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Everything posted by kingzoso

  1. I may be exactly one week early in celebrating Led Zeppelin's 34th anniversary of Their concert at Knebworth, but I hope to make it up with this:
  2. In my humble opinion, after Tony Soprano, Walter White is the baddest Motherfucking character in the history of Television!!! Jimmy Gandolfini (Rest in Peace) and Bryan Cranston have transformed the stereotype of the "anti-hero" and made them classic and iconic figures in American history that will live on for generations to come. Just like Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and John Bonham have done for Classic Rock and Roll Music. If you do not agree or do not know that much about Walter White (or "Breaking Bad"), this should be a very motivating clip to get anyone not familiar with this Great and Awesome show to possibly get addicted to the show. It could be as addicting as the Blue Meth. The choice is Yours. Edited to add: There are many spoilers in this 4 minute clip and 8 minute video . If you are new to BR BA and have not seen the entire run, I would advise you to not watch this.
  3. Breaking Bad is coming back with a Vengeance in less than 10 days from now. For all of US fans that have invested Our time and interest in this awesome and amazing show, I just want to say that WE are all in for a ride of our life. WHATEVER HAPPENS to any of the main characters (and that means WHATEVER), I will always say and Respect Walter White and Jesse Pinkman and the whole cast and crew. As the Tag says, "ALL BAD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END". Just what that the really means, we will all find out in the next two months.
  4. I completely agree with you on this. When Led Zeppelin play(ed) their long sets and solos, it was a showcase to show their respective talents. Sure a lot of people would accuse them of being self-indulgent and whatever else, however, I like to see or hear the virtuosity and improvisation of Jimmy, Jonesy and Bonzo and between Jimmy, Jonesy and Bonzo. Rush, on the other hand, do pretty much stick to their original composition of their songs when playing live. With that format by Rush, it enables the audience to see or hear more of their songs (and I like that about Rush). In a 2-3 hour show, Rush can play up to 25 or 30 different songs. Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart are also some of the most-talented musicians on the planet. (My opinion of course).
  5. This topic is really for those of us who listen to a lot of bootlegs. Bootlegs by any of your favorite bands. As I have stated in the past, I listen to a lot of Led Zeppelin bootlegs. All that I own and more that I have listened to on YouTube. There is a lot of great LZ bootlegs on YouTube. I have also started to listen to a lot of Rush bootlegs that are also out there via the same medium. My question is: when listening to full live bootlegs by your favorite bands, do you prefer to hear the songs as they are pretty much played note for note (like they are on the album/cd), or would you prefer some improvisation or any slight difference to the songs? My point is: Led Zeppelin were and are the Masters of Improvisation when it comes to almost all the songs They ever played live in front of an eager audience. For an easy example, "Dazed and Confused", studio version 6.27 in length. I have heard the same "Dazed and Confused" from a bootleg from Los Angeles that almost reaches the 45+ minute mark. If you prefer precision over improv, that means that LZ could have possibly played at least 7 more of Their songs if They did stick to the almost note for note formula that we hear on the albums/cds. Any comments on which you prefer?
  6. I am an American, however, I was not born in or on the continental United States of America. I was born on an island and it is not Hawaii or Manhattan. I was born on Galveston Island. Galveston, Texas. Galveston is known for many things but most of all it is known for one of the deadliest hurricanes to ever strike the United States of America, at the turn of the century, in 1900. Both of my parents were born in different parts of Texas and They speak both English and Spanish. I, however, speak No Spanish at all. Even to this day, They will speak in Spanish/Mexican whenever they do not want me to know what they are saying. On a side note, My Father enlisted (not drafted) in the United States Marine Corps. He served 2 tours of Vietnam (1968-1969) and used his experience to enroll at the University of Texas/Austin thanks to the GI Bill. My fathers Service in the Marine Corps was prior to my conception. Regardless, my father is an American veteran who Proudly served His/Mine/Yours Great Country. For that alone I Salute Him and the Millions of Others who have Proudly served Our country (past and present) in the name of Honor, Courage, Freedom, Democracy, etc... Speaking for Myself, I was once an employee of SBC Communications (know known as AT&T) and was for a time an Employee of the Great and Noble Transportation Security Administration. Yes, the TSA. I was a Screener at an airport. I was one of many that made sure that there was not another repeat of September 11, 2001. I took my job very seriously, We all did. Some people may and do mock the TSA but it is a very serious job to take. I saw hundreds of things that were prohibited and made sure that those things never entered the cargo hold of a plane. Of course the majority of the things the TSA sees and catches is hardly reported on the news. Guns, Knives, Drugs, large amounts of money, pornography, sex toys, etc... I had seen them all and reported them to the proper authorities (when warranted).
