse someone has ever used to get a GOOOOOOOD look at Robert. And KB..... :yay:
  10. The Kinks is one of my son's favorite bands. I like them a lot too.
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