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Everything posted by brspled

  1. Your new tattoo looks really well done, Dancin' Days! I have always thought of having Robert's symbol, but I decided for the sun of The Dreamland CD cover, and I love it.
  2. AA, I'm glad the second night was a better one. I'm sure no concert with Robert can be bad, but I still think I'd rather see him doing another things, a second album with Alison just doesn't thrill me. Anyway, seeing Robert on concert is such a wonderful experience, I'm glad you had the chance to be there. And twice!! Lucky girl!
  3. I'm very pleased to say I have been to the O2 concert. Besides, O2 means nothing here (there are no big companies here in Brazil with that name), so why should I care? *edited because of spelling mistakes.
  4. :lol: I didn't even notice that! Guess you're right! Make it 3 kg and the same amount of olive oil.....maybe it works! Really, I haven't tested this recipe myself, but BBQ or Churrascos is a traditional meal here in Brazil, I just wanted to give some kind of contribution to the thread. I make my churrascos with charcoal, some of the meat is marinaded, some isn't, you just add salt (but not the fine one) to the meat just before you cook it. And there's always A LOT of meat for all my guests
  5. And if you haven't seen it on the big screen, in a theater on a beach city as I have as I was 13 , then you ain't seen it! A great film, I wouldn't say my best experience in the cinema, but still unforgetable.
  6. Olive oil is an important ingredient in Brazilian food, because of the Portuguese and their Mediterranean influence. But of course there's no need to use so much olive oil, if it isn't what you're used to.
  7. I looked for a good recipe of Brazilian BBQ, called Churrasco. This one seems to be OK, though it has little to do with tradtional Churrasco. Of course you can use another beer, no need to be Brahma beer and the Chimichurri sause isn't Brazilian at all...it's used in Argentina and Uruguay. It's tasty, anyway and goes very well with BBQ. Churrasco Churrasco (pronounced Shoo-Has-Ko) is a Brazilian style BBQ which uses premium quality meats, which are slowly roasted, on long skewers, over a pit of flaming coals. This type of cooking is referred to as “Gaucho Style”, which originated in southern Brazil and was developed by the Early Cowboys who used traditional marinades and rubs that have been passed down through the generations. This recipe has been developed by Jeremy Fowler, a long serving Chaîne Commandeur and Maitre Chef. In his international career, Jeremy has held positions as: Personal Chef to HRH Prince Bandar, The Saudi Ambassador to Washington; Executive Chef for the Sultan of Brunei. He is International Head Judge and Board Member of the World Barbecue Association. Using the Chaîne theme, of spit roasting or grilling, this Brazilian recipe using Brahma beer for barbecuing or grilling, has been adapted so it is suitable for using at work or home. Preparation time: 20 minutes Marinade: 2 hours (minimum) Cooking time: 15 minutes Total time: 2 hour 25 minutes (min) Serves: 4 Ingredients 1kg Beef Tenderloin – taken from centre cut Salt and Pepper to taste, (smoked salt and cracked black pepper works extremely well) Chimichurri sauce, (See below or use Branston hot chilli and Jalapeno relish which works extremely well) 1 large bunch of curly parsley – finely chopped 4 cloves of pasted garlic (with the salt and drop of the oil) 8 fl oz Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 fl oz White Vinegar 3 fl oz Brahma Brazilian Beer Method Combine ingredients with Chimichurri sauce, leaving some parsley back to cast over finished product. Remove any silver skin from the meat, and with a very sharp knife cut the meat lengthways into the tenderloin to the depth of about ¼ inch. Begin turning the knife to make a spiral- leaving ¼ inch outside of the knife. Continue slicing the layer until the centre of the joint is reached. (Like opening a ‘Jam Rolly Polly’. The meat should resemble a flat rectangle. Infuse the meat into the blended marinade for at least two hours. Retain some marinade for basting. Cut the meat into desired widths that can be accommodated on the desired size of skewer. Thread the meat through the meat lengthways. Grill on a very hot fire to desired doneness. (A slow fire with Tenderloin will dry the Churrasco, unlike less tender cuts of meat.) Continue basting with retained marinade throughout. Season and serve with Chimichurri sauce and a dusting of the remaining parsley. Chimichurri Sauce You can chop the ingredients by hand or use a food processor, which is faster and easier. There are many variations on this condiment, and it is served with everything from empanadas to grilled steak. 1/2 cup olive oil 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley 1 clove garlic 2 finely chopped shallots 1 teaspoon minced basil, thyme or oregano, or mixture Salt and pepper to taste Combine all ingredients and let set for at least 2 hours before serving.
  8. brspled

    Photos !

    Poço Encantado - Chapada Diamantina, Brazil. One of the most beautiful places I have ever been to It's a cave and the water inside in crystal blue. When the sunlight shines inside it's just magic.
  9. You're welcome, MSG. And there is another interview were he says he wouldn't cut his hair because his girlfriend (at the time, it was about 2005, I think) told him not to, since he already looks ridiculous the way he is and he would look even more ridiculous with short hair. But that was meant in jest....the one where he says he is an old hippie was a real answer, or so I get to think it is. And he says he couldn't imagine not feeling the wind on his hair....I think it's so cute. But he is lucky he still has so much hair, or he'd miss the wind a lot!
  10. Really, I LOVE the man, his smile is something that drives me crazy....but I'm very much pleased that Robert doesn't open his shirts more than in this last pic. Even Robert Plant can't beat time....and man's boobs are.....well, never mind. back to the subject....his smile is simply wonderful.
  11. Oh, yes, I definitely see him like that too. Even today. Maybe it's hard to see that under all that sex appeal and self confidence, but it's there. It has always been and still is. In one interview Robert said he wouldn't cut his hair because it reminded him of who he really is, that deep in his heart he is an old hippie. And I love him for being exactly like that. An old, sexy, self confident hippie.
  12. Sorry, Dzldoc, I can't agree. We ourselves are responsible for the limits we trace. If your partner often does something that you don't like, you allowed him/her to. You get the respect you give.
  13. She took the dog with her?? Somehow I missed it. Wow. Flowers and Chocolate, maybe? Really, nothing will make a miracle, only a good and honest talk. Couples expect way too much from each other, but honesty is still the best policy.
  14. HP....that'd be fantastic if ANY man did something like that, but I think your expectations are too high, I fear. The average men have the biggest difficulties even in phrasing the word "sorry".... But a good talk, some flowers and sincere excuses might work miracles.
  15. Thank you for the link!
  16. Stairway to Heaven. I first heard it on the radio at my mom's kitchen. I was 8/9 years back then. I'm hooked ever since ( I'm 45 now )
  17. I like it too. Great pics, everybody.
  18. brspled

    Photos !

    The best photos I brought from my trip to London as I was there for the O2 concert are the pics of the friends I met there.
  19. No, I never had. And I'm sure that I won't ever have one.
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