  7. I watched that 8 minute clip of Ginger Baker and I realized that I wasted 8 minutes of my time. I do like Cream but I will admit that Ginger Baker seems "so out of touch with reality" that is was very hard to watch. I could care less about what he thinks about "Bonzo" or "Moonie". I hate to say this but I think that Ginger Baker is so "fried" and out his mind (and his money) that his legacy will be more about his negative and ignorant comments about his contemporaries that he so likes to disparage. Although John Bonham passed away in 1980, John Henry Bonham will always be given and equated as the Greatest Rock and Roll Drummer of All-Time. I think that this accolade of Mr. Bonham (from millions of Led Zeppelin Fans from around the World) does not sit well with Mr. Baker. I think that envy and jealousy can make someone very bitter and ...
  8. BACKSTAGE WITH JIMMY PAGE Although Lifeson cites many influences on his playing, the hugest is, without a doubt, Jimmy Page. Here Lifeson talks about meeting the guy who once called Rush "One of the young bands that I like." "I saw Led Zeppelin in Toronto in 1969 after waiting in line for 15 hours. We sat on the floor in front of Jimmy about three people back. I was so impressed. I wanted to look like him, and play like him, and be just like him. If there was any single person I ever wanted to meet, it was him, but I never thought I would have the opportunity. "Well, Geddy met Robert Plant in Morocco a few years ago, and Robert invited us to the Page/Plant show in Toronto. When we went backstage, Jimmy came into the room, and I started shaking. I was that excited. He was so sweet, and so charming, and engaging. It was incredible. I brought a copy of my record, Victor, and I built up the nerve to give it to him. I had written in it that he was such an inspiration, and that his influence was all over the record. I said, 'I hope you don't mind, but this is my solo record and I'd like you to have it.' He stood up and gave me a hug and thanked me. We walked down to the stage with them, and they had set up a couple of chairs for us by the [monitor mixing] board. Jimmy kept looking over and smiling at me when he would play these great signature parts. He played so well. Just incredible. I was like a kid. I can picture the dressing room, with Robert sitting across from me, and Jimmy sitting to my left asking me questions. I can take myself right back there, and it just feels great. You meet your hero, and he's a hero! He was everything I hoped he would be. I'll never ever forget that."
  9. You are absolutely correct. Credit is most certainly due to mrjonesy2112. So I tip my hat to him and thank him for all the live Rush bootlegs that he has uploaded to YouTube (all them certainly pristine in quality, for a bootleg). I would also like to think and say that mrjonesy2112 must be a Led Zeppelin fan as well. Either that, or this persons last name also happens to be Jones (or Baldwin). Again, I urge other fellow Rush fans that are on this Great Led Zeppelin Forum, check out and listen to the dozens of great bootlegs that mrjonesy2112 has provided. You will not be disappointed.
  10. RUSH is my second favorite Band of All-Time. I have seen Them only about 5 times beginning in 1986. I fell out of them (a little) during the 1990's and 2000's when most of Rush's songs took on a much more synthesizer approach to Their Music and the more mellowness of the majority of their output (of course they always had a couple of rockers on all their albums). Not to say that was a bad thing, but I always Loved Rush as a hard-rocking trio. From Rush to Grace Under Pressure, these are definitely my favorites. I do own all of Their complete CD discography. I have come to understand and appreciate the Rush albums that I once shunned. Having said that, I believe that RUSH is one of the Greatest Bands ever and I know that I am not the only One to think or say this. How anyone can deny that this is a truly Epic Masterpiece: http://youtu.be/WpENyx-qty4
  11. Does this ring any bells? Edited to add: This "Wanton Song" is definitely a live version. Probably off some bootleg from either Brussels, Belgium or Chicago or Indianapolis 1975. Not a great sounding recording but with only about 3 - 5 available live versions Led Zeppelin played of this song, I will take it any day. That and the same sound quality of "When the Levee Breaks" from these same cities. and http://youtu.be/7VvyXIz9JrQ
  12. I agree with you completely. Dennis Farina was a great actor. I think His best role was in Midnight Run (with Bobby De Niro). His Chicago/Las Vegas mobster as Jimmy Serrano was great. He played an no nonsense and Ruthless MotherFucker. I am sad to learn of his Passing.
