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Posts posted by kingzoso

  1. I was at this concert and toward the end of the show there was a cameraman about 5 feet from me on my left. I suppose he was filming "longshots" because I was at the back and almost at the most distant place at the American Airlines Center. When I saw him I yelled and screamed (I was buzzed) and he turned his camera toward me and I yelled and screamed some more to try and the make others that were near me aware that he was filming and they did. He filmed for about a minute (maybe a little longer or a little shorter - I don't remember) but before he left he looked at me and nodded and smiled and said "Good Job". I said to him, "put me in the movie".

    This is the first time I have seen this so I don't know if I the editors put my enthusiasm in or not. If I actually see myself (which I highly doubt), I will point out the exact time. Although I do not think that I made the final cut of the film, I swear to God that I was really filmed and that my brief footage is sitting somewhere in a bin that was left on the cutting room floor.

  2. Tue, May 12, 2015 @ Xcel Energy Center, Saint Paul, MN.

    Set 1:

    Video Intro (The World is ... The World is)

    The Anarchist

    Clockwork Angels

    Headlong Flight (with Drumbastica mini drum solo)

    Far Cry

    The Main Monkey Business

    One Little Victory


    Roll The Bones (with celebrity rappers video)

    Distant Early Warning


    Intermission (R40 drum kit replaced with throwback replica kit)

    Set 2:

    Video Intro (No Country for Old Hens)

    Tom Sawyer


    The Spirit Of Radio

    Natural Science

    Jacob's Ladder

    Cygnus X-1 Book Two: Hemispheres - Prelude

    Cygnus X-1 Book One - The Voyage: Part 1

    Drum Solo

    Cygnus X-1 Book One - The Voyage: Part 3

    Closer To The Heart

    Xanadu (double neck guitars)

    2112 Overture/The Temples of Syrinx/Presentation/Grand Finale


    Video Intro (Mel's Rockpile starring Eugene Levy)

    Lakeside Park


    What You're Doing

    Working Man (Garden Road riff at the end)

    Video Outro (Exit Stage Left)

    It seems that Rush are alternating songs from "Grace Under Pressure" at the end of the 1st set. "Distant Early Warning"/"Between the Wheels" and in the 2nd set after ""Tom Sawyer" with "YYZ"/"The Camera Eye".

    I am currently watching this:

    Edited to add: A whole lot of thanks to luvlz2 and TypeO for the advice on how to post the actual YouTube video instead of just the link. (I took out the "s" and it worked, as seen above. I just hope that I remember that for any future YT posts that I may post). Thanks!!!

    I will be in the "Presence" of Geddy, Alex and Neil in 5 days. I am getting more and more excited as the hours seem to slowly drag on and on...


  3. This might be a little too much for some but I am going to listen to nothing but RUSH for the next 7 days leading up to the Rush show in Dallas, Texas. 7 days from today, May 18.

    Thanks to luvlz2, I have seen what the setlist will be (with some slight variations, I'm sure) and though it looks great I kind of wished and hoped that it would be more in line with the R30 setlist. At least in the diversity and the number of numbers played. Regardless of what they end up playing, I will just be overjoyed and overwhelmed just being there.

    I am currently listening to and watching this:


    Edited to add: Hey luvlz2. I used to add Youtube videos and it would show the video. I am doing the same thing I always did but now it just provides the link like the one above which is rather frustrating to me when it used to never do that before. Can you respond to this either as a reply or a pm and tell me what I am doing wrong and how to "fix" this? I like the actual video appearing and not a link. Anything will be greatly appreciated.

    Long Live RUSH!!!

  4. I am very conflicted and in a bit of a quandary. I am not sure or don't know if I want to know the entire setlist for Rush before I see them in 9 days. Part of me wants to know what songs they are going to play ahead of time and the other part of me would not mind being in for shocks and surprises at what songs they do play.

    I will probably give in and read on this topic, if someone does post the entire setlist or there is a website called setlist.fm that I can go to.

    This is what you could call a good dilemma. RUSH ROCKS!!!!

  5. 4 more days....

