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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Is the subject not about marijuana laws? My opinion about legalizing drugs is that its stupid here in the usa to do that. My opinion has nothing to do with anyone else. strike a raw nerve talking about your pipe or something? jeeze
  2. Ricky Shroeder was great in that too. such a great story and so many great actors
  3. if he was pro Bin Laden then I hope he is hell with Bin Laden
  4. i have heard that some people can use heroin responsibly are you in favor of that to?
  5. you should calm down, I was just sharing what i thought was a funny story. Put the doobie down and chill out btw, what are all of the constuctive things to be said about dope smoking?
  6. Strider, I think you are a good person but you are thinking with your heart to much on this one. The man's death was horrible and brutal but he wasn't a good guy either. Im not excusing what the Suadis did to him, but he was just another side of the same coin. Kipper
  7. a friend of mine smoked pot while watching Michael Jackson's thriller on MTV and he got so freaked out that he hid under the bed its a crazy drug really
  8. Oh my gosh Apanther I was just watching Wrath of Kahn about an hour ago while I was sorting out all the cat food for the next week. What a coincidence. one of my favorite Star Trek movies.
  9. Kind of what I feel about it. I think it is a horrrible way to die, but they are all part of the same system.
  10. I saw this in the news, pretty horrifying. And yet in that part of the world it is very common. Medieval philosphies abound there. The way women and gays are treated by all of them is very dissapointing too.
  11. This is always a difficult topic for me because I have so many. Sometimes I'll say the wizard of Oz and then sometimes I'll say the sound of music. Overall I have to go with the SOund of music
  12. here a "cowboy" can mean a lot of things. A hot shot-- or thinks he is, or someone who is impatient and charges right into things. In the city it also has a sexual reference too. Contractors who do a half ass job are so common here I dont think we have a name for them. My former land lady would never hire mexican immigrant workers because she said they were always flaky. Work hard not smart she would say. We also have gypsy tradesmen who go around taking advantage of people with bad work.
  13. do they have cowboys in England? I thought Englishmen rode sheep?
  14. I think the Japanese are a better culture than the chineses are
  15. I watched the vote and all of the screaming was scary. Women screaming like a Beatles concert. so nuts. A lot of people are like children these days. But I was glad the man was cleared. Making false charges against his was just evil.
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