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Everything posted by brspled

  1. I have completely ignored the ignore user opition here.
  2. I know, I should have done my homework and paid more attention to the posts on Raising Sand....but can someone please tell me: are there two covers of this album? The one I bought today has this pic on the cover: This one was the only one I found here. I like the other one better. :'(
  3. Great pics, Infidel. It looks like the weather was also great... amazing for this time of the year in London. I hope the weather is good there on the 10th december too.
  4. Well...it's is handy to swear in a language few people understand, I tell you. Vertigo, AA? Well, I guess it will be great to be on the floor as Robert jumps at the audience Guess he'd never do it because there wouldn't be much left of him with all those Robetties there.
  5. The lamest excuse ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Mandy, I thought you'd like the pics, as you love flowers. I'm sorry it's so cold there.
  7. Damn you Paul. Great we'll be there and AA, you will be there too!!!! OK, guys, you'll help me with my oral English, I can teach you to swear in Portuguese and German, if you want.
  8. We will protect each other?? It will be a massacker (how do you call it???) Yes, we will meet before and after the show!!!
  9. I tell you...it wasn't boring at all. Anyway...I'm dying for the next plantations, you know?
  10. :'( :'( Paul and Pilot won't be there to protect us, Aqua. Oh, well, I can't complain at all, but it would be so fantastic to be there with you guys.
  11. Thank you Eskimo and Aqua. I love to take pics and there are so many beautiful places I want to go...well, actually there's beauty everywhere, as they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? Fazenda and hacienda comes from Latin facienda, Aqua. The same origin. A big rural property is called fazenda here in Brazil (there are almost no fazendas in Portugal, almost no properties there would fit to our definition of fazenda - this is a huge country, you know...)
  12. no more than 5 pics in each post?? OK, I can handle it. The view of the fazenda from the top of the hill The houses built by the Italians The fazenda by night Yes, I'm helpless when it comes to vacation pics.
  13. I have spent the weekend in a nice rural hotel, a charming place, about 200 Km from São Paulo. It was built in the XIX century as the main house of a coffee plantation. There were still slaves at the time in Brazil (such a dreadful, shameful chapter of our history), the first coffee trees (are they called trees? ) were planted there in 1870. The Italians came later on the end of the XIX century to live and work there. The houses built for the Italians are also still there. The coffee produced there is delicious, it’s mild due to the altitude, about 1,100 m above the sea level. Beautiful weather, beautiful scenery, lots of flowers - it's Spirng here - wonderful homemade food, best company of the world (my husband), well…is there a better way to start a new thread? Fazenda Águas Claras The main house (there are only 6 guest rooms in this small hotel) Beautiful views You can see the coffee trees in line there
  14. brspled

    The pub

    waw!!! great pic! Thanks!
  15. brspled

    The pub

    Scratch...... it's hot HERE, I tell you. Pilot A Diet Coke? I don't drink, you know.
  16. Hope you have a great time there, Thorzep!
  17. It's great to see you all people!! Paul.........YOU SHOW OFF! Helen! Love the pic! Kissandra and DN Ev and Angi! <issed you!! So good to see a new pic of you!
  18. brspled

    The pub

    I'll join you for a last one before I leave the city for the weekend with my husband A special one to you, Pilot! congratulations!
  19. We get flattered so many people have chosen us as friends.
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