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Posts posted by kingzoso

  1. Nice post!!!

    Have a Great time tonight, luvlz2. I had about an hour layover last night in Phoenix on my way back to Dallas. I wish I had stayed and seen Rush in Phoenix and maybe gotten the chance to meet you.


  2. Great posts luvlz2.

    I know that these two Rush songs are not being played on this tour but these two songs from Rush in the 1980's have to be two of the best and most underrated songs of that Rush synth period:

    Vital Signs:

    ... and


  3. Hey kingzoso. How ya doin'? Thanks for the video. I'm glad they're keeping more with the physicality without losing anything on special effects. I'm wondering how this will compare with the Prequel trilogy. I hope it keeps with the story line. Have a great weekend.

    I'm good and you? From what was first posted for the first trailer, I think that this will be better then the prequels. Not a lot is known about the overall plot or story for this 7th episode, but just watching that brief trailer, it looks like the effects are awesome. This one:

  4. I remember reading in some book about Led Zeppelin that the first time Jerry Weintraub saw Jimmy Page on stage playing in 1977, his first question was "Is this guy gonna live"?

    Most of us know that Jerry was a prominent movie producer and maybe had a hand in the dialogue for this scene of "Oceans 12":

  5. There's two books I won't be buying.

    That is, of course, your prerogative. If you say that you will not buy and obviously not read said books, out of pure spite (or whatever) then you are missing out on reading and learning about Led Zeppelin from one of the best authors and friends of the Band. Personally I don't care either way. I just Love to read and learn and absorb anything about Led Zeppelin. I know a lot about Led Zeppelin but I am always willing to KNOW MORE.

  6. You may be able to find her on Facebook. She did have a bit part in a tv series about twelve years ago.



    On another note: I just finished re-reading Dave Lewis' book, Celebration II and just began re-reading Dave's A Final Acclaim and I did notice that there is a Steve Jones acknowledgement at the beginning of both these books. All I can think of to say is congratulations for being name-checked in both of these great books and to know how this came to be, if you care to elaborate. If not, that is cool with me.

  7. I just finished watching the movie, Scream for Help. I have not seen this movie since I heard that John Paul Jones did the score for this. A year or two after it was released way back in 1984 (I was about 15 or 16 years old at that time). It was like seeing it for the first time. I actually like this film.

    The mystery I ask is: whatever happened to the main character, Christie Cromwell (real name: Rachael Kelly)? I thought she did a decent acting job and was pretty cute.

    Edited to add: the title says that this is an "uncut" version of the film and there is brief nudity. If this is deemed inappropriate for this forum, please feel free to delete the film, but not my mystery question. Thanks in advance!!!

  8. Breaking Bad, the greatest TV show of all time.

    I agree.

    But I must also include the Sopranos, Game of Thrones and the Walking Dead as some of the most compelling American television shows EVER!!!

  9. attachicon.gifattachment.jpeg



    Not going to babble on like last year...I'll keep it brief.

    John Henry Bonham. May 31, 1948 - September 25, 1980. The man who put the 'Hammer' in the Hammer of the Gods.

    42 years ago on this night I was fortunate to see Led Zeppelin at the Forum on John Bonham's birthday...the famous "Bonzo's Birthday Party" show. Tonight, I will be seeing Jason Bonham pay tribute to his father at the Greek Theatre. I doubt there will be a dry eye in the house.

    I raise a pint of Ballantine's to ye, Bonzo! You're sorely missed, by god.

    Vey nice Strider. Going to see Jason Bonham on the day of his fathers birth. Have a great time and let us know if Jason does anything special or what comments that he makes regarding his father.

  10. Great Rush show in Dallas on Monday. Simply awesome but to us avid Rush fans that is their standard and has come to be expected from Us and Them.

    I will be going solo to Las Vegas on July 23-26. Rush on Saturday the 25th.

    Section: 8

    Row: S

    Seat: 17...

    I will be staying at the MGM Grand. I have never been to Vegas so I really do not know what is in store for me and what to really expect. I do know that I am up for anything will I am there and that I will really enjoy the Fuck out of myself.

    RUSH and VEGAS, BABY!!!

  11. I don't have to tell you to enjoy the show kingzoso, I know you are! Did you say you're going to the Vegas concert too? I will be at that one, am attending 3 in fact all in one week, all are floor seating --

    Seattle, 14th row on Geddy's side

    San Jose, 23rd row straight down the middle so we will call that in front of Neil

    Las Vegas, 12th row on Alex's side.

    Pretty sweet, eh? Also plan to do edibles like TypeO said so that makes it doubly sweet. LOL Life is beautiful.

    And thank you luvlz2 for posting all the goodies in this thread, the setlists, vids and such. The spoilers/no spoilers camps at the official Rush website forum get too overwhelming for me so I don't visit there too often these days.

    Would enjoy meeting anyone here that will be at any of those shows.

  12. Thanks for resurrecting this topic (for however brief it may be). I am still listening Rush at the moment (from all eras) to gear myself up for the concert in Dallas on Monday.

    However, the moment I saw this, I will admit that I instantly got a sad feeling about Ronnie and my eyes started to well up. I am the creator of this topic and still, "I Really Miss Ronnie James Dio"... after 5 years and for all the years for the rest of my life.

    Ronnie James Dio was and will always be remembered as a true and passionate Human Being and one of, if not, the Greatest Singers of All-Time. I Love You Ronnie.

  13. ^^Tonight's the night you will be in the presence of Neil, Geddy and Alex, right? I hope you have a great time kingzoso!!!

    I am seeing Rush on Monday. Two fucking days!!! I am getting excited and I will have a great time. Thanks, luvlz2.

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