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Everything posted by brspled

  1. And won't it take hours till we have our coats back? I'm asking because I have only been to a concert where I needed to stay in the line wearing a coat, it was in Berin, April 2005, a Robert Plant concert. But it wasn't really a cold day, no rain and I was wearing a simple coat that I took inside, no big coat....I didn't leave it on the cloakroom.
  2. One on each, I guess. We're petite.... Thanks Pilot, next time maybe?
  3. brspled

    The pub

    I wouldn't, but I guess my hubbie would.... OK, tea will be on the 10th, Pilot!!!
  4. They tried, Leddy, but we are somewhat used to bargain here and my husband can deal with ANY shopkeepers in the world, I tell you. And I'm also good at this bargain thing.
  5. A really wonderful girl who wanted company from another true LZ fan.
  6. brspled

    The pub

    It looks like my husband won't have to worry about me at all.
  7. I know, I was just kidding. I actually asked my husband some days ago: hey...if they ever go on tour, what would you think of it all?He said: I hope they do tour, so I can be with you next time. My husband knows it's unique, tour or no tour to come. And Robert will really be a busy man in 2008, if they do.
  8. brspled

    The pub

    Well...maybe an ale? I guess I have to get started someday.
  9. Damn...what am I going to say to my husband? The uniqueness of the O2 concert was the best excuse to spend some days in London.
  10. Grüß Gott, Tinkerbell, beautiful pics. Ich liebe Bayern. Leddy, the shopkeepers in Morocco didn't bother me at all...my husband gave them a hard time. Some of them really asked him: hey, man you're Berber, right?
  11. I know you're used to the cold and don't have this kind of worry. If you ever attend to a concert in a hot place...well, you'll have nothing to worry about, I tell you!
  12. Not really, Songbird. You know, I have lived in Germany for three years and I have never been to a concert in Winter while I lived there. All the concerts I have been to there took place in Summer. I didn't have to worry about umbrellas, coats, warm clothes...neither did I have to spend hours in the line to get into the venues. And I guess I don't need to tell you that I have never worried a bit about these things here in Brazil... I think it's a acceptable worry for those who are not used to the cold and rain.
  13. Thank you for your tips....some may be useful. But I could never do it with so little bagage...I'm a woman.
  14. I guess that wasn't what he meant...I think he'd like to know if we'll be allowed to take our umbrellas with us inside the venue, since we'll need them while we are in the line.
  15. Thank you Minx, that helps. I'm flying from hot São Paulo, Brazil and I was just wondering what I should pack in my bag for this trip.
  16. brspled


    I haven't seen any of those pics before!!!!!!!!! Thank you KB!! I wish I could have one copy of the newspaper. :'(
  17. New Zealand and Tunisia are also on my list!! Thanks for sharing.
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