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Posts posted by BDG

  1. BDG, are the tickets for this event speciall made benefit tickets, or are they just the standard tickets, with the computer printed stuff on them. I', comapring what a regular season ticket for a football team looks like, to what a ticket for the SuperBowl looks like....

    Anyways... It would neat if you could dcan an image of the ticket for all of us to see... :)

    the tickets look exactly the same as 'normal' tickets already posted on this site

  2. as per my previous thread, i got lucky a couple of weeks ago & recieved a corporate ticket via a business contact.

    well, today the ticket was delivered, together with itinerary etc......but no wristband. i called my contact to check all was in order & he confirmed that i didn't need a wristband for the vip area.

    now, my contact is 100% so i have no real concerns, but just wondered if any body else was in the same boat & could confirm this arrangment was the norm?

    interestingly, the itinerary confirms that compact cameras are allowed, so i think you can all take it as red that these will be allowed into the arena.

    i really cannot describe how excited i am.....as i said to the guy who orgainsed the ticket, this is a life time ambition realised (only need arsenal to win the champions league & i can die happy).....really having to pinch myself to believe it's true that i'll be there.....hardly slept all week......might as well stay up to watch Hatton wip Mayweather's ass on sunday morning, cos i ain't sleeping 'til tuesday!!!!


  3. i also 'bumped' into JP on a flight about 5 years back.

    it was a virgin flight from London to Miami, i was flying business class & had been for the usual in flight sleep....i awoke to see JP ordering a drink at the bar....he disappeared to upper class for the remainder of the flight......but i was like a star stuck teenager for the rest of the flight....really trying to pluck up the courage to ask for an autograph (which i didn't manage to do)

    as we waited to get off the flight, JP passed my seat.....it must have been obvious that i had clocked who he was (probably because i was staring blankly,open moughted) because he flashed me a smile & nodded....which i can hardly believe to this day (considering JP apparent shyness).

    looking forward to meeting him again on the 10th.....i'll probably be open mouthed again!!!!


  4. can't believe my luck!!!

    life long fan (now 42), just too young to make knebworth, given up hope of ever seeing the band that shaped my youth. like everyone else, waited with baited breath for the confirmation e-mail from the ballot......never came....shit....another dream gone!

    last friday, sat having lunch with my friendly buisness bank manager, when she casually asked the table if anyone was a fan of Led Zeppelin.....she had been ringing around clients trying to off-load 2 tickets.......after a few nervous days wait, she called me today to say that everything was confirmed & the tickets were mine!!!

    now, i know these are corporate tickets & i can understand if this rubs for some of you, but to be honest i really don't care!!!

    hope you understand my elation!!!!


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