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Everything posted by brspled

  1. That's great! I do the same. :lol: I know it's cutural and there's a lot of differences in the way we treat and talk to our co-workers, as well as with friends and neighbors - here in Brazil - at least from my experience from the years I lived in Germany, but I can't understand how far its' gone...we have come to a point where a compliment will be taken as an offense, in some countries...I just don't get it.
  2. Oh, thank you! :) Well, I like it here, it's home, you know? I have lived in Germany for three years and though I liked it there, I missed this city a lot. I always say São Paulo isn't for everyone, it's definitely not for beginners But it looks like 17 000 000 people don't think it's all that bad Rio is beautiful, really, maybe one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I can see why your friend wished he could live there. Oh, I forgot to commnet on our postal service strike, yes, you're right, almost a month, a bummer really. But I still trust our postal service, why would I not? according to Forbes it's the most reliable postal service in the world, even better than Fedex.
  3. You're beautiful, Lilith! Great to see you! Lilith, congratulations on your weight loss! And your LZ tshirt is really cool! I have 5 LZ tshirts too...I especially like this one: It's all in glitter....one can actually think LZ is a glam band! And this one is also a favorite:
  4. Hi there, I missed you, MSG! What a coincidence indeed! You know, ABC Trust, as well as the other sponsors of that place I visited, do a GREAT job.
  5. Great pics everybody! Kat...you simply ARE beautiful. I have been away for some some days, on vacations....just wanted to share these pics taken while I was away.
  6. Using someone's else fantastic spelling... It's his perogative.
  7. is this a promise? Btw.....I was at the O2 concert.
  8. It looks like ignorant people love to ignore other people. And SAJ didn't get a ticket to the O2 concert??? And people still doubt there's a God.
  9. I'll send you a PM, lzfan, so you can see the difference between the hennas used on the Henna tattoes my daughter and I got as we were in Morocco three years ago. It's easier for you to understand, I think. The tattooes on our feet were darker, almost black, the ones on our hands were brown. The black henna caused a sort of alergie on my daughter, it took months to heal and her skin was awful, she had fever, it was a nightmare. I only found out later that the darker the henna the more dangerous it is.
  10. I have never heard about this ink. Does it really work and is it also harmless? Beware of Henna tattooes though, people, they can cause real damage to some people, lots of pain and scars. Most people think they are harmless, but as there's no control on the henna used on those tattooes, they can cause an awful damage to your skin.
  11. I am sorry your sister regrets her tattoo now. I am guessing her tattoo has something to do with her ex-boyfriend? I'll tell you, DN, I LOVE my husband (I'm sure you know that) we have been together for 27 years, I just can't imagine my life without him....and even so, I'd never have his name tattooed on me. And he knows it. You see, it's really, really hard to explain why that sun is the right one to me to have as a tattoo, but it simply is. And don't say your body is a train wreck, OK?? Treat it well, it will be with you for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.
  12. Thank you again,Lzfan. I think it's beautiful too, but I understand those who don't like it, it's alright with me. My mom just wanted to die (or to kill me!!! ) as I got mine, she was in shock for months, but even so I never regreted it. Think well before you do it, be sure that's what you really want and maybe wait a bit longer just to be sure. I agree it's better when we get our tattoes when we are older, we had the time to mature the idea.
  13. DN..... do you think the place or the tattoos look horrible? Well, I know of one guy that loves them both....the place and my tattoo. I agree with you, DN, we should treat our body well, it's our temple, we have to respect it. I don't think I did any harm to my body getting that sun tattooed on me, it didn't even hurt at all. And it represents something I love and that I can't live without. The sun and good music. But it's hard to explain to those who don't like tattoes why we get them. It took me a long time to get mine, I was over 40 already and pretty sure of what I wanted and what my life turned out to be at that point. So it made sense to me. And I haven't regreted it for a single day. Edited to add: thank you, lzfan.
  14. Do it!!!!!!! We'd be tattoo sisters!!!!!! And DN.....I'm sure you'll find out one day.
  15. You can see it on this pic (it isn't that vlear, but I can't find a better pic now) I love the sun. And I have wanted to have a sun tattoed on me for long, I just couldn't find the right one. As Dreamland was released I simply loved the cover and the album....the perfect sun was there, no more need to look for another one. And I'm glad it's related to Robert Plant too, though I'm sure most Led Zeppelin fans wouldn't recognize the drawing.
  16. Why would this last tour with Alison be Robert's coda? Even if he doesn't work with Jimmy again, I'm sure he'll embrace another project. He's got the energy and the will to be alwyas looking for new directions, no matter if everybody agrees with his ideas. I'm not a big fan of Raising Sand myself, but I it looks like the album is a huge success, so there might be plenty of people who liked their work. I'm sure Robert will turn up doing some new music, with or without Alison, with or without Jimmy. And Robert has already called upon Jimmy. And the Unledded project/tour was the result.
  17. Brazilian women are famous for their looks, but some Brazilian men are handosme too. Reinaldo Gainechinni Rodrigo Santoro Henri Casteli
  18. Your new tattoo looks really well done, Dancin' Days! I have always thought of having Robert's symbol, but I decided for the sun of The Dreamland CD cover, and I love it.
  19. AA, I'm glad the second night was a better one. I'm sure no concert with Robert can be bad, but I still think I'd rather see him doing another things, a second album with Alison just doesn't thrill me. Anyway, seeing Robert on concert is such a wonderful experience, I'm glad you had the chance to be there. And twice!! Lucky girl!
  20. I'm very pleased to say I have been to the O2 concert. Besides, O2 means nothing here (there are no big companies here in Brazil with that name), so why should I care? *edited because of spelling mistakes.
  21. :lol: I didn't even notice that! Guess you're right! Make it 3 kg and the same amount of olive oil.....maybe it works! Really, I haven't tested this recipe myself, but BBQ or Churrascos is a traditional meal here in Brazil, I just wanted to give some kind of contribution to the thread. I make my churrascos with charcoal, some of the meat is marinaded, some isn't, you just add salt (but not the fine one) to the meat just before you cook it. And there's always A LOT of meat for all my guests
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