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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Rams won made me happy posting that in the wrong thread made me unhappy lol
  2. RIP Roy A true guitar man and gentleman.
  3. maybe that is the problem. Maybe getting paid to have a career supporting a false theory is how it works. Its all part of a globaiist agenda
  4. I dont agree with Trump all the time but I dont think he was blaming the firefighters he was pointing out bad policy managment. For example all the money California wastes on stupid stuff like bullet trains and wasting billions of dollars on giving money to illegal aliens and then has to rent water dropping planes from Canada. If you check out the history of wild fires in California they have been going on longer than the USA even owned California. Climate change is a hoax.
  5. I think they are both wrong and the fires are just a natural occurrence given the climate and the conditions. On the news they were saying these kinds of fires have been going on for centuries so it isnt climate change. I heard that one fire in 1889 in California was like the 3rd biggest fire ever and that was before cars. I think climate change is a hoax. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santiago_Canyon_Fire
  6. I like Neil youngs music but he seemed a little off his trolly blaming his house burning down on the man in Washington DC. I feel really bad for all of these people losing lives and Young is upset because one of his several homes burned down.
  7. that made me LOL. I had to ask my neighbor what it meant. good one1
  8. some kid on the bus yesterday took out a joint and lit it up and everybody started yelling at him. dope head I guess think its legal everywhere now but it isnt. the smoke also causes cancer so therre is that too
  9. the best was the Bill Cosby Show opening "Hikky Burr" song arranged by Quincy Jones and with Carol Kaye's famous bass line
  10. Its funny because everybody stands facing 97 St marks place when they take a selfie showing 96 and 98. your photo is really cool btw good job
  11. my cat brought me a present this morning and put it on my pillow... ew! a dead lizard ew!!! I guess its the thought that counts
  12. more people need to be prepared to shoot back would help. not me, I'd be the worst to do that, but how many people just sit waiting to be slaughtered like sheep? just terrible news today
  13. woke up this morning to another horrible story of innocent people being murdered. My prayers to all the victims and their families.
  14. why does nobody ever takes a picture of 97 st Marks place?
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