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Everything posted by brspled

  1. Love OTHAFA, Levee. A favorite for sure! :wub:
  2. Sorry, I can't take part of it. I'll be busy the whole week.
  3. Favorite albuns: III and Presence. Can't say which is my favorite song though.
  4. I totally agree, MHD! It was soooooooo cool to see Jimmy there! And the TV here did a good job, no one talked while they were playing the song ( I think they had no idea which song that was, so they decided not to say anything, something I'm quite thankful ) Anyway, there's no better way to start a Sunday morning, right?
  5. I'm a fan of his solo work. I don't like everything he has ever done, actually I can't stand Shake'n'Stirred and I'm not a big fan of Raisnig Sand, but, otherwise, I like most of what he did. Fate Of Nations, Mighty Rearranger and Dreamland are my favorites.
  6. Happy Birthday, Mr Plant! Many thanks too. Love you, always have, always will. :kiss: :kiss:
  7. Yes, you're right, we should be happy to see Jimmy playing live ....and in an event that will be aired to all the world!
  8. Yes! I remember it! Who needs enemies with friends like that?
  9. My son is back home after almots 40 days away in Europe. I am SOOOOO happy!
  10. Like this? sled? :lol: aw, thank you Rorer.
  11. Really, I have no idea! As I said, it was the first thing that occured to me.
  12. Oh, it was one of the biggest secrets of the old board! lots of people asked me what my username means! br = Brazil sp = São Paulo Led = Led Zeppelin (that's how we, Brazilian fans, call the band) It's a stupid username, but it was the first thing that occured to me as I joined the old board, almost 4 years ago.
  13. Bigdan, she is just a kid, I don't think it's the right thing to say to a child on a public board. Or even in private. I'm not saying you shouldn't make jokes, I'm all for jokes....but try to get to know the people you're talking to a bit better before you sugget something like this. No offense intended, OK?
  14. Of all this kissing....you know, ledded1 wasn't that direct as we first talked. Bigdan, I'm only joking. Ledded1 will get this, because we are friends and have known each other for long. I am only making fun, sorry to get you into it. And btw, nice to meet you!
  15. It looks great, MHD! Welcome to the club.
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