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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Who cares because they are very creepy and weird
  2. The news said Apple is bringing back to the USA 20,000 jobs thanks to the current president. I got a very nice raise in December and another one is coming in a few months. The company had frozen raises for several years when Obama was President. My neighbor said she got a raise too, but I dont count hers because it was a minimum wage increase which is really just more like a welfare raise anyway.
  3. I think Plant and David Lee Roth both liked appealing to both boys and girls, and we know Bowie did for sure.
  4. Can I ask you a question Strider. Now that the facts are in about HRC does that not matter to you? The best candidate with the best message won, it is simple as that. There could have been many better candidates, but they didn't win. BTW you didnt answer my question before. Did you not get a raise and a bonus this year?
  5. Strider. Im very sorry for your friends with cancer, everybody knows people who have died of this terrible disease, I will keep them in my prayers. But my opinion on pot heads goes back long before I ever even heard about the man you hate. Im old enough to remember all the high school losers hopped up on drugs. I alwasy thought the ones from rich familes were the biggest losers because they had so much already going for them to waste their lives. I grew up pretty poor and really still am that by many standards but I wouldnt waste a nickel on something as expensive as drugs. When I have a little extra I try to share my money with others in need insted of just going out and wasting it on drugs which is just selfish. Correct me if Im wrong but isn't the guy you hate not accepting a salary? And didnt the other guy before play golf too in Hawaii? And didnt his wife take her mother on expensive vacations too? And talk about sham marraiges didn't the one who lost last time married to the guy who used to be in office have a sham real sham marriage? I think it sad that you think Im the person to talk down to Strider, I thought we were always friendly to each other but I guess that only went so far as when I voted the way you approve. Now that I have a different opinion I guess I have no value to you but I can take it. I just hope Im not debating with you when you are high because then we wouldnt be having an honest conversation.
  6. and still they prance around spending tax payers money acting like they are kings and queens because they deserve it.
  7. I dont know if you are angry or not but you are the one who decided to make it personal Strider. Not sure how old you are but I think you are old enough to know how to act like a man by now. Im sorry you have friends with cancer who smoke pot. Maybe the smoking is what caused it in the first place. If pot smoking is legal where you live why do you care what my opinion is anyway. Smoke away, but its still using dope.
  8. I dont use drugs of any kind. Drugs are for losers even pot. I dont even think the guy you seem to hate so much drinks alcohol. The only evidence is he is doing a great job. The economy is at record highs, people are back to work, many people getting raises and bonuses. Didn't you get a bonus strider, is that why you are so angry? Dont talk about me strider if you cant talk nice. You dont know me, and you shouldnt judge me. I supported the same guy you voted for last time because I had high hopes for him, but he did nothing but divide people, make excuses and make us less safe. Maybe you need to open you eyes and you mind too Strider.
  9. I havent checked because i keep that area very neat
  10. I dont think the men are ever really at risk in the military. When was the last time one died in a war in the last 500 years? Most probably died of shame for all of the crimes.
  11. It is really cool isnt it? Reminds me of a movie poster from the '70s.
  12. I felt old yesterday eating at a diner because I hated the music that was playing. I think you are old when young people start to really annoy you.
  13. was it really a sock? but I always wondered about the reason he liked to wear feminine clothing? in some ways he seemed to be appealing sexually to both men and women at the same time it with the images he was projecting. Not claiming that was his intention, but something I always noticed
  14. ^^^ but texas is the south not the midwest
  15. kipper


    maybe time exists in another dimension beyond our existence? Maybe time is only a temporary construct for us right now? Maybe trying to put our limits on what you call a construct do not apply? i just think you are limited only by a perception is how I was taught. If aliens came to earth their first impression might be that dogs were in charge because humans are the ones who pick up the dog poop.
  16. Do the palace dwellers even have a button? I thought they just spent all of their time playing polo and visiting their castles and stuff. arent the palace dwellers just about like our kardashian family but supported by tax payers? kind of a joke if you ask me
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