    Very nice!!! I assume that you are going to see them at the first gig of the tour in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

    The Dallas show is in 2 weeks on Monday, May 18th. I can't wait. After that I have 9 weeks before I am off to see them in Las Vegas. I will be very curious to see what the setlist is for this R40 tour. I said this earlier that I expect Rush to play at least a 3 hour concert. luvlz2 posted that "the second half of the show they will be playing as a bar band in a bar band setting" (his quote). Interesting.

    Regarding the setlist: I am pretty sure that the setlist from the first show in Tulsa will probably remain the same throughout the entire tour (I could and really hope that I am wrong). Regardless, I will know about 90% of the songs. I get a little "rusty" when it comes to some of the Rush song names, say after "Counterparts".

    RUSH. My second favorite band after Led Zeppelin. I can't wait. The Almighty RUSH!!!

  6. "Darlene" is not in my favorite top 20 (or so) LZ songs but I love it nonetheless. It's Zeppelin, how could I not like it?

    Am I mistaken or not, because I hear Robert sing the words, "I beat my baby Darlene"?

  7. The Rush date for Dallas, Texas, of which I will be attending, is in one month from now (5/18/15). This will be the 6th gig of this R40 tour. I will also be attending the Rush concert in Las Vegas, Nevada on 7/25/15 which happens to be the 4th to last gig of this R40 tour.

    For all the Rush fans that post on this topic, does anyone have an inkling or a possible inkling of what to expect from the almighty RUSH, given that this may and perhaps be the very last extended tour that Geddy, Alex and Neil ever partake?

    Obviously I do not know the setlist, but I am hoping and expecting a Rush show that will be at least 3 or 3+ hours in duration.

    Anyone else excited and expecting a remarkable show from the Greatest and Most Under-rated an under appreciated Group of All-Time?

  8. Yes, well, many people love Taylor Swift & Justin Beiber too so that is a rather poor yardstick. Also, I like Breaking Bad, I just don't act like Scarlett Ohara when Rhett Butler walks into the room in regard to the show.

    I could say a lot of negative things about you because I do not like you but I will not sink to your level of sarcasm and condescending posts.

    I will say that what you just posted is simply ridiculous. "a rather poor yardstick". This is the Guinness Book of World Records, not some simple poll. I think that that has a lot of weight and pull and validity even if not everyone agrees with it. On the same note, I suppose that this "poor yardstick" of a publication has no merit when Led Zeppelin were in the Guinness Book of World Records when they (at the time) held the record for the largest single attendance for a single artist in the history of mankind when Led Zeppelin established that amazing feat on April 30, 1977 in Pontiac, Michigan to the tune of 76,229 paid attendees.

    Edited to add: Your recent post regarding yaweh (whoever the F that is), Jesus, Rhett Butler and Scarlet O'Hara (from Gone with the Wind), make absolutely no sense and seem to have NO relevance to the fact that Breaking Bad is and will always be considered one of the most important and popular American television shows of All-Time. I ask you to name a Canadian tv show that could even be considered in the same sentence as Breaking Bad? I do not think that Montreal is a major hub for producing great quality tv shows. The only major thing that Canada and the United States have in common is the fact that both countries happen to share a northern border and both the North American continent landmass. (For anyone besides Sagittarius Rising), I mean no disrespect for the great people of Canada.

    Here are two good examples that Breaking Bad will go down in American history as one of the Greatest Television show of All-Time.



  9. There were no floor seats left as soon as they went on sale to the general public, so I got 3 tickets in section 109 for $100 a piece. As soon as I checked online today there were plenty of floor seats at incredibly inflated prices. There were a few in my section and they were double the price I paid $200.

    I suppose that is good (or bad) depending on how you feel about it. Did you really go downtown to the arena after midnight and wait the 9 or 10 or so hours for the box office to open? If so, where there a lot of other people waiting in line and what was the "atmosphere" of it all?

    On another note, I did order a Rush ticket for their show in Las Vegas on July 25. I went ahead and bought slightly higher ticket price then the ones I did for the Dallas concert. For the Dallas show I paid $70 total for the ticket. For the Vegas concert I went ahead and bought a ticket that came to $109.55. Actually a $40 difference. Regardless, it make no matter to Me because Rush is my second favorite band after Led Zeppelin and when it comes to seeing Geddy, Alex and Neil perform it is well worth the cost.

