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Everything posted by brspled

  1. Merry Christmas to you too! Pity.... I'm late. Well, wish you a great Boxing Day!
  2. I missed Chicken too. Well, one of that Rock Chicks you mentioned, Pilot, was sooooooooooo happy at the day she picked up her ticket........... My "ticket friend" and I just after we got our tickets.
  3. This amazing woman has already done part of your dreams.... Hope you'll find a girl to make your wish come true. But I tell you....you'll be fucking tired while you're doing the trail, so don't have too high expectations....
  4. They are great mightyzep247! :thumbsup: I have seen yours before, Angi, I remember them.
  5. A friend came to visit me yesterday. Her 10 year old daughter was with her. We were talking about a friend we have in common and she told me this friend is getting married. The child turned to her mother and said: is she getting married? the mother answered: yes, she is. The girl: Married? Mom....do you think she finds her boyfriend handsome?? It looks like my friend's daughter doesn't think the guy is handsome. She was soooooooo spontaneous, we couldn't help but laugh.
  6. I know Robert sends Text Messages form his cell phone. And I know it for sure.
  7. brspled

    The pub

    I hope they will! Send Ev MY kisses, OK?
  8. brspled

    The pub

    It was like a dream. *sigh* This place is great, I hope some of the oldies come back to it soon, Ev inclusive.
  9. brspled

    The pub

    I'm so happy to meet you both here! It's been a looooooong time!!! I'm doing fine, I'm happy to be back home and I had the most wonderful time in London, I met the most wonderful people too...and I went to a good concert. Really, Angi, it was amazing! 9 knows a bit about it. Hope you and Ev are doing fine One on me...
  10. brspled

    The pub

    No one?? OK, I'll drink my Diet Coke alone.
  11. I love the ones you posted that have connections with functions, parabolas and any mathematical issues. They remeind me of my days in college.
  12. Welcome. I can say that all the Geordies I have ever met are really great people.
  13. I am happy for you!! I'm sure you'll have a great time. And you'll be in London! Congratulations !!
  14. Never been to Jamaica...it's on my list. My, I have an endless list....
  15. I'll love when I get my hands on the boot of the concert....it looked like D&C lasted 30 seconds, everything went by toooooo fast that night.
  16. I wasn't that pretentious, I was just making a joke. I know there are people here that will like them.
  17. Listen to him, he is a wise man. I won't be there, but I wish you have a great time. I considered Düsseldorf in Germany, but well, I can't really get into this Album, so... And sorry, Paul, those clips don't help at all.
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