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Everything posted by kingzoso

  1. I actually do not really know what you meant by what you just posted. Are you saying that you know that you have bad taste and "loving it!?" (Even I would never admit to having Bad Taste, no matter what the subject is). If you meant to say something completely different, you should really reconstruct your Australian words and say something that makes a little more sense in the Kings English, or better yet, in American English. I stand by MY Opinions and Posts regarding my Love for BREAKING BAD and RUSH and LED ZEPPELIN. I will Never Yield on these Topics. By the way, I have Great Tastes in Everything that means something to ME. Food, Beer, Sports, TV, Movies, Books, Newspapers, Etc...
  2. This week, the Breaking Bad finale tops TV Guide’s list of the week’s top moments, while Entertainment Weekly witnesses the filming of the drama’s last scene. Plus, Walter White gets an obituary in the Albuquerque Journal. Read on for more: • Breaking Bad’s finale nabs TV Guide’s top moment of the week, concluding, “Don’t worry, Walt, we’ll always remember your name — just like you wanted.” • Entertainment Weekly recounts watching the shooting of Breaking Bad’s last scene, an ending that “felt deeply appropriate and satisfying” to Vince Gilligan and the other writers. • The Albuquerque Journal showcases a paid obituary of Walter White in the newspaper that starts off “White, Walter aka ‘Heisenberg.’” These are copied and pasted reviews, etc.. from "distinguished" American Outlets and Critics. These are Americans who deal with and get paid American dollars for their writing and reviews of American television. I know and realize that what MY words and MY Love for this "Acclaimed and Most Admired" American TV show does not mean anything (other than to ME and the Millions and Millions of other Fans from all over the Planet), I just wanted to Post some things from people that are more knowledgeable and actually get paid for their Positive or Negative review. In the case of "Breaking Bad" the reviews are 95+% in the Positive. So, for all the naysayers and negative people out there that say that "Breaking Bad" is just an "average" show, I (and again, Millions and Millions of Others) would say that you are in the, say, 5% Minority. But as one person on this forum so eloquently put it, to each their own.
  3. I suppose I have serious priority issues since I keep recommending this "Average" TV show to any and all Led Zeppelin (and non Led Zeppelin fans) on this Great and mighty Forum. If there are "much better shows on TV than that", I definitely do not know of any that are made in Australia and are broadcast in the United States of America. I realize that most of Australia is rather like a very large island with much of its population on its coasts and not very much (but land) in its center. If you can recommend a Great TV show that is produced in OZ land and shown in the USA, please recommend one to me, I will give it a chance. Anything? http://youtu.be/_gp9Vdi24q8
  4. It is too bad that you only watched an episode (which episode?) and made your conclusion from said episode which you post as "Average". If you bother to take Your time and "invest" in this show, I believe that you will be properly Rewarded. Maybe, maybe not. I know that I was. The rest is up to you. If you have any doubts about the Greatness of this Show, just Google "Breaking Bad" and you may come across Millions of Fans from all over the World (and Their) posts proclaiming Their LOVE for this Series. My Love and Devotion to "Breaking Bad" is one small matter, but when you add about 25 million fans that surrounded the Globe that also Feel the same way as ME and maybe even be more "Loyal" than I am, that is a very Powerful Force to deny!!! Edited to add: There are a total of 62 episodes of "Breaking Bad". How someone can refuse to watch a Great show based on "One" episode (that they did not really understand) and make a judgment based on that One episode, since they may not be familiar with the context of the show is not right. However, if you did not like what you saw, you did not like what you watched. I am cool with that.