  10. Going to downtown Phoenix after midnight to the US Airways Center to wait in front of the box office until Rush tickets go on sale at 10 am!

    Good luck!!! Let us know what seats you got and how much you paid (if you don't mind).

    I am going to order my ticket tomorrow for the Rush show in Las Vegas in July. I have not made any arrangements regarding what airlines or what hotel I will be staying at, etc... I figure if I got my ticket then I will pretty much have no choice but to go to Vegas. Ticket first, travel arrangements later.

  11. Here is a question I have always pondered but never asked. Was Lloyd Bridges a big Led Zeppelin fan and did he attend a Led Zeppelin concert in the early 1970's? The reason I ask is because he attended the LZ launch party for Swan Song Records in Los Angeles along with many others that also included Groucho Marx.

    Lloyd Bridges was funny as Hell in Airplane:

    Maybe he sniffed glue with Pagey or Bonzo back in 1974.

  12. Ordered my tickets for the Rush show in Dallas, Texas on May 18, 2015 at the American Airlines Center.

    As much as I love Rush, I purchased the least expensive tickets. I don't mind because I am at least in the building and once inside, I try and get as close to the stage as possible.

    Section: 327

    Row: K

    Seats: 12-15.

    Can't wait!!!

    The Rush tickets for their Las Vegas show goes on sale next Friday, February 6. I really think that I am going to go see them in Vegas alone. I don't mind. I have never been to Las Vegas so it will be all new to me. I can't go wrong with Rush and Vegas. Hell, you can't go wrong with Rush at all.

  13. Thanks zepscoda for finding this before the tickets go on sale this coming Friday. It gives me an idea of what I am planning on spending. I am buying 4 tickets for this show so I know now that I am going to spend around $268.88 for these 4 tickets. I would happily pay the $174.81 for a seat closer to the stage but I don't think the people I am going with will want to spend that much (and I don't blame them. They are not as big a Rush fan as I am).

    I am now beginning to contemplate going to see Rush in Las Vegas on July 25. I have never been to Vegas but have always wanted to go. This might be the perfect opportunity for me to go to Vegas and see Rush while I am there. The Dallas gig is the 6th of the tour. The Vegas show is the 4th to the last of the tour. A little over a good 2 month interim between gigs would be perfect. I have the financial means and the balls to go to Las Vegas on my own, if I have to go alone.

    Regardless, I know for a fact that I will see Rush in Dallas, Texas on May 18, 2015.

  14. The only prices I've seen so far were the gold and silver packages, they are well over $200 per ticket. I haven't seen a regular seat cost yet. If I see the price before Friday, I'll let you know. My oldest daughter (9) is asking to go....lol...it felt like yesterday, I was 15 asking my parents if I could go to see Rush at the garden....crazy !

    Cool. Thanks. That is funny what you said. I can remember the same thing, being 15 and asking my parents if I could see Rush at the (old) Checkerdome in Saint Louis. My first concert. "Grace Under Pressure" tour.

  15. No prop....its a great site.

    I think we may hit 2 shows. Dallas, and then depending on my wife's schedule (she travels all over the USA for her job), we may hit a show somewhere else.

    Hey zepscoda, have you heard of ticket prices for these shows, mainly the Dallas gig? I know that Rush usually tries to keep their ticket prices to a minimum. I am going to go regardless of the price but I was just curious to know if you had heard anything. I know now that I am going to buy the tickets this Friday at the Fiesta in Plano. I will probably buy them around 3pm, about 5 hours after they go on sale.

  16. Tickets for the Dallas show go on sale next week !

    I am definitely attending this concert. I may not get my tickets the day they go on sale but I am going to go to this gig with my brother and at least 5 other friends. I can't wait. Rush is My second favorite band. I have seen them at least 5 times before and I know that they always put on a great show. With no new music to promote, I believe that this will be almost like a Rush Greatest Hits concert. At least 3 hours and probably 25-30 Classic RUSH songs. To me it does not matter what the setlist is, I will know all of the songs They play.

    Maybe something similar to this (but add 10 years):

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