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Everything posted by kipper

  1. people tell me I look like slightly chubby version of Burt Lancaster
  2. I agree Steve, people knew opiods were addictive when they took them. In this country our epidemic is people who are not being responsible for thier own choices
  3. So then people were forced to abuse drugs ipman, is that what you are saying? people make choices, many of them are bad choices.
  4. I didnt know that is what they believe. I see families at one local cemetery drinking beer and sitting around in lawn chairs having a picnic and think they should have just buried the guy in a parking lot between a KFC and liquour store if that is what the guy was in to.
  5. I think I would like the cremated thing and my ashes mixed into the monkey food at the zoo. Weird huh? I have no special reverence for being buried and wasting money you should spend while you are living.
  6. Anyone older than the 3rd grade knows opiates are adictive. If your doctor told you to take drain cleaner you wouldnt do it would you?
  7. this legal pot thing is going to backfire on some of these states. it saaid on the news that Colorado is now full of hippie type homeless people high on drugs and causing problems.
  8. what is the deal with all of the roadside and sidewalk memorials these days? From my apartment to my bus stop there are at least 4 memorial one of which has been there for what looks like years with fake flowers and and old candles. Isnt the cemetery the proper place for these things?
  9. I have never seen anyone who used pot that didnt try other stuff too. opiods are not a epidemic, they are people who took them and should have known better.
  10. pot is a gateway drug and that scares me about these new laws
  11. thanks for the info Steve, I guess I fell for the media spin on it. But what is certain is he was resisting the police for no good reason and that part is on him.
  12. just because 1 in 5 can do something doesnt mean they will. Pot smoking seemed cool a long time ago and I understand people with cancer using it for pain. But alot of pot smokers are going too far with recreation. Nobody should be driving a car if they smoked pot.
  13. I see people resist arrest all the time, especially people who are taken off the bus for crimes they attempt on the bus and its very scary. but I see people who resist all have the same mindset that they dont have to follow rules and do what they are asked not to do. Resisting is really stupid and it always ends up in a fight and more cops coming and people being forced to the ground it is really scary but it never happens to people who just do what they are told to do. Selling illegal cigarettes is not a major crime but it is a crime and the police get called to enforce crimes. Eric Garner died becuase he decided to fight the police and it went bad. they didnt want to kill him or they would have shot him, but he ended up choked because he was being violent. Its sad and I hope he is resting in peace, but he should not have resisted arrest. If he hadn't then this would be different. Now his daughter is dead to and I cant help but think part of what killed her was heart so filled with hate. I hope she too rests in peace, but making other people hate too will only get more people killed and I wish people understood that.
  14. I just ate half a pumpkin pie and I feel very guilty for doing it
  15. I never said a father is more valuable than somebody who isnt Ipman. I just feel horrible for the family and that police officers young children whos father was killed by a irrisponsible person on christmas is all was saying. I dont have children, and if I die there wont be little ones who would be depending on me, so yes, I think a parent dying and leaving behind children would be worse than me dying. And I value all human life, and I mean all, even the unborn. I really dont want to fight with you ipman, sorry I brought it up.
  16. I remember her, she is the one that told the white mayor of new york city who has a black wive that just because he like black p***y does not mean he likes black people. sad to hear she died, but I cant condone that kind of racist thinking. I never understand why some activists use race to divide us this way, but i hope she rests in peace. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/erica-garner-rep-requests-black-reporters-contact-family-article-1.3727878
  17. I never said a cop's life was more important than the life of a pot head. I just thought it sad that a young father was killed while doing his job by a loser pot head. if the man killed had been a logger killed by a pot head it would still be sad to me. if a pot head was killed by a cop high on pot then that would be sad too.
  18. Ipman, there were two officers in the car, one was killed and the other one injured. the one who was killed has a wife and small children. The man who caused the accident was drinking and smoking pot. had you been killed by someone high on pot or even high and drinking, would this be any less of a tradgedy? A dead cop on Christmas just because some people think smoking dope is cool. Sad story to me and I fear for other people out there on the roads, and I'm glad I ride the bus where I see plenty of dope heads- at least not driving.
  19. when I was a kid I saw two adults doing it on a public bus with at least 20 other people on the bus.
  20. Ipman, at least I know right from wrong. you may want to check your compass.
  21. about 7 years ago i woke up to a strange smell in my apartment. went to the living room and there was a homeless man sleeping on the sofa. It scared the holly hell out of me and I called the police. The police said he climbed in through the kitchen window and had been arrested for the same thing before
  22. Im glad you would still find the man guilty of something but you are continuing to blame the prosecutor for the evil deeds this man did. This man was a problem waiting to happen. he refused to obey laws and it is a fact that the gun was stolen. He didn't buy the gun, and i don't believe somebody else stole the gun from a cops car and then just magically put it on that pier, crooks don't do that. This man was not a peaceful person, he stole a gun and then found the time and place to use it. Shooting at sea lions my ass. He showed no concern for people or laws and he killed a innocent woman. You excused his crimes as being no violent, but entering this country illegally is a crime too and if that one thing had been enforced, or the city of San francisco had followed the federal laws then this woman would still be alive today.
  23. I will be home watching movies with a friend where it will be safe. I hope everyone has a safe new years.
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