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Everything posted by kingzoso

  1. Nice pictures luvlz2. I know that you won't take this the wrong way but your cousin and your sister are both Hot. And, by the way, I wore My $50 RUSH shirt that I bought in Las Vegas to the Van Halen concert that I attended last Wednesday (9/23/15) in Dallas, Texas. Not the RUSH shirt your friend is wearing though.
  2. I have and have already starting reading this. Have not bought it (yet) but have read some of it already. Pretty much the usual print when it comes to Led Zeppelin and these sort of magazines. Early member Bio, album by album summary, etc... There is a page or two about the groupie scene as related to Led Zeppelin with quotes from Sweet Connie, Lori Maddox/Lightning, etc... There is a picture of Lori Lightning posing in front of the camera when she was about 14 years old. A couple of pages later, there is that "classic" picture of all the members of Led Zeppelin sitting at the table with all the other groupies plainly visible in the picture. You know the one where Jimmy is in the background and Lori is on the far right sitting next to Bonzo.
  3. I love Joe Walsh. I have seen him three times, all in Saint Louis. The best show I saw him at was in a venue that only held a couple of hundred people. It was just like a big barroom with a stage. I managed to literally stand in front of the stage near the speakers that were on the left hand of the stage. Joe and his band members came out wearing animal masks and opened with the "Confessor". Ever since seeing Joe Walsh so close up that night, I have regarded Joe as one of the Greatest Guitarists ever.
  4. I saw this a while back and thought that this was just awesome. Kids of all ages and backgrounds jamming to Led Zeppelin. These are kids who are being taught Music the Right Way.
  5. I am posting this for two reasons: 1. I was at this concert in Las Vegas. 2. This is my first posting of a youtube video since the changeover and I want to see if really is the same as posting a video as before.
  6. I will say only two more things: 1. I can honestly say that I am on no Meds whatsoever and never have been. That is the truth. If I was I would admit to it. 2. How does "permanent ignore" function? Does that mean that I will no longer be able to view your often insipid and inane posts that you reply to others real and logical posts? I am really fascinated that I have been on "permanent ignore" by you as I have never been subjected to this before (I don't think). LONG LIVE LED ZEPPELIN. RUSH. SAINT LOUIS CARDINALS!!!
  7. Go back and read My edited post. I realized I had more to say to you. You may not like it but I will always stand by what I say/type.
  8. You are definitely "guilty" of spewing and espousing your one dimensional opinions on a very broad and large aspect of these topics in the Ramble On section of this Great and Awesome Led Zeppelin Forum. Now that I said that, I seem to believe that you are nothing more than a rabble rouser who desires to stir up trouble and engage in "conflict" with the many others that do not adhere to your sometimes very much "inane" posts. I could be wrong but have you ever posted a comment in all the other sections on this forum? Have you ever posted a positive comment about Led Zeppelin? Edited to add: Wooderson was a great and funny character in the movie "Dazed and Confused". He was a very easy going and chill person who liked to party. You on the other hand seem to be the very opposite of him. You might want to change your avatar to someone who is more like your real personality. Someone who always thinks that what they say/type is always right and everyone else is always wrong. Maybe Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin is more of who you represent. That would seem to fit your personality more than Wooderson or the real Matthew McConaughey.
  9. I reside in Plano, Texas, the 69th largest city in America with a total population of 273,671 (as stated in the 2010 United States Census). Plano is its own city but about 20 miles north of Dallas, Texas. Dallas is the 9th largest city in America with a total population of 1,299,543 (according to the same U.S. Census).
  10. I have not but I will list Led Zeppelin's outdoor concerts as I can recall them from quick memory, and in no chronological order (but somewhat order): Bath (the first one) with other groups and about 12,000 fans. Bath (the second one) with many other big name groups and about 200,000 fans in attendance (Mick Bonham being there with his brother John). Central Park, New York. This is the gig with the Jeff Beck Group and Ten Years After. Bonzo got drunk and began to take off all of his clothes on stage. Peter Grant told Bonzo that if he did not put on his clothes by the time the police busted down the door that he would be fired from the Band. Milan, Italy. Outdoor gig that turned into a full-fledged riot. Led Zeppelin never played Italy ever again. Australia and New Zealand. I believe that Led Zeppelin broke attendance records in both of these countries with outdoor shows in 1972. Atlanta and Tampa. First two shows on the 1973 tour broke records. In Atlanta at the Braves Stadium (50,000+) and in Tampa (56,800) to break the Beatles record at Shea Stadium. Led Zeppelin in Tampa put Led Zeppelin in the Guinness Book of World Records. The biggest single performance by one act in the history of the world. Think about that fact. The single biggest performance by one act in the history of the world. Absolutely amazing!!! Also outdoors in 1973. Pittsburgh. 1975. None that I recall. 1977. Tampa again but rained out after 3 numbers. Oakland, California. Believe it or not, Judas Priest opened Led Zeppelin in Oakland. As most of Us already know, the second gig in Oakland was marred by what has become known as the "Last Brawl". It is a known fact that these last two Oakland concerts were the last concerts that Led Zeppelin would ever play in the United States of America. Knebworth, England. August 4 and August 11, 1979. Like I said, this is what I can recall at this very late time (for Me). I know that I probably missed a few or a lot. I look forward to anyone detailing the ones that I could not think of.
  11. This is more of a question and not a mystery. I am almost finishing re-reading Mick Bonham's book about his brother John, "John Bonham: The Powerhouse Behind Led Zeppelin". It is a great book with insight into the Bonham Brothers early years. It seems that there was a lot of Love and some discord between them. They would have occasional arguments and fights between them which led them to not speak to each other for long periods of time (according to the book and Mick Bonham). My question is: besides all that, I wonder why John Bonham never employed Mick Bonham in any formal capacity and on the Led Zeppelin payroll. As Johns assistant, photographer, etc... I know that Mick Hinton was Johns personal assistant and drum roadie and that Neal Preston was an official photographer and so on and so forth. Let me backtrack for a moment. John did employ his brother and father and various friends but that was only in the building and re-building of various properties and farms that John bought. And lets not forget Matthew Maloney, John Bonham's chauffer and various other jobs that Matthew performed whilst an employee of John. Any thoughts about this?
  12. Who is older? You or Rick? Just kidding!!! Happy Birthday!!! Since you don't like Budweiser, drink a few (or more) Rolling Rocks. My birthday wish for you is a possible Anaheim Angels versus Saint Louis Cardinals World Series series.
  13. I kind of think the same thing, that maybe one more tour might happen in the next year or two. If that happens to happen, I would really love for Rush to play some of their more "obscure" songs from the 1970's and 1980's period like most of side 2 of 2112, the song, "A Farewell to Kings", "Here Again" from the first album and so on and so forth and mix that in with a few of the obvious songs that most Rush fans want to hear. I would even love to hear all of "Grace Under Pressure" live and in its entirety. Take Care and keep in touch!!!
  14. Nice post!!! Have a Great time tonight, luvlz2. I had about an hour layover last night in Phoenix on my way back to Dallas. I wish I had stayed and seen Rush in Phoenix and maybe gotten the chance to meet you. LONG LIVE RUSH!!!
  15. At the MGM Grand casino making my way through the horde of Rush fans doing the same thing. After Led Zeppelin, Rush has the most passionate fan base in the world.
  16. Great posts luvlz2. I know that these two Rush songs are not being played on this tour but these two songs from Rush in the 1980's have to be two of the best and most underrated songs of that Rush synth period: Vital Signs: ... and Chemistry:
  17. Me too. However, I am listening to the full album/concert in preparation for Rush in Las Vegas this coming Saturday night (7/25). Long Live RUSH!!!
  18. I'm good and you? From what was first posted for the first trailer, I think that this will be better then the prequels. Not a lot is known about the overall plot or story for this 7th episode, but just watching that brief trailer, it looks like the effects are awesome. This one:
  19. I remember reading in some book about Led Zeppelin that the first time Jerry Weintraub saw Jimmy Page on stage playing in 1977, his first question was "Is this guy gonna live"? Most of us know that Jerry was a prominent movie producer and maybe had a hand in the dialogue for this scene of "Oceans 12":
  20. That is, of course, your prerogative. If you say that you will not buy and obviously not read said books, out of pure spite (or whatever) then you are missing out on reading and learning about Led Zeppelin from one of the best authors and friends of the Band. Personally I don't care either way. I just Love to read and learn and absorb anything about Led Zeppelin. I know a lot about Led Zeppelin but I am always willing to KNOW MORE.
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