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Everything posted by kingzoso

  1. Also, I have the following Jimmy Page and Robert Plant dvds: in chronological order: 1. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: May 1, 1995 (?) 2. Glastonbury Festival: June 25, 1995 3. Albuquerque, New Mexico: September 29, 1995 4. Irvine (Meadows), California: October 3, 1995 5. Buenos Aires, Argentina: January 25, 1996 6. Tokyo, Japan: February 13, 1996 (the same dvd as the above clip for "Tea for One"). 7. Osaka, Japan: February 19, 1996 8. London: No date given. The cover of the dvd says, "Jools Holland Later", BBC TV Studios, White City, London, England... I have not watched these in a long while but I do seem to recall that all 8 of these dvds are of very good to excellent to professional video quality. I suppose I just might have to watch these dvds again in the near future. I also seem to recall that I paid no more then $20 for each of these dvds. Well worth the money or money well spent.
  2. This is not the complete show but this is Page and Plant playing "Tea for One" in Tokyo on February 13, 1996:
  3. All I know about Mick Hinton, in the dozens and dozens of books that I have read about Led Zeppelin, the overall consensus seems to be that Mick Hinton was a very dedicated and very loyal employee of John Bonham and an important part in the overall structure of the whole Led Zeppelin organization.
  4. The "blast off" effect was the result of Jimmy Page employing a Gizmotron. The Gizmo: The device, a small box which was attached to the bridge of the guitar, consisted of six small motor-driven wheels with serrated edges to match the size of each string. The continuous bowing action was activated by pressing one or all of keys located on the top of the unit. Pressing a key would allow the wheel to descend against a motor-driven shaft and bow the corresponding string, while the other hand remained free to fret single notes or full chords. An extremely powerful sound could be created that changed dynamically depending on how hard or soft the wheels were pressed against the strings. The sound was also affected by the type of guitar strings (round-wound or flat-wound).
  5. This is what I meant to post as the final scene of one of the greatest American television shows of all-time: Th
  6. Led Zeppelin won a Grammy Award in 1969 for the cover/artwork for Led Zeppelin II. I know that you hail from Canada, but awards (Grammys, Emmys, Oscars, etc...) mean a lot in the United States of America. Here, in the U.S.A., these kind of awards and winning such awards translate into professional accolades and achievements that goes to prove that winners of such accolades and awards won them because they/them deserve it. How many awards and accolades did SCTV ever win in Canada? I am not going to continue to disagree with you but to compare "Breaking Bad" to the "Doobie Brothers" is beyond stupid and has no bearing on what I was trying to prove or make a point of. I don't know you but your reasoning and comparison is one of the dumbest things I have ever read (and I have said some dumb and stupid things myself). The main difference between you and I is that I am not ashamed to admit such things.
  7. This is not a mystery but more of a question: According to Richard Cole and Richard Trubo, Richard Cole states that Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, John Bonham, Peter Grant and Richard Cole, in Frankfurt, Germany in 1970 after a gig went to a bar and proceeded to consume over a 4 hour period, 120 slivovitzes plus 160 beers-a total of 280 drinks among the six of them. I really do not think that this and that amount of alcohol consumption by anyone in their mid to early twenties is humanly possible. In essence, alcohol is a poison and drinking that amount of alcohol at such a young age (even for the likes of Led Zeppelin) in 1970 could not be possible without "alcohol poisoning" or "death". And this is way before Led Zeppelin and their entourage really began to become enamored with a Cocaine. Fast forward to September 24, 1980 and the "accidental suicide" of John Bonham. However, according to the official British coroners report, Bonzo died from swelling of the lungs due to suffocating on his own... you know what. It was also stated that John Bonham died due to the inhalation of over 40 measures of Vodka in over a 12 hour period.
  8. I really miss watching new episodes of "Breaking Bad". I have noticed that strider never responded to my above post. Canada's SCTV a better show than "BrBa". Please. Read what I reposted above and back up your ridiculous statement that SCTV is a better show. How many Americans who know and love "Breaking Bad" compared to those same Americans who have ever seen or even heard of SCTV. There is a very huge differential. Name one person from your show who has a greater name recognition then Walter White or Jesse Pinkman? Never mind the countless Emmy nominations and wins that "Breaking Bad" has. That is a fact that you or any disbeliever can look into and see that this is a proven fact and not just something that I made up just because I happen to be a fan of the greatness and influence that "BrBa" will have on future generations of like-minded people such as myself and millions of others from around the Planet. With that being said, Breaking Bad and Led Zeppelin have something in common: UNIVERSAL APPEAL.
  9. I would like to wish everyone on this awesome and mighty Led Zeppelin Forum a "Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year". Especially Sam for making this all possible for all of us. This includes the most powerful and most influential musicians of all-time: James Patrick Page, John Baldwin and Robert Anthony Plant.
  10. I know that this might sound crazy and/or insane coming from a fan of Led Zeppelin since about 1983 but when listening to live Led Zeppelin (as I am doing at this very moment - 5/25/75), I never skip a song or any song for that matter. Why would I? It's Led Zeppelin. My favorite band with the four best musicians to ever walk the Earth. The Music and Chemistry that these Four created live on stage and in the studio is and without a doubt the best Music that was made in the 20th Century.
