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Everything posted by Moonmaid

  1. Ha ha! No rescuing needed, yet. But it's nice to know you're there if I need ya. And as if you and I need to further our "coincidence associations," my immediate ancestry is Norwegian. Sorry, all, for the "inside joke." I hope this will appease everyone:
  2. Ah, I take it you haven't seen this yet: http://www.trailerspy.com/trailer/4274/It-...et-Loud-Trailer Enjoy.
  3. BIGDAN is going to love hearing that! How touching. :'( I don't want to take up too much time here, but there is a thread where our member (BIGDAN) created that sig for me (Moonmaid). And we discussed purposefully infusing magick into it! I guess it worked. Speaking of magick: He put a spell on me.
  4. Ha! Were you following the "Moonmaid-BigDan saga?"
  5. Take that, Spacewoman!
  6. I just choked on my breakfast! Please, SW, give a girl a warning...
  7. That tummy needs a zerbert!
  8. C'mon...y'all must know that I love this! Visual artists are always so hard on themselves, but believe me, this is exactly how I "see" him now. Great work.
  9. Love it! I am all for your opposing view, as long as the discussion stays on track. Oh, and as long as there are pics of the hot silver-white-wizard-fox: Edit for typo.
  10. Ha ha! I love how these discussions mutate. Dumbledore and Gandalf had nothing to do with the original posts. The question was, albeit informally, should Jimmy be nick-named the "Silver Fox," even though his hair isn't really silver, or should it be something else, like "White Wizard?" I'm sorry, but I can't imagine saying the phrase, "I'd love for that White Wizard to rip me in two." However, I have said, "I'd love for that Silver Fox to rip me in two." But, like everything else on this forum, it's a matter of taste and opinion. Carry on.
  11. So, you got a thing for Gandalf, then? Well, just for you, baby. Sweet dreams... By the by. Did you know that they call women like "us" (those who are attracted to men who are more than 20 years older) as "grandpa lovers?!" I don't know how to feel about that.
  12. On second thought, yes, there are times when he should, nay, must be called the "White Wizard:"
  13. Ha! Yes I know we all use it. Miss Aqua wondered why we all use it. I could only speak for myself. I didn't mean to imply that I was only one who used it. And no Aqua, "White Wizard" doesn't convey the same sexiness as "Silver Fox" (In fact, it makes him sound like a grand master of the KKK). You'll just have to live with the etymological imperfection, sweetie pie. But you know I still love you.
  14. Good question, Aqua. I can't speak for others, but I use the term "silver fox" because it is a common term for any man who is sexually attractive in his mature years. His hair has turned color, revealing his age, wisdom, experience. The exact color does not matter. And "white fox," although more correct, isn't the common term. Hope this helps.
  15. He's 32 years older than me, looks like this, and that's just fine with me.
  16. Some of my favorites, ladies! Nice work.
  17. Apologies! I missed it. But I'm in love with it! You are truly gifted, my dear. Thank you, thank you for posting it again!!
  18. racchan, CommBreak, Alex...you guys are brilliant! And so creative. I thoroughly enjoy all of these. May I make a request? I think you know what I want...may I please see a Silver Fox Jimmy? There are few if any in this thread. No rush. I leave it up to those who would enjoy it...Thank you!
  19. When they look like that, hell no! My question is...is it wrong to be mesmerized by the bit of light on his zipper?
  20. Why. Is. He. So. Hot?
  21. It's a sad reality, but I've come to accept the fact that I will never be this cool...
  22. Sorry I took so long. It's from this at around :12/:13- But keep in mind it's an old vid. They are not touring. And thanks Planet Page! I don't suppose "Sexicorn" works for anyone?
  23. Nope, it's Halfin's site. But if you go to "People" you can see all of the HOF pics. And regarding the age gap, I don't think Jimmy would mind...
  24. Oh, JAL, you're killin' me today with the SFs...
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