  13. Thanks to luvlz2, I have discovered a plethora of live, full bootlegs of the great and Mighty RUSH on YouTube. Most of them are great sounding bootlegs with a lot over 2+ hours in duration. If you are a fan of Rush I urge you to seek them out. Here is one example of what I mean: Just click on the top. RUSH - ECHOES ON THE STAGES and you will be directed to the YouTube site. You will see what I mean on the right hand of the screen. All these great Rush concerts to listen to. I hope you enjoy!!!
  14. If you are true fan and know the History of this Great show, what do you think will happen. Just curious as to your thoughts?
  15. Only three weeks remaining until "All BAD things must come to an end". From what I have read from the creator of "Breaking Bad", Vince Gilligan, the millions of people that Love this show are in for a fast and furious ride of a lifetime. Can't wait.
  16. I do not to mean to interrupt the "symbols" mystery, however, I would like to ask this question? Is there any mention of any of the members of Led Zeppelin ever meeting or interacting with the members of the Spinners? I ask this because both Led Zeppelin and the Spinners were under the umbrella of Atlantic Records during the 1970's. Same record company under the supervision and ownership of Ahmet Ertugen and Jerry Wexler. I realize that Led Zeppelin and the Spinners are completely different styles of Music. Regardless, different styles of different kinds of Music does not mean that one is better than the other. I Love the Spinners Music and I hope that these Spinner songs may turn on others fans of Led Zeppelin that may not be aware of these Great Songs.
  17. I just finished listening to this. This has to be one of the greatest live versions of "Whole Lotta Love" that I have ever heard:
  18. I read somewhere once a long time ago that George Lucas named the planet Hoth after the initials of Houses of the Holy. Hoth is the frozen planet that the rebel alliance used as a base at the beginning of the Empire Strikes Back. Anyone ever read or heard this?
  19. This is pretty interesting. I think it is from Lima, Peru. Regardless, a nice little medley with what seems like at least 100 people supporting this singer.
  20. I would have to assume that since you now have seen season 4, you have not seen any episodes of "Breaking Bad" season 5, part 1? As I am sure you are already aware of, season 5 is/has been split into two (seasons). The first 8 episodes have already been on AMC. The new tag line from AMC of the last and final 8 episodes that are to begin on Sunday, August 11, 2013 (27 days from now) is: "All Bad Things Must Come to an End"... If you are all caught up to and including the first 8 episodes of season 5 (and I hope you are), WE are all in for a very wild and unexpected ride of twists and turns that may or may not have outcomes that WE could never expect or realize. It is going to be a very exciting and surprising conclusion to one of the Greatest Shows in Television History.
  21. Yes, that is a very young Gustavo Fring (real name: Giancarlo Esposito). Speaking of Eddie Murphy and Breaking Bad, Gus' "cleaner" the great Michael Ehrmantraut on the show, is played by Jonathan Banks. Jonathan Banks was one of the bad guys in the movie, "Beverly Hills Cop". He was Victor Maitland's right hand man and killer. He was the one Eddie Murphy threw into the buffet table at the Harrow Club.
  22. As most already know, when Luke firsts meets Yoda in "Empire", Yoda is old and living in exile and seclusion in the Dagobah system. When Luke returns to finish his training in "Return", Yoda peacefully succumbs to his old age (around 900 years). Then with the Star Wars "prequels" we see Master Yoda as a (younger) strong and very wise Jedi master. I remember when I saw this scene with Yoda and Count Dooku, it blew my mind and was so funny at the same time: What was so funny about this scene was: We all knew Yoda was a very Powerful Jedi master but we didn't know or had seen how much "mad skills" Yoda had with a lightsaber.
  23. This topic is devoted to any and all things Star Wars related. Anything related to Star Wars. (The Movies, History, Trivia, Memories, Facts, Opinions, Questions, Quotes, anything, etc)... I will begin. I remember when Luke Skywalker first saw the Millennium Falcon at the Mos Eisley spaceport He said, "what a pile of junk". (Classic!!!) Also, who shot first? Han Solo or Greedo? I realize that he is a Bounty Hunter and a bad Guy however, Boba Fett, in my opinion, is one of the Great and Classic movie characters of all-time.
  24. I will give the first reply to this topic. I cannot stand rap music that has been made since the early 1990's to the present day. Since then, rap songs all sound the same to me and it seems to take no real talent to make a rap song. All they need is a drum machine and a computer and anyone can make a rap song. With that being said, I do like and respect the group N.W.A. "Straight Outta Compton" was released in 1988/89 and had the "Balls" to be real and original. I do believe that they actually used real instruments to make their songs/music. I have to respect that. The first three songs off this Cd are the Best 3 raps songs of all-time (obviously My opinion).
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