  11. Star Wars: The Force Awakes is on its way of becoming the biggest movie in the history of the World. I like James Cameron and most of his movies but I hope that this Star Wars completely annihilates that rather dismal "Avatar" of his. This Star Wars movie is and will considered a complete "Masterpiece" for decades to come compared to what is the highest-grossing movie of all-time. GO STAR WARS!!!
  12. This news is actually incorrect as Led Zeppelin made their United States debut on December 26, 1968 in Denver, Colorado and not in Vancouver, British Columbia.
  13. Richard Cole, with the members of Led Zeppelin in the car, drove from Spokane to Seattle during a blizzard and were told to turn around by the Washington State Police. Cole, along with Kenny Pickett driving the U-Haul with the bands equipment simply ignored the police warning and carried on. In Cole's book he said that he had to stop to take a piss and that the car then began sliding backwards toward precipice and that Richard jumped back into the car and stopped the car from sliding any further. According to him, all of Led Zeppelin were screaming and mortified at what had just happened. When they got to the Seattle airport the airport was not closed. Richard and the band went to the airport bar and ordered a round of Scotch but the bartender asked for identifications and since Jimmy, Jonesy and Richard were over 21 and Robert and Bonzo were not, Robert and Bonzo ended up ordering coffee and snuck a few sips of the Scotch. The band caught the next flight out of Seattle and into warmth and sunshine of Los Angeles, California.
  14. I can understand your frustration and even agree with it. Luckily when I saw Star Wars last Thursday night there was none of this happening anywhere near where I was sitting. This was in a very "posh" theater in Addison, Texas (Dallas) where there was food and drink service at the press of a button and the seats were stacked and even reclined with the press of another button. I will say this: when the very first Star Wars logo came on the screen (right before the usual scroll) everyone in the theater started clapping, me included. This was an event that millions of people have been waiting for, for years. I will even liken this to going to see Led Zeppelin although Led Zeppelin toured in 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1979 (Copenhagen and Knebworth) and 1980 (Over Europe). Just the fact that a fan of Led Zeppelin had to wait a year or two I think is the equivalent of waiting 15 or so years for the newest Star Wars movie. (Some of you may or may not agree with this statement).
  15. Yes that is Brienne of Tarth from GOT. In the GOT books she is described as fairly unattractive and given the name of "Brienne the Beauty" as a way of mocking her looks. I agree that she is a very attractive woman.
  16. I know that we are immortal enemies (just kidding) but that final scene really made me think of the Giants Causeway that was immortalized in the Houses of the Holy album cover. Aubrey and Storm.
  17. I am a big fan of the music of Mr. Robert Johnson and his purported deal with the Devil. This is just my opinion but I would think that if Robert Johnson did indeed sell his soul to Legba/Lucifer, then Lucifer/Legba would have wanted Roberts face and picture on every wall and corner stretching from the Mississippi Delta to the South Side of Chicago. I suppose that Legba wanted to take and make Robert Johnson more mysterious and enigmatic. Either way, both options would have worked but it seems that the dark and mysterious and the only 3 or 4 known photographs of the "King of the Delta Blues" was Lucifers final decision. How I would have loved to have been there when Mr. Scratch "finely tuned" Robert Johnson guitar at those Crossroads way back when and showed Robert what he was destined for, however short-lived but eventually Immortalized as the most influential musician of all-time. A small price to pay for complete and utter Immortality (I suppose).
  18. I don't know how big a fan of the Star Wars saga you are, but I am confident that a woman of your stature and knowledge of many other things will be able to "handle" it. A lot happens in this movie, so you will have to digest and process a lot during the little over 2 hours that happens in this new Star Wars Epic. I look forward to reading what you post about it, either + or -.
  19. What a movie!!! I will admit that I am overly biased because I have been a Star Wars fan since 1977 when at the age of 6, my parents and I saw it in a movie theater in Houston, Texas. I really do not know what to say without giving anything away except that it really is a great new Star Wars epic. I know a lot of the movie was done with Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) technology but it really did seem "real". Especially with the Tie Fighter and X Wing battle scenes. Oh and by the way, did you know that... and I bet you would have not expected this to happen... One last note: this new "chick", Rey, is absolutely amazing and also very cute without make-up (because there is no make-up in a galaxy far, far away, is there)?
  20. Thanks. Add the main cast from "Game of Thrones" and my head would explode. 2 1/2 hours till showtime.
  21. I have a ticket (actually my co-worker has my ticket) for the Force Awakens for later on this evening, 12/17/15. I do not even know the name of the movie theater that I will be seeing this epic. I am somewhat of an "expert" when it comes to Star Wars and its history, but I can not and could not tell you where I will be seeing this movie in less than 18 hours from now. How ironic is that? For any and all those who could care less about this movie, just remember that you also have the right to not participate in this discussion. For those that do not care about this movie, I ask you, why would you waste your time and whatever else to espouse your views for a movie that you don't care about?... and it makes Me wonder...
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