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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. Who doesn't like the songs 'Panama' or 'Dance the night away'? Me.
  2. Ok thanks man! Like I told apantherinmd a couple pages back in this thread, its kind of overwhelming the amount of outtakes and stuff, hard to know where to start. I'll check that one out!
  3. Just heard this one for the first time, pretty cool to hear it as an acoustic blues.
  4. Still looking for the Robert Plant interview on Whistle Test with Mark Ellen and David Hepworth. Is this it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_wtkJ8j1Uc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll3osZF_b9I I think the old timers could answer your other questions, I was still a twinkle in my Dad's eye when they were active!
  5. I think I can answer a few of these! Was John Paul Jones wearing a wig in the TSRTS? Yes. Subsequent filming and release[edit] Dissatisfied with the progress of the film, Grant had Massot removed from the project and Australian director Peter Clifton was hired in his place in early 1974. Massot was offered a few thousand pounds in compensation. Peter Grant later sent someone to Massot's house to collect the film. However, Massot had hidden the film elsewhere and so instead an expensive editing machine owned by Massot was taken as collateral. Massot served a writ, leading to a period of stalemate which was finally broken when Grant and Led Zeppelin's lawyer Steve Weiss agreed to pay Massot the money he was owed, after which he delivered the film to the band. Massot was not invited to attend the premiere of the film at New York but he attended anyway, buying a ticket from a scalper outside the theatre.[3] Clifton, realising that there were crucial holes in the concert footage, suggested that the entire show be recreated at Shepperton Studios in August 1974, on a mock-up of the Madison Square Garden stage. Close-ups and distance footage of the band members could then be slipped into the live sequences, which made up the bulk of the concert footage seen in the film. When it was agreed that the band would meet at Shepperton Studios for filming, Jones had recently had his hair cut short, so he had to wear a wig.[3][6] Robert Plant's teeth had also been fixed between the 1973 and 1974 filmings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Song_Remains_the_Same_(film)#Subsequent_filming_and_release
  6. ^ Yea that's a pretty big stretch. So riding a horse is drug innuendo now?
  7. It's Christmas time in Hollis Queens Mom's cooking chicken and collard greens Rice and stuffing, macaroni and cheese And Santa put gifts under Christmas trees Decorate the house with lights at night Snow's on the ground, snow white so bright In the fireplace is the yule log Beneath the mistle toe as we drink egg nog The rhymes you hear are the rhymes of Darryl's But each and every year we bust Chrsitmas carrols
  8. ^That reminds me, how could we forget this one!
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9FcYKFGnh8
  10. Maybe Syd Barrett inspired him to get a Danelectro? I mean he also had the mirrored Tele, clearly a nod to Syd's Esquire.
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