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Everything posted by brspled

  1. New Zealand and Tunisia are also on my list!! Thanks for sharing.
  2. Oh, that's flattering. Thanks. Have one on me. Really I hope you make it to Lençóis, it's a magical place and being such a Zep fan as you are, I'm sure you'd appreciate to be where Jimmy has spent so much time.
  3. Lençóis is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Chapada Diamantina is absulotely stunning. You'd undertsand why Jimmy was so amazed by the place. I love it there. We don't have a disagreement over where they should tour. We agree on it. I just don't think you'd say Argentina is a country that would not keep long, it's not true. As for not liking you, well, it looks like it works the other way round too.
  4. Have you ever been there? Have you ever been to Buenos Aires? I have.
  5. Sorry, SAJ...but it looks like you don't know much about Argentina. Make a search, you'll see the country would keep "it together" even if the tour was to happen in decades from now. Argentina has been through some huge difficulties, but it has always been a great country. In every sense.
  6. Welcome BettyPage. I'ts good to have another South American in the board.
  7. I'm not bashing Americans. I'm bashing those who think they are better or more deserving than others.
  8. It always amazes me how some people think the LZ Americans fans deserve more than other fans from other countries.
  9. Ishita!!!! Great to see you here!! Long time, no see... You're beautiful.
  10. I'm doing my best! I have no other CD in my car. And I drive a lot. So I have been listening to it a lot too. I'm a real fan when it comes to Mr Plant, I do my best to get into his music...but well, I'm not a fan of Alison, I have never heard her stuff before and what I heard didn't impress me at all. But I'll keep trying, I promise.
  11. I'm not selfish at all...I'm very giving. OK, Paul, it's sooooooooooo offtopic. Better stop.
  12. We are lovely and lovable ladies. Paul I think you'll have to count on another ladies to make your secret phantasies true.
  13. No, that isn't Nic. It was a very emotional experience to get a ticket and yet to know so many very cool and lovely people aren't making it. You feel somehow guilty you will be there. And at the same time you feel like you're cheating your friends by not telling them about it. I understand Aqua so well.
  14. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford I liked it.
  15. No, no, I guess you didn't get what I wanted to say... I just made a joke on your review on her skin and how great she looks...and you didn't say a word about YOUR pic, something Aqua asked you. Kind of: I'll talk about something else and she 'll forget her question...you get what I mean? Thtat's the answer I was waiting for!! Now I hope you do post your pic here. Or maybe you can send me a PM.
  16. Happy Birthday, Lakey!!!!! Have a great one!
  17. Nice revew on Stevie's skin, thanks for sharing. And what about your pic, eskimo?
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