  5. It is/was a Great Show. I can't stop watching (and posting) this clip. I apologize and am Sorry but this scene is just Purely Awesome, sorry for my redundancy: http://youtu.be/twSfxmpXVZY
  6. Do you want to end all this back and forth bickering and call a "Truce"? I am willing to if you are willing (on this topic at least, if not on all topics that you post and I post where we both disagree with each other). The ball is in Your court, so to speak. Let me end by saying this: I know that "Breaking Bad" is just a television show (Great as I think and know that it is). I am not delusional. And yes, I am sad that it is over, but Very Proud that It ended on it's Own terms. Did Loving this show change my Life? Yes, it did in a way that only affects me, not the World. My Love for Breaking Bad is equal to My Love for Led Zeppelin. Strong and Powerful. Both (in my opinion) are the Best that the Entertainment Industry has to offer (while both "Broke Bad" and changed all the Rules). With that being said, Both Breaking Bad and Led Zeppelin's Legacy will live on Forever. And, once again, that makes ME VERY PROUD!!! One more edit to add: I Love the fact that Walter White is sitting on the Iron Throne while wearing His Meth Lab Outfit.
  7. I understand completely and I must admit that I may go "Over the Top" when it comes to this show. It's all cool with me. I just want to try and turn other Led Zeppelin fans onto this show. Like I said before, if I can get just one person to get into this show, I will feel satisfied. I also realize that Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, so "Breaking Bad" may not be the to their liking. I do believe that You even said that it is a Great show. If I may, can I ask you what made You like this show (and have you actually seen every episode? From beginning to end, there were 62 episodes). By the way, maybe they didn't tell you that I don't shine Fucking shoes anymore, You Fucking mutt. (I know that you get this). Edited to add: I would really like to see a movie made in the (near) future with Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Bryan Cranston. Maybe with the premise of a Meth Kingpin from ABQ doing "Business" with a NYC Godfather. Who plays the "Godfather" though? Bobby De Niro or Al Pacino? Maybe I should start this and write a script and screenplay. Three of the Greatest American Actors of All-Time in one Movie.
  8. Yes, Me again. Here is a better and cleaner and longer clip of Walter White's Vengeance on Uncle Jack and his crew. What a Fucking Powerful scene. Also, Jesse gets his revenge on Todd. http://youtu.be/jO-NOhDPjcY This is the next to last scene of "Breaking Bad". There is a slight, but very significant gap between the last video I posted and this video. http://youtu.be/cJ7T2bUbLDA Farewell, My Friend. I will miss You and that makes Me sad, but knowing that "Breaking Bad" will live on forever and make new fans by the thousands every day makes Me very Proud. LONG LIVE MR. WALTER HARTWELL WHITE!!! HEISENBERG!!!
  9. This is the scene that I meant to post yesterday. Another Powerful scene in the history of television. This is the prequel of the scene when Hank gets killed. For any people on this forum that have not had the Pleasure of watching this Awesome show and maybe considering watching it, I strongly urge You not to watch this clip. For those of you who have been a fan and have Knowledge and seen this episode, this should remind You and prove that "Breaking Bad" is the Greatest American Television Show of All-Time. The plot and Suspense is Remarkable. I do not care and consider what anyone says about about Me regarding My Love for this Show. If certain people want to "mock" Me or want to "disparage" Me for what are My Strong Beliefs and Opinions, so be it. Words (and cheap words from sagittarius rising and strider) actually make Me laugh. You two are supposed to be adults, but a lot of what you post are what children would say and cannot take any criticism. I can take criticism without getting worked up and posting stupid, inane, and ignorant comments just because someone tries to change what I (and make Me look bad) say to make them look better. Grow Up and learn that whatever you say (and think and post) is not always right. I have learned that Myself, So I admit that I am not always right either. However, I know that I am right that "Breaking Bad" is the Greatest American Television Show Ever!!! Even those who want to "disparage" what I say, just realize that I am just only one of 15+ million that would, could and want to prove anyone Wrong. Just watch the show, and I guarantee that You will NOT be disappointed.
  10. Why? Would it be so surprising and shocking to find out that one, if not all four, are fans of "Breaking Bad"? They have television over in England, don't they? Just because all of Them are World-Class and World Famous musicians, they are also people and most people in civilized society watch television (at least for the news) and "Breaking Bad" has been in the news a lot lately, especially in the past year with the final season coming to an end. As for my Led Zeppelin and "Breaking Bad" reunion sentence, I was also making a joke just like you did in your post (#83). The difference is, I don't get bent out of shape and make snide and silly retorts. I take it in stride and humor. Just saying. It's all Cool with Me.
  11. It would not surprise me at all to learn that Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham are also big fans of "Breaking Bad". If one show could bring about a Led Zeppelin reunion, "Breaking Bad" would be that show.
  12. I realize that you are making a joke, but Yes, more Powerful than any Miami Vice episode including the good but inept Ted Nugent. I have never seen this Miami Vice episode with ted nugent, but it he was really in an episode of Miami Vice (back in the 1980's) then he obviously did it for the maybe $1,000 that the producers paid him. How can you or anyone compare a cheesy and wannabe slick show like Miami Vice, to a show like "Breaking Bad"? As you have so eloquently put it, it is like comparing, "apples to blue meth". And the BLUE METH WILL WIN EVERY TIME!!! http://youtu.be/E8QrBb48CNI
  13. Here is the scene of Walter White saving Jesse Pinkman and at the same time the massacre of Uncle Jack and his Nazi cohorts. This clip was obviously filmed by someone as they watched it on tv, however, it is the only clip I can find of this scene (so far) on YouTube. In my opinion (and yes, most of you are aware that I have very strong opinions and convictions regarding this Show), this is one of the most Dramatic and most Powerful scenes in television history. Just over one minute in duration but what a Strong and Awesome scene it is (besides the fact that Walter takes a ricochet bullet to his abdomen and soon dies from this wound).
  14. I am still sad that Walter White, aka, Heisenberg, died, but it seems to me that He died on His own terms. Meaning that He did not get killed or murdered by Jesse or some other person and that He did not succumb to the Cancer that He would have eventually died from. Walter White died from a bullet wound to His abdomen from a "Say Hello to My Little Friend" machine gun that He rigged-up to the trunk of His car to kill all of Uncle Jack's Aryan Brotherhood crew and that the bullet that hit him actually ricochets off and hits Him while He is protecting Jesse Pinkman. What a tragic and equally fitting conclusion to the Greatest Television Show of All-Time. Once more: Edited to add: Bryan Cranston won three Emmy Awards in a Row for playing Walter White. Aaron Paul won two Emmy for portraying Jesse Pinkman. "Breaking Bad" just Won the Emmy for Best Outstanding Drama Series. The Emmy's are like the Oscars/Academy Awards of Television. They are voted on by Their Peers and Contemporaries, not the Public. Their Wins were not a Popularity contest. They won on Their Merits because "Breaking Bad" deserves Every Accolade that can be given to a Television Show that will be talked about, Loved, Watched, Etc... for the next 100+ years. (Walter White, I mean Bryan Cranston, is the equivalent of Jimmy Page. Both will go down in History as two of the Greatest Entertainers in the History of Entertainment). With all that said by me, Breaking Bad and Led Zeppelin will Outlive all of US for decades and Centuries to come. And that Makes Me Very Proud!!!
  15. Yes, it was a sad ending to a Great show. As Strider mentioned, Walter White got his revenge on the neo-Nazis in a beautiful and spectacular fashion. Walter died on the floor in a place that He Loved: a Meth lab. (this clip is the very final two minutes of the Finale): Watch at your own risk and if you do, listen to the lyrics to the Badfinger song, "Baby Blue". A very fitting song to end this very Awesome series.
  16. To all the great RUSH fans on this Awesome forum, I suggest you watch this:
  17. Farewell, my Friend. You were/are loved my millions of fans throughout the planet Earth. You will be sorely missed. Thanks to Vince Gilligan, Bryan Cranston and the rest of the Entire cast and crew that made "Breaking Bad" one of the Greatest Television Shows of All-Time!!! Pure Genius at its Finest. Thank You!!!
  18. Just getting to the morning paper, front page of the NYTimes: September 27, 2013 Race to End for ‘Breaking Bad’ Fans Who Got Behind By BRIAN STELTER Right now, Kyle Bauer fears “Breaking Bad” spoilers more than a pop quiz in class. At the University of Pittsburgh, where Mr. Bauer is studying engineering, students cram into his dormitory lounge every Sunday night to watch the latest episode. But not Mr. Bauer, who was, as of Monday, still about 20 episodes behind. That night, he started binge-viewing so that he can be in the lounge for Sunday’s all-important finale — figuring that if he’s not there to see the ending when everyone else does, someone will spoil it for him. “My friends are telling me it’ll be the best decision of my life,” he said Wednesday night, without even hitting pause during his marathon to talk to a reporter. In its final season, “Breaking Bad” on AMC has become the It Show on cable television. All over the country, converts to the series about a mild-mannered teacher turned drug lord have set aside schoolwork, dishes and laundry to try to catch up on old episodes through Netflix, Amazon, iTunes and other Internet services. The hype around hit television show finales has always been intense, but what has happened with “Breaking Bad” exemplifies a twist in the relationship between the parallel universes of live, linear television (the kind symbolized by Comcast and DirecTV) and on-demand TV (as embodied by Netflix). On-demand services are typically thought to hurt live television viewing. In this case, they are fueling it. “Breaking Bad” made its debut in 2008 to an underwhelming 1.2 million viewers — which would have caused many programming chiefs to drop it. But the show dodged cancellation and slowly built a following — especially once the old episodes were made available en masse on Netflix. By mid-2012, about 2.6 million viewers were watching live episodes; now, as the ending approaches, that total has more than doubled to 6 million, which might be small for a network television show but makes “Breaking Bad” one of the biggest phenomena on cable. “What’s remarkable about this show is we’ve created urgency to see it,” said Charlie Collier, the president of AMC, which has been running a marathon of every episode since Wednesday. DVDs and, before that, VHS tapes have allowed audiences to catch up on shows for a long time — in fact, the popularity of “Family Guy” DVDs were partly credited with the 2005 revival of the once-canceled Fox animated comedy. But binge-viewing behavior has become much more pronounced in the last few years, mainly because Netflix and services like it have made it so easy to do. Last Sunday, as “Breaking Bad” was finally winning the television industry’s highest honor, an Emmy award for outstanding drama, the show set a new ratings record for itself — 6.6 million, according to Nielsen — making it the biggest program on cable that night. At the same time, many people were just starting their marathons. According to Netflix, each day for the last two weeks, the most-streamed episode of the show has been the very first one, during which Walter White crystallized methamphetamine for the first time. The show’s creator, Vince Gilligan, credited the Internet when accepting his Emmy. “I think Netflix kept us on the air,” he told reporters backstage, adding that he did not believe that the show would have survived more than two seasons without the audience and revenue lifts that Netflix provided, along with online chatter. As first reported by AdAge, the network sought $300,000 to $400,000 for a 30-second ad in the final episode. AMC confirmed on Friday night that the episode was sold out. The network declined to comment on pricing, but assuming it achieved $300,000 a spot, it will be earning more for the airtime than even the highest-rated network dramas normally do. “It’s a new era in television,” Mr. Gilligan said, “and we’ve been very fortunate to reap the benefits.” Mr. Bauer is ready for the finale — as of Friday afternoon, he had only five more episodes to watch, and he was saving them for Sunday. Justin Carroll, a bank employee in Lexington, Ky., started to binge a little bit earlier — Sept. 12 — because he “wanted to be part of the discussion” with his friends. Judy Weinstein, a human resources consultant in Sherman Oaks, Calif., started on Sept. 22 because of media coverage of the show and a crucial endorsement from a more personal source: her spin class instructor, who would “come to class every Monday morning and talk about how she couldn’t sleep the night before after watching,” she said. Ms. Weinstein is glad she did — although after she finished her marathon on Thursday, there was one downside. “In retrospect, it is a difficult show to binge-watch because it just keeps getting darker and darker,” she said. Mr. Collier of AMC said that social networking Web sites had amplified all the chatter about the show. (Nielsen estimates that the average person’s Twitter message about a TV show is seen by about 50 other people.) “Word of mouth is still a great thing,” he said. Netflix’s licensing contracts do not cover the eight most recent episodes of “Bad,” so for those, new fans must rely on AMC, an online rental service or a less legal route. AMC’s marathon has been a big draw this week. In prime time, it had 1.0 million viewers on Wednesday and almost 1.2 million on Thursday. (The totals will increase after digital video recorder viewing is factored in.) Perhaps aptly for a show about a meth dealer, Melodie Holmes has noticed its addictive tendencies. Ms. Holmes, of Kitchener, Ontario, said she and her husband “generally watch two episodes a night, and look at each other seeing whether or not we could stay awake on a ‘school night’ for more,” she said. More often than not, they stayed up — and now they are all caught up.
  19. Me too. I also know that that the six+plus millions of Americans who also Love this Outstanding Series will also be saddened with its ending (know matter what the outcome is). I have to admire and Respect the fact that this Show is ending on It's Own terms. It is not ending because it is being cancelled. Vincent Gilligan (the Creator) is doing these things on His Own terms. Bryan Cranston, aka, Walter White, aka "Heisenberg" will go down in Television History as one of the Greatest Characters EVER. With three Emmy wins for Best Actor how can I be wrong. The Emmy's voted and spoke. I am just an Honest American who Loves this Show. http://youtu.be/p5UqaDN5OiA
  20. Breaking Bad will be praised for Evermore. If I am wrong about this, I will promise to stop drinking My Beers. Just wait and give a day or two after this Sunday night. Like I have said before, this ending will surpass the ending of another Great Series, which is the Sopranos.
  21. Here is a quote from actor Dean Norris who plays DEA agent Hank Schrader and is Walter White's brother-in-law on (what else from me), "Breaking Bad". "It's like rock 'n' roll in the late '70s, and Breaking Bad is Led Zeppelin." -- Dean Norris from USA Today (9/23/2013). How awesome is that quote? And very true to a Massive fan I am of both Led Zeppelin and Breaking Bad.
  22. I defy anyone to watch and listen to this Live dvd/bootleg and to say that this is not Pure Rock and Roll at it's Most Finest. RUSH is one of the Greatest album-oriented and Most definitely one of the Greatest Live Rock and Roll Bands EVER!!! Just watch, listen and HEAR:
  23. Alas, I am replying to my own post. What I mean to say was start from the ending and make your way backwards. Start from the second to the last episode (and, as of now) the "Felina" (an anagram for "Finale") which will conclude this series that I and thousands of others are calling "one of the Greatest Television Shows" of all-time from both fans and t.v. critics. Start from season 1, episode 1. Again, I promise, that you will not (should not) be disappointed. Not that I need to feel any vindication for all of my praise for this show, but "Breaking Bad" did win the Emmy Award for Best Outstanding Drama Series earlier tonight. So there is that, for what it's worth. (And to me that says and means A lot). Thank You, "Breaking Bad".
  24. I urge everyone on this Awesome Led Zeppelin Forum to watch the second to last episode of "Breaking Bad" Start from the ending and make your way forward.
  25. I have been drinking beer since I was 13 years old, and smoking Marlboro Reds since I was 18. This is kinda sad to say but I have done just about every "illegal" drug that there is. However, I am Proud to say that I never got "addicted" to any particular substance that I very much enjoyed. Maybe except my favorite, which is the All-Mighty Budweiser. Even still, I am not dependent on any of the substances that I have done in the past. And many of those "substances" have been known to hook a person and keep them a prisoner. Thank GOD, that never happened to me. I have a steady job and a social life and some $ saved up. If I am content with that, then I see no problem there. I know that there are many, many Americans that may (or may not) agree with what I said but that is Life. (I wish I was a Millionaire) but I am not. If I was a Millionaire, I could resort to my fun time and crazy antics (which I always enjoyed), but maybe with a very severe and different consequence. Regardless, my favorite "HIGH" is drinking beers and listening to the "Mighty Led Zeppelin" while watching "Breaking Bad".
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