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Everything posted by kipper

  1. I guess that would matter if presidents were elected by popular vote but they are not. All you are basically pointing out is that millions of unenlightened people in a handful of unenlightened states cast more votes than they needed to. I usually dont bring up the subjects, it is usually some butthurt who gets triggered everytime our president farts who starts whining from the usual suspects around here. I dont think anyone needs to stir shit around here, there is a lot of shit just floating around all the time anyway. I didnt create that, it was here when I got here.
  2. of course I do, that is why I voted with the people against the most unscrupulous person ever.
  3. you mean look like the fool from the sunshine state I was responding to that voted for that stupid old hag? LOL
  4. who sold the uranium to the Russians walter? It wasnt the current guy in charge, it was some lady we all know who thinks all that glitters is her pantsuits. you are blind
  5. well at least you didnt say I was westgarlic from the Uk this time. How dumb was that? Talk about me being an idiot, I dont think anyone but some record shopkeeper in Hollywood would actually believe me (Kipper) is from the UK. What were you smoking that made you come up with that? You are all twisted up because somebody who used to be a democrat finaly got tired of being lied to. There is nothing wrong with change Strider, you should try a little bit.
  6. that's so nice Walter. Did you take any other pets too? cool
  7. If I bought a car I would just pay cash for it because going into debt is probably not good.
  8. it was a relevant point to mention a famous person who claimed she was named after the man. I would want your life but then I would have to move to a swampland and drive a dick extension car. And quite frankly I dont have that much to prove to myself.
  9. And of course Bill had no power to say no, no power to not set up a situation to be alone with the 20 something white house intern, or no ability to not ask his secretary to lie for him. Yeah, it was all Monica's fault, Bill was just a victim LOL! Talk about warped thinking
  10. Whatever he did didn't have any effect. Hillary just isn't like by most people. Even people who voted for her only tolerate her. She screwed herself not Putin.
  11. It was a lie and she got caught. She claimed later than her mother was a "follower" of Sir Edmund Hillary long before he got to Everest which happened after Hillary was born. Then later before her mother died she got her mother to say the mother made it up. Hillary makes up lots of stuff. On Fox news they have shown her to be a pathological liar.
  12. that is total horseshit. Apanther is a very nice and friendly guy and a real Led Zeppelin fan unlike many others here. Besides, Strder is a big boy and makes plenty of his own coments all the time when he feels like it. Apanther doesn't even respond to most of those. Then there is that other guy who lives down in the low rent Florida swampland who claims to be LGBTQ friendly but who makes homophobic comments when he "thinks" he is being clever and you havent called him out have you? You are wrong.
  13. Hillary Clinton claimed she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary Turned out to be a total lie
  14. After I lost all my weight I have way more energy. You should try taking off a few pounds.
  15. I'm glad you see what I see Apanther. I didn't know what deep state was until I saw how Hillary stole her party nomination from the will of the people on her side (Sanders), and then later how establishment republicans wanted to see their own candidate lose to Hillary. Crazy stuff! Isn't it weird how Reagan would be too liberal to be a Republican today, and JFK too conservative to be a Democrat today.
  16. I would go back in time and tell Hitler his painting were really good and encourage him to continue as a painter. Then I would go forward in time and meet all the nice people who were not affected by a man who was happy to paint pictures.
  17. Strider I used to be a democrat. I voted for Obama. I used to think like a liberal because I thought it meant being a nice person. Me thinks YOU are the one unwilling to open your eyes and learn something. YOU are the one being partisan. Im not from the UK that is insane. I say more anti UK things here than anyone. HRC has always been irrelevant, but it is SHE is the one still bringing herself up. But I do thank her. I thank her for demonstrating to someone like me how stupid it was to follow along with a party that doesnt stand for anything they claim to stand for. The Democratic party of JFK, and Robert Kennedy doesnt exit anymore. It is now the party of BLM and Elizabeth warren. NUTS!!!
  18. ^^^^ in·sip·id inˈsipid/ adjective adjective: insipid lacking flavor. "mugs of insipid coffee" synonyms: tasteless, flavorless, bland, weak, wishy-washy; More unappetizing, unpalatable "insipid coffee" antonyms: tasty lacking vigor or interest. "many artists continued to churn out insipid, shallow works" synonyms: unimaginative, uninspired, uninspiring, characterless, flat, uninteresting, lackluster, dull, drab, boring, dry, humdrum, ho-hum, monochrome, tedious, uneventful, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, pedestrian, trite, tired, hackneyed, stale, lame, wishy-washy, colorless, anemic, lifeless
  19. Strider you need to put down the reefer and turn down the volume on your Greatful Dead album, are you serious?? What about Obama sending a plane load of cash to the Iranians in the middle of the night? What about Hillary and her Toys R Us "reset button"? Uh... Lyndon Johnson... never heard the name before? Who cares if the Russians spied on us, isnt that therr job? Didn't Obama spy on Merkle? You are just butt hurt because Hillary lost because HALF of America hate her. Apperently a lot of democrats too. How is that Putin's fault? Hillary couldn't beat Obama. Hillary was hated when she was Bill's wife and it was her fault democrats lost control of congress when Bill Clinton was president because she couldn't shut her big mouth. Putin is a thug and a good leader at the same time. He hasn't done any dirty tricks that Churchill or FDR never did. Putin is the leader of the nation with the 2nd most powerful nuke aresenal. You don't just wag your finger at them and expect to make any progress. When was the last time Russians flew airplanes into our buildings Strder? Only people whining about what Trump did today are swamp dwellers. Democrat and Republican swam dwellers.
  20. I don't think it takes much imagination to see that Robert Plant was very feminine in his actions, his clothes, and the way he sang.
  21. when I was younger I was convinced that Plant was bi curious by the way he acted and dressed. I recall John Lennon making fun of Mick Jagger's way of dancing and calling him a "f*g" which was ironic because John Lennon had experimented with having sex with other men. i dont know if Plant ever did anything like that, but his on stage persona was clearly metro sexual to use a more modern word for it
  22. watching the news and seeing people across the ocean look like